[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Doing zombie makeup for my friends on Saturday got me excited for the Toronto Zombie Walk, so I decided to have a marathon yesterday whilst I worked on new storyboard panels for my leica.

Night of the Living Dead
Man, every time I go back and rewatch this, it manages to surprise me. "Oh yeah! Its really good! I forgot!". Its always surprising how creepy it is despite its age and budget.

Dawn of the Dead
Most would say this is the best of Romero's original trilogy, I would disagree. Its the funniest though. You have to love zombies falling on ice and getting pies to the face.

Day of the Dead
I think this is the best of the Romero movies. Or most enjoyable anyway. Its kind of more of an action flick than the previous two, but I think it delivers some of the best performances from Romero's cast, and combines the horror, action, comedy and social commentary in a more balanced way.

Land of the Dead
Ugh. I had actually planned on watching Diary of the Dead afterwards, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I can't watch two movies this bad in a row. So I ended my marathon here and watched

I Love You, Man

A demonic turkey stalks and murders nubile young coeds in a plot to....not sure. Stars a hand-puppet cursing turkey. Budget: $3500.

Highlight: Turkey rapes girl, kills her and then says "You just got stuffed!"
Today I watched:

The Dark Crystal Henson at his best. Love the story, the Muppets and the feel of the entire movie. Watched it because of the talk about doing Dark Crystal 2 in the near future.

Excalibur, it's got to be my favorite version of the legend ever put to film. Just decided to re-watch today for no real reason.

How to Train Your Dragon, just picked this up on dvd over the weekend and enjoyed it. Feel like they really left it open to make sequels, and not sure that it needs it.

Yeah, I'm off work for a couple of days, have to use up my last 5 days of vacation on the year. So I'm watching some movies on my 42 inch plasma.
Watched Splice and I want my two hours back. Seriously, you know a horror movie is bad if the scariest scene in it is one where Adrian Brody has sex.
Jackass 3 is great, but they do more gross things this time which is harder to watch. I almost dry heaved at one point. I kind of regret not seeing it in 3d but it far from ruined it for me. It was more that I haven't seen any of these new movies in 3D and thought this would be a good one to try but decided against the cost at the last minute.

Boys in the hood was on the other night and I rewatched some of that. I just don't know how I feel about it. It's pretty good and can be kind of powerful at times, but then you've got other parts where Laurence Fishburn's character is just soapboxing about white conspiricies which is a bit off putting but maybe it's suppose to be? I just don't really know.

Then there was neon city on last night as well. Holy shit this movie sucked. A lady shot out a window and hit a guy on the roof of the bus, there was this house with an indoor pool scene where everything was covered in smoke for
No real reason and the bounty hunter feel in love with his bounty for no real reason.

Wacky movie, I tells ya.
I saw 2012. It's what I've come to expect from the same people who did Independence Day, Godzilla, and the Day After Tomorrow. A bunch of landmarks get destroyed, there's always some kid who is bitter about his parents' divorce, and dogs (even annoying rat dogs) are pretty much invincible. I am putting this film in the "meh" category.

Philosopher B.

Land of the Dead
Ugh. I had actually planned on watching Diary of the Dead afterwards, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I can't watch two movies this bad in a row.
Man, so many people hate that one. I admit it could've been longer/fleshed the main characters out more. Still, you were right to end the marathon there. Diary is pretty forgettable. In fact, I can barely remember what the hell went on in it aside from a sweet zombie kill by an Amish dude.

Anyhoo, this is the last bunch of movies I watched:

The Long Kiss Goodnight

I thought this was a tightly-written action comedy with a superb pairing in Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson, with some slightly touching moments here and there. I was surprised to look it up and find out that it didn't fare particularly well at the box office at the time.


I have mixed feelings on this, honestly. On the one hand, I think it was a fairly well-shot, well-acted movie (the actress who portrayed Esther was impressive!). On the other hand, I felt as though the film spent a little too much time following around the antagonist to feel truly scary, and ended up more creepy. The only person I really rooted for was the near-deaf girl.

I dunno. Maybe I would've enjoyed it more if I hadn't known the 'twist' going in, but then again, maybe I wouldn't have. At any rate, I won't be re-watching this any time soon, and that probably says something about my impression overall.


I was in a very stressful mood at the time while watching this, owing to having totaled my car and flipping it on its roof the day before, but I think this was a pretty good movie. Holly Hunter was superb, plus the score just about made me shit my pants.

Working Girl

Mike Nichols is the man. This movie was very well contructed and acted (there was a lot of great use of power angles, I noticed). My only beef ... THE HAIR! Jesus Christ, how did people survive the 80s?!

A League of Their Own

It's been a LONG time since I last saw this movie. 'Twas still awesome, although amusingly, there were a lot of people I didn't remember being in the film (Don S. Davis, Bitty Schram, etc.). Apparently, there is still no crying in baseball, and that one dude still looks like a penis in a hat.

---------- Post added at 08:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

Finally saw Iron man 2, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

The Quick and the Dead

Much better than I expected. Movie audiences at the time sucked a boney. I thought it was great fun. Raimi knows his shit. The only thing that put me off a little bit was Sharon Stone at first, but I kinda saw her low-key performance towards the end as reflecting how dead inside she felt. Helluva cast, at any rate. Yay for Lance Henriksen.
I am the high lord of suspending one's disbelief, but the movie ended with
someone seeing sunlight through a bullet hole, as if the man who had been shot did not bleed from said hole in his chest
. This was possible the silliest thing I ever saw in a film, and pretty much ruined it for me.
But that was classic Sam Rami.[/QUOTE]

It was also my favorite part :( ...


Staff member
Hot Tub Time Machine... It was pretty much exactly what I expected. Not horrible. A good diversion, anyway. And Chevy Chase's part made me laugh.
Sherlock: A Study in Pink BBC's 21st Century Holmes tale. MY GOD it was fantastic. It had the sense of fun in Sherlock that I get from reading the books. Also they treat Watson with a level up of bad-assery.
Well Hun, it is like the movies about Paris, Dallas and Pasadena Texas where they have mountains in the background. The flattest places on Earth with Mountains!
I just saw The Other Guys at the dollar theater. Holy crap was it funny. It's incredibly random and there's not really much of a plot I guess but it's all just great.

Over the past while I've been on some kinda hipster movie kick. Like your typical sorta-nerdy-guy-meets-free-spirited-cute-girl movie. I tend to love and hate them at the same time which I figure is a strange phenomenon.

So I've seen:

500 Days of Summer
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

And later today I'll be taking on the big daddy of 'em all, Garden State.

If anyone wants to recommend any more I'll see what I can do. Remember that my goal is to conflict myself with love/hate.

Philosopher B.

Well then don't watch Adventureland 'cause it's simply a good movie. Then again, I would've said the same thing of 500 Days (not yet seen Juno or NNIP, and Garden State bored me a little).

Sherlock: A Study in Pink BBC's 21st Century Holmes tale. MY GOD it was fantastic. It had the sense of fun in Sherlock that I get from reading the books. Also they treat Watson with a level up of bad-assery.
I would like to emphatically endorse this post. The new Sherlock fucking rules. The music alone is made of pure rad. It's just all around fantastic TV.

Philosopher B.


Note: The following review takes into account the movie only; I've not yet heard/seen the musical on which it's based nor 8 1/2.

Why in the fuck did I just watch two hours of Daniel Day-Lewis playing a jagoff falling apart at the seams? Honestly, I was severely bored halfway through. I guess I just didn't care if he got his muse back. I was far more interested in his wife's story. Man, if it wasn't for Marion Cotillard, this thing would've been a complete waste. Her two numbers were more memorable than the rest of the film together. But the ending BLEW.

I'm supposed to believe Guido's wife rushes back in the shadows as soon as he starts production on the film to grin? She's happy for this jagoff? Christ.

Already I can barely remember the musical numbers. All I remember is that Marion Cotillard is a talented, talented lady who played the best character.

Also, the method of cutting between the main narrative in progress and the limbo dance and song numbers felt really awkward at several points. Maybe that's just me, but GATDAMN.

And while Penélope Cruz did a great job, I just felt weird/pervy sitting there watching her slap her ass or whatever. Never have I been so bored or annoyed while T&A is paraded mercilessly across the screen.

Fuck. I dunno, I'm going to go watch YouTube videos of Eden Espinosa for some real entertainment.
Over the past while I've been on some kinda hipster movie kick. Like your typical sorta-nerdy-guy-meets-free-spirited-cute-girl movie. I tend to love and hate them at the same time which I figure is a strange phenomenon.

So I've seen:

500 Days of Summer
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

And later today I'll be taking on the big daddy of 'em all, Garden State.

If anyone wants to recommend any more I'll see what I can do. Remember that my goal is to conflict myself with love/hate.
Annie Hall
When Harry Met Sally
What problems did you have with Garden State?

I drunkenly watched Executive Decision and riffed on it with friends last night, and the only thing I remember is that the hijacked flight was for Oceanic. It's Lost canon.


Staff member
Well first of all I'm not a big fan of Zach Braff. He's one of the big reasons why I stopped watching Scrubs. Also, the ending where
they scream into that big pit

seemed kind of lame. To me, the whole movie felt really boring. I don't know if I was supposed to feel as dead inside as Braff's character after taking all those meds for most of his life... but if so, mission accomplished, movie. I can understand why some people like it, but it just didn't do a thing for me.
I kinda feel the same way.

That movie was just nothing. The best part was when we see Natalie Portman in her underwear for like 12 seconds.
Well first of all I'm not a big fan of Zach Braff. He's one of the big reasons why I stopped watching Scrubs. Also, the ending where
they scream into that big pit

seemed kind of lame. To me, the whole movie felt really boring. I don't know if I was supposed to feel as dead inside as Braff's character after taking all those meds for most of his life... but if so, mission accomplished, movie. I can understand why some people like it, but it just didn't do a thing for me.
Dead inside? I found that movie uplifting and refreshing, not depressing or deadening.
Red Baron

Netflix recommended. I snoozed. Fantastic flying CGI, really, really atrocious acting. And Joseph Fiennes pulling off the strangest Canadian accent I've ever seen.

Also, no Snoopy. WTF? How can you have a movie with Baron von Riechtofen with no Snoopy?


Staff member
Well first of all I'm not a big fan of Zach Braff. He's one of the big reasons why I stopped watching Scrubs. Also, the ending where
they scream into that big pit

seemed kind of lame. To me, the whole movie felt really boring. I don't know if I was supposed to feel as dead inside as Braff's character after taking all those meds for most of his life... but if so, mission accomplished, movie. I can understand why some people like it, but it just didn't do a thing for me.
Dead inside? I found that movie uplifting and refreshing, not depressing or deadening.[/QUOTE]

Well I know that's how they wanted me to feel, but I wasn't feeling it.
Well first of all I'm not a big fan of Zach Braff. He's one of the big reasons why I stopped watching Scrubs. Also, the ending where
they scream into that big pit

seemed kind of lame. To me, the whole movie felt really boring. I don't know if I was supposed to feel as dead inside as Braff's character after taking all those meds for most of his life... but if so, mission accomplished, movie. I can understand why some people like it, but it just didn't do a thing for me.
Dead inside? I found that movie uplifting and refreshing, not depressing or deadening.[/QUOTE]

Well I know that's how they wanted me to feel, but I wasn't feeling it.[/QUOTE]

Ah, okay.

Wolfman (The remake with Anthony Hopkins and Benicio Del Toro)
We drank every time someone said silver or beast, every time someone died on screen and everytime the moon was on screen.

I don't remember most of it. But what I do remember was that it was awful.
In honor of the holiday we watched the Rob Zombie re-imagined Halloween 1 and 2. While they weren't horrible, they certainly weren't the Carpenter versions. Also, knowing that Micheal Myers had a shitty child hood actually takes away from how scary he is. I liked it much better when there was no explanation behind his actions except pure evil. In Rob's versions he's just a serial killer like any other in the real world and doesn't have the boogieman effect. Why he can withstand multiple gunshot wounds without stopping I have no idea, but I know I never wondered about that in the originals because he was pure evil in those.

Philosopher B.


Seriously depressing movie, but I really liked it. Tobey 'HE FOULED ME, TOM' Maguire did not disappoint. The rest of the cast weren't bad, either.


Things I liked:

Christopher Walken (specifically his 'Night of the Living Dead' line), Mickey Rourke, Edgar Ramirez.

Things I didn't like:

The spastic editing/cinematography. What kind of MTV crap is this? This shit might have seemed edgy ... in the 90s. And that annoying 'Heads you live, tails you die' crap ... while I appreciate that it originated with the film's subject herself, it sounded retarded the first time, let alone the multiple occasions on which it was used in the soundtrack. Besides, we KNOW she isn't going to die.

Parts of the plot. Why in the hell would you shoot a man's arm off? So they misheard that they were supposed to 'remove the arm' and not the sleeve - so what? What in the hell could that possibly achieve?! That moment was so idiotic ... all they had to do was drag the guy around intact. If they wanted his mother to realize how serious they were, they could've, I dunno, LOPPED OFF A FINGER and tossed that in. And then they ask the woman whose son's arm they BLEW THE FUCK OFF to make them coffee? Shit, yo. I'd have put rat poison in that shit, fucking forget drugs.

Besides of which, that dude sure took getting his arm blown off pretty well. How the fuck he didn't die from that is quite beyond me. Then again, it's probably not easy to blow a man's arm off in the first place. Of course, I've never tried.

Keira Knightley and the character of Domino herself. What a goddamn whiny brat! Basically she's an obnoxious girl of privilege who wanted a 'little bit of fun' and so ran off to beat people up and give lap dances to fat men.

Technically, I guess Keira Knightley did a good job, because the character was written as obnoxious, and that's certainly how she came across.

Man, screw Harvey Domino. I wanted to see Rourke, Ramirez and Walken team up and blow shit up. And not in a spastically-edited way, dammit!

Philosopher B.

District 9

Fan-fucking-tastic. I feel like a big fucking moron for not seeing this earlier.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

After reading the comics, I decided to finally watch the movie. I had doubts that Michael Cera would make a good Scott, and doubts that the fun of the comics would be properly captured on film.

I was wrong to doubt.

It was fucking awesome. I feel it had some trouble in transitioning between scenes (though I assume this is to mimic the quick transitions in the comic) and of course a lot of stuff had to be cut out, but the feel of it all was perfect. I have no idea why this didn't blow out every box office.