Micheal Jackson - Homicide

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Michael had the same issue that Elvis had. He had so much money and spent so much that leeches were unable to tell them, "No."

And when they did they were let go and replaced with someone who would give them what they wanted.
And oddly enough I still don't care too much.
The worst part of this whole ordeal...
Jackson's going to spend ANOTHER month in every newspaper and magazine.
Meh. Unstable celebrity, drug problems, blah blah blah.

I like the guy's music, but really? It's been over two months now. Give it a rest. He was a musician, not the president.
Okay, to be fair, we are looking at what might have been murder.
And if not murder, accidental manslaughter.
That is a big deal, regardless of what a mockery Jackson had made of his life.
He's got kids who adored him and who now don't have a father. If it's someone's fault, that person has to pay.
Ah, the tried and true "get him a bunch of doctors to each prescribe him a a bit of poison until the overall quantity kills him" trick... someone in the shadowy cabal must have been feeling nostalgic...
Ah, the tried and true "get him a bunch of doctors to each prescribe him a a bit of poison until the overall quantity kills him" trick... someone in the shadowy cabal must have been feeling nostalgic...
Listening to the morning news, it made it sound like it was 'very' negligent homicide. It sounded like he gave him 4 different drugs in multiple doses to get him to sleep, then the propofol when that did not work. Then there was a 40 minute flurry of phone calls before he called 911. If these hold to be true, he will likely lose his license and face 5 years prison.
Seriously, what kind of fucked up individual would you have to be, to need that many drugs just to fall asleep. I mean, it's not like he was Michael Jac.... oh shiiiii :Leyla:
:eek: really? because its been quite a while.
Yeah, they keep putting it off. It was going to be on the 29th, his birthday, but I think that's been postponed. I'm guessing because of the ongoing death inquest.

And the reason I'm paying attention to this is because they're planting him in the cemetery that's on my route to a freeway, so there will be no trips planned that day.


Staff member
...and so, in August 2009, a new set of conspiracy theories sprang up: Who killed Michael Jackson?

I bet Oliver Stone just got a hard-on.
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