[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo


It doesn't matter if it's still spinning or not. Whether it's reality or not is up to you. What matters is that he doesn't care, he's reunited with his kids, and he has let go of his guilt for Mal's death.
And that's fine, I accept that after giving it some thought. It's just...well...

...it's the goddamn Total Recall ending all over again. It'll be that little nagging voice in the back of my head, wondering which way it went. Ditto for Pan's Labyrinth and whether it all happened or if the fantastical stuff was all in her head.

It doesn't matter if it's still spinning or not. Whether it's reality or not is up to you. What matters is that he doesn't care, he's reunited with his kids, and he has let go of his guilt for Mal's death.
And that's fine, I accept that after giving it some thought. It's just...well...

...it's the goddamn Total Recall ending all over again. It'll be that little nagging voice in the back of my head, wondering which way it went. Ditto for Pan's Labyrinth and whether it all happened or if the fantastical stuff was all in her head.

Saw this on Saturday. What a great movie.

And that moment, I'd rather not know. When the screen went black, the audience went "awww!" and then immediately a big laugh went through the theater, followed by applause. It's been a long time since I heard applause at the end of the movie, and never when it wasn't opening weekend.


Just saw Inception... and I have to agree. It's an amazing movie.

I had two thoughts when leaving the theater:

1) I need to buy this as soon as it comes out on DVD
2) If any movie deserves a spin-off series, this one does.
Just saw Inception... and I have to agree. It's an amazing movie.

I had two thoughts when leaving the theater:

1) I need to buy this as soon as it comes out on DVD
2) If any movie deserves a spin-off series, this one does.
While I would enjoy more mindfuck adventures, I A) am not sure the concept has enough longevity to warrant a series, and B) don't want to cheapen the film.

Just finished Zorba the Greek. It was interesting, because I was watching it with the preconceived notion (from an article which I had read recently) that I should view Zorba as a man to be emulated. His unhindered, wild-man spirit is something to be admired, the article claimed. We are, all of us, sometimes just too much like Basil, the boring English writer who takes few risks.

In the end I think the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle, which is where I think the film meant for me to go. Basil could do with a bit of Zorba's madness, but perhaps Zorba could benefit from some of Basil's restraint.

Also not sure what to take from the various Cretan characters in the movie. 98% of them were hateful.
Also saw Inception this week and as pretty much anyone I've spoken to, I loved it. I liked the ending and I hope they leave it at that, no spinoff, no series. Keep it fresh and move on to better and newer things.
Saw inception. Very, very good. Felt like it lacked a bit in character development, but it made up for it in the incredible concepts and the continues raising of the stakes and danger in an intelligent way.



It doesn't matter if it's still spinning or not. Whether it's reality or not is up to you. What matters is that he doesn't care, he's reunited with his kids, and he has let go of his guilt for Mal's death.
I'd say that's mostly true, but if it really doesn't matter, then what would be the point of DiCaprio's speech about his subconscious version of Mal only being a shadow of her real self, and wanting to live in reality?

Saw inception. Very, very good. Felt like it lacked a bit in character development, but it made up for it in the incredible concepts and the continues raising of the stakes and danger in an intelligent way.
Well, I'd say there was a good amount of character development with DiCaprio's character. No one else had any development though, so I can see where you're coming from.


Watched "Batman: Under the Red Hood" last night. I thought it was a very good movie even though the usual voice actors for the characters weren't used.
Saw inception. Very, very good. Felt like it lacked a bit in character development, but it made up for it in the incredible concepts and the continues raising of the stakes and danger in an intelligent way.
Well, I'd say there was a good amount of character development with DiCaprio's character. No one else had any development though, so I can see where you're coming from.
I don't think so, Nolan relied upon you "getting" that he was a tortured character and merely gave you some basic "and here's why he's tortured sad bad terrible" scenes to make sure you got it. I'm not saying thats bad. There is something quite wonderful when a good director can just give you a character and you "get" them without having to spend an hour understanding them, but it's not really very much character development. Again, in no way does that make it less of a great movie.
saw shutter island for the 1st time 2 days ago.

saw the twist coming from 10 miles away but still i found it to be a very good movie

I'm really late to seeing this, since my total disgust of Millar's comic work turned me away from getting excited or even wanting to see this. Wanted was one of the worst pieces of crap I'd ever read and from what I'd seen of Kick-Ass, it was even worse.

That said? Wanted the movie was LEAGUES better; partly because they ignore most of the comic except for the first couple of pages and go off in their own direction.

Kick-Ass? HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS AWESOME! Seriously, I 100% regret not seeing this sooner.
That's pretty hypocritical, because other than dumbing the story down some (yeah, the movie is a dumbed down from the comic) and the removal of one of the dumber aspects of the comic (magic fairy powder) they're almost the same.
Eh, I don't think I'd agree with that, entirely. From what I recall of the comic (haven't looked at it in ages), it was a lot gorier. Sure, the movie is bloody and violent, but nowhere near as bad as the comic was. Plus, the ending is much brighter and the resoluation between him and the girl is much nicer. Overall, it's nowhere near as cynical as the comic was, most especially in the end.

Plus, come on, you had Nicholas Cage doing his best Adam West as Batman impression. That alone makes the movie vastly superior.

Though, admittedly, the changes they made in this compared to Wanted are very different. Wanted, the movie, was basically the first couple of pages of the comic and then kind of split into its own thing. Kick-Ass follows closer to the comic, but as I said, is a hell of a lot less cynical.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid

It was among the releases for this Tuesday, so I nabbed it from work since I'm a sucker for kids movies. And it was...pretty fun. It got a lot of chuckles out of me and even a few good, hearty laughs. Charming movie, but nothing spectaculary. I'll definitely be recommending it to families when it comes out.


After Life.

Interesting movie, I didn't expect it to keep me interested but it managed to do it. It stars Christina Ricci as a woman who is in a car crash and wakes up in a funeral parlor where an undertaker that appears to be able to talk to the dead played by Liam Neeson is trying to make her accept that she is dead.
After Life.

Interesting movie, I didn't expect it to keep me interested but it managed to do it. It stars Christina Ricci as a woman who is in a car crash and wakes up in a funeral parlor where an undertaker that appears to be able to talk to the dead played by Liam Neeson is trying to make her accept that she is dead.
I think I'm gonna watch that this week... I got it sitting here...
I adore Casablanca. What an awesome movie. It's a shame so much of it has become cliche and thus skews enjoyment for some people, but they never kill Shakespeare for me and I didn't let it kill Casablanca either.
Also I saw The Other Guys today. It was really really funny. There were definitely some misfires, but more jokes were big hits.
I'm interested in the movie, but intrinsically afraid of anything starring Will Ferrel. Should I run a) for the hills or b) to my local multiplex?
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Charlie thinks The Other Guys is better than Casablanca; film historians throw tomatoes at him! Get the scoop in the Halforums Herald!


Recently saw Inception with the wife, we really enjoyed it, I miss read the time and ended up showing up an hour earlier than when it was showing, so we just went to the IMAX version (4$ more per ticket, but it was only weekday price so it kinda evened out). We both really enjoyed it, really requires constant attention and if you miss a little it can be hard to piece together what is happening, but overall fun.

Also recently re watched Back To the Future, gotta say that movie still has all the charm it did when I watched it as a kid, though it still had been out for a while.

Lastly a question, under what conditions would you pay to watch an IMAX movie, action based? Would you bother with movies that don't get the full effect? etc etc.