[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

I really was dissapointed in Napoleon Dynamite the first time I watched it. When it was over I was like "Really? This is what all the fuss is about?".

Then I watched it a second time, don't know why, but I wanted to.

It was the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time, and I loved every minute of it. No idea why.
Saw MacGruber the other day and didn't really hate it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't good either, but it had some funny bits to mix with the stinkers. I think a lot of the comedy came from the way it was edited.
Fun Size actually saw movies!

Julia and Julie: Amusing if not trite. Best part of the movie was seeing a film where people in married relationships actually love and support each other, which it seems I don't see much of.

And three from my sick day yesterday:

Paranormal Activity: Excellent. Watched the original ending first, which I think made all the difference, but when I saw the theatrical ending I don't think it sucked quite as bad as everyone said.

District 9: Every bit as good as you guys led me to believe it would be.

Repo: The Genetic Opera: Good in places, painfully bad in others. Appealed to the side of me that loves gory B-Movies. Appealed to the side of me that loves musicals. Plus: Anthony Stewart Head and Sarah Brightman were brilliant. Oddly, this is the one of the three I kept thinking of later that day.
ooh! I saw some movies in theater!

Dogtooth: I'm not sure how to describe this movie, but it was very good and very different from almost all movies. Very disturbing and challenging and something I'm going to think about for a while.

Winter's Bone: Really great noir type mystery movie set in rural Missouri. Amazingly well shot, great cinematography, and I would support acting nominations for Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes.

The Kids Are All Right: Pretty solid movie too. I kind of felt like something was missing though, and it didn't go far enough in a couple respects. But I can't really put my finger on it. Julianne Moore is really great, though.
Black Dynomite was amazing. It had a really good boom mic gag and it really captured the sillyness of blacksploitation movies in general.

The only criticism I can really give it is that some of the "mistakes in editing" jokes were unnecessary.

My favorite lines were:

Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrification is only outmatched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!


Sholanda: My momma said my daddy's name was Black Dynamite.
Brickwilla: So did my momma!
Black Dynamite: Err, uhh, hush up little girls. A lot of cats have that name.

Philosopher B.

The Apartment (1960)

I KNOW I've seen bits of this movie before. I dunno if my sister had it on one time or what, but it was fantastic to see the whole thing.

It had a very slow, almost stuffy atmosphere, which worked well with the stifling situation C.C. Baxter (played to perfection by the awesometastic Jack Lemmon) found himself in. I absolutely loved the visual of endless rows of people in an office building stretching behind Lemmon in one scene, and a similarly endless row of benches in the park when he is forced to stay out of his apartment.

The only people who really mattered to Baxter in this vast, impersonal world were the bosses he had to please to achieve early promotion, and the girl who worked the elevators; thus, when these factions got mixed up, he had to choose between the two. Sprinkled in, of course, were the amusing interactions between Baxter and his rebuking doctor friend from the same building.

I also liked the little continuity bits, with objects such as the tissues, the razor, etc. The screenplay felt reserved yet carefully and cleverly crafted.

Billy Wilder was kind of a fucking genius.
Big Trouble in Little China: Been meaning to watch this for years, since I love The Thing and Escape from New York is pretty good too. This was enjoyably silly and at times creepy. Normally I criticize a movie for feeling like it's rushing from scene to scene, but it seemed to work here for the breezy pace the movie set. I liked it.
Tried to watch 50 Dead Men Walking, turned it off because the actors are so Irish that I could only understand 25% of what they were saying (Netflix Streaming, so no subs). I may give it another try later when I'm more alert.
Watched Easy A with my wife last night. It is a fluffy high school comedy with some decently funny part. If you can forgive the fact that the high school is filled with gorgeous 20 somethings, then it is a good time. My wife couldn't suspend her disbelief and was probably rolling her eyes the entire time.
Incredible. Every performance was just so intense! I have got to get my own copy of this. After first watching it, I decided I liked it even better than the Godfather and would proclaim this as the best movie about organized crime I have ever seen.

The Godfather
A combination of my Mafia History class, and seeing Goodfellas for the first time made me want to go and watch the Godfather again. It should go without saying, but DAMN its a fantastic movie and everyone should see it. I rethought my opinion of Goodfellas a bit. The Godfather is still the best.

Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Along with X-Men and LOTR: FOTR, this is now one of only three movie I have gone to see in theatres twice. And as much as I loved it the first time, I actually enjoyed it SO MUCH MORE the second time. Perhaps because of all the interviews with Edgar Wright I've been exposing myself to, or perhaps just because of my initial expectations, who knows, but on second viewing, I thought Ramona seemed less like a Bitch and more like her comic self, their romance seemed more believable, and the fluctuating pace of the movie didn't seem a problem anymore.


Survival of the Dead - Oh how the mighty have fallen. What happened to you Romero?

Philosopher B.

A Life Less Ordinary

Seen it before. I liked it even more this time around. The angels were a riot.

Lilies of the Field (1963)

Homer Smith, a black odd-jobsman, teaches East German nuns in Arizona English and helps them build a chapel.

'Twas a fairly simple picture, but honestly, Sidney Poitier is just a joy to watch. Plus the scenes between him and the main nun were very effective. Though both came from totally different backgrounds and had vastly different views about how the world worked, both were strong-willed individuals whose stubbornness contributed in the end to something positive that got people working together.

Incredible. Every performance was just so intense! I have got to get my own copy of this. After first watching it, I decided I liked it even better than the Godfather and would proclaim this as the best movie about organized crime I have ever seen.
This is very high on my list of Movies I Really Effing Badly Need To Get Around to Watching.
The Town was great even though every now and again I though "fuck you Ben Affleck for making your own Oscar worthy movie instead of just being a good enough guy to land one" but then I immediately would think "well, shit this is pretty kick ass. Oh well. This will make up for either paycheck or daredevil. You pick."

Jon Hamm does not look good as a man not wearing a suit.

Fuck did he have a name? I don't remember his name ever being said. He was just the FBI guy I think.

Fuck you Ben Affleck.

Shit but I did really like it.


Staff member
I watched Star Trek The Motion Picture, The Wrath of Kahn and The Search for Spock. I'd never seen any of them the whole way through before. I'm still not sure about the first one, I might have drifted off for a while and missed some. The other two were enjoyable though. I'm looking forward to the next few as well, since a friend loaned me a box set of the movies. None of the TNG movies, but I think I've seen all of those anyway.

Philosopher B.

Oh sheet, yo, I envy y'all; Voyage Home is the bomb diggity. We watched that shit a thousand times in my house growing up.


Staff member
Oh sheet, yo, I envy y'all; Voyage Home is the bomb diggity. We watched that shit a thousand times in my house growing up.
Actually, The Voyage Home is the only one of the films I have seen all the way through. I am looking forward to re-watching it though. So much more context.
Snow Queen: The Hallmark version. Firstly, this didn't need to be 3 hours long. Second, I'm amazed at how disjointed its halves are. The first half is well-written and well-acted, but incredibly boring, while the second half is interestingly fantastical, but the writing and acting are utter shit. When I hear lines that I'd expect to overhear from my 8-year-old cousin as he makes his action figures talk to each other, you've sunk beneath all redemption, and so I stopped watching around 2:15 mark, and stopped caring well before that. I'm wondering whether the first half was written by one person and the second half written by another, or whether it was just one writer in a comfort zone for the first half, who then had no idea how to write anything outside of boring small town drama and fucked up the fantasy part.

This is based on the Hans Christian Anderson story (loosely), but making the Snow Queen desire the mirror, having been kidnapping more boys than only Kai, and also makes the two main characters into adults, and there's supposedly some dark seduction subplot here, except it's really just enchantment over people's feelings, so it comes off as forced.

There's a 1 hour BBC version of the story that, while cheating in more regards plotwise, is much more enjoyable to watch.
Young Frankenstein

Storywise, its probably Mel Brooks' best, but still I maintain that Blazing Saddles is his funniest.
I think that the fact that with Young Frankenstein he was parodying one film, while with nearly all his other films, he was creating a pastiche (heck, even Robin Hood Men in Tights had a Godfather sequence), meant that his focus was much more narrowed, which kept the story fairly straightforward and allowed him to make it more clear, but this same focus meant that the comedy couldn't just bounce off the walls, pulling jokes from thin air.
I definitely enjoyed it. Gene Wilder was awesome as always, but I think Igor stole the scene anytime he was on screen.
Frau Blücher!

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 PM ----------

The Apartment (1960)


Billy Wilder was kind of a fucking genius.
Quite. The movie caught me when I first saw it when Jack Lemon was working with the Punch Cards.

If you have not seen Some Like it Hot fix that deficiency STAT. It is quite funny, and most critics place it as the funniest ever. Basically Billy Wilder at his best.
The Social Network is a fucking masterpiece. If you don't watch it because "unnhhh I don't like Facebook and don't want to watch a facebook mooooooovie", you're a dolt.


Staff member
I saw Justice Leage: Crisis on Two Earths a couple days ago. It was enjoyable, but not really great. The dialogue isn't very well written, especially when Owlman is explaining his motivations. It rambles a lot, and most of the time the characters don't explain themselves very well.

Philosopher B.

The Quick and the Dead

Much better than I expected. Movie audiences at the time sucked a boney. I thought it was great fun. Raimi knows his shit. The only thing that put me off a little bit was Sharon Stone at first, but I kinda saw her low-key performance towards the end as reflecting how dead inside she felt. Helluva cast, at any rate. Yay for Lance Henriksen.

Blowup (1966)

Fucking fascinating. That ending was tops. Would watch again.

If you have not seen Some Like it Hot fix that deficiency STAT. It is quite funny, and most critics place it as the funniest ever. Basically Billy Wilder at his best.
Oh, man, I have seen that movie so many times it's ridiculous. It basically has one of my favorite endings ever. :D
Mega-Shark vs Giant Octopus streaming on Netflix.

They forgot a vital component in the making of this movie: Money to make it good.
Finally saw Iron man 2, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Quick and the Dead

Much better than I expected. Movie audiences at the time sucked a boney. I thought it was great fun. Raimi knows his shit. The only thing that put me off a little bit was Sharon Stone at first, but I kinda saw her low-key performance towards the end as reflecting how dead inside she felt. Helluva cast, at any rate. Yay for Lance Henriksen.
I am the high lord of suspending one's disbelief, but the movie ended with
someone seeing sunlight through a bullet hole, as if the man who had been shot did not bleed from said hole in his chest
. This was possible the silliest thing I ever saw in a film, and pretty much ruined it for me.
Finally saw Iron man 2, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Quick and the Dead

Much better than I expected. Movie audiences at the time sucked a boney. I thought it was great fun. Raimi knows his shit. The only thing that put me off a little bit was Sharon Stone at first, but I kinda saw her low-key performance towards the end as reflecting how dead inside she felt. Helluva cast, at any rate. Yay for Lance Henriksen.
I am the high lord of suspending one's disbelief, but the movie ended with
someone seeing sunlight through a bullet hole, as if the man who had been shot did not bleed from said hole in his chest
. This was possible the silliest thing I ever saw in a film, and pretty much ruined it for me.
But that was classic Sam Rami.
I had never seen Firefly or Serenity, and everyone always told me I needed to see it, but I refused to watch it online, being as I heard so many great things about it, I wanted to see it high quality. A friend finally lent me the series and the movie and I devoured them in two days. A fantastic show. But this is about the movie. The movie is also great, although it has a distinctly different feeling from the show, and its disappointing that they couldn't wrap up every side plot point.
The Producers
I'd only ever seen the musical remake with Nathan Lane and Mathew Broderick. I never saw the original Mel Brooks directed version, and I'm pretty sure that after I finally saw Young Frankenstein, this was the last Mel Brooks directed movie I hadn't seen. I have to say, I preferred the musical one. Although I'm sure that's just because I saw the musical remake first, and so couldn't help but to expect the songs, since most of the dialogue is unchanged between the two.

Dark Knight
Do I really need to say anything?

Thank You For Smoking
Not the first time I watched this movie, and it sure as hell won't be the last.

You guys were right. Firefly kicks ass.

I'm still trying to figure out what it is that made the Zuckers so funny back then, and what it is that makes their new films so awful. I love Airplane!
Resident Evil: Afterlife. The only good scenes were the ones with Wesker or the Executioner. Everything else sucked. Seeing Wesker beat the Mary Sue out of Alice in the first 10 minutes of the movie made the entire damn thing worth it, though.