So uhh..

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transition period, getting people to switch over, you'll lose some who don't care for the new look and slow accepters
We definitely need to attarct some fresh blood or at least lure back some of the people who have left.
It's been hard for me to get used to the new boards. There's a couple of features I miss (like the shortcut buttons for things like youtube videos). I'm going to keep trying to post as much as before.

Besides, as I said during the podcast- College classes have started or are starting very soon. We're busy!


I'm (sure) that will get fixed once the new version for subsilver comes out


Staff member
I dunno, you say it's slow right now, but shouldn't a transition be when it's busiest?

I kinda feel like this move may have killed us.

I'm still not used to this new place. :(
For a group that is so accustomed to moving from forum to forum, you'd think we'd never gone through this exact same phase......many times.

The stagnation happens for a couple of days, then things return to normal.

Everyone gets comfortable, things are ok for a year or two, then we move, rinse, repeat.

We are nomads on the great sands that are the internet.
For a group that is so accustomed to moving from forum to forum, you'd think we'd never gone through this exact same phase......many times.

The stagnation happens for a couple of days, then things return to normal.

Everyone gets comfortable, things are ok for a year or two, then we move, rinse, repeat.

We are nomads on the great sands that are the internet.
Well, with HP and the original HF I just changed it to look exactly like Image, so it all seemed the same to me.
You think this is slow? You should have seen the first week of Halforum. :rofl:
Funny, I was just oging to post the opposite. The first week of HF was, compared to the userbase, a dozen times more active than this new place. Heck, within a day *someone* had over a hundred posts. There were over 100 posts per user, on average, after a week. Comparatively, this is slow.

Anyway, I, too, will be happy when this place looks more familiar. No, it doesn't all have to look the same, but I just vastly prefer the phpBB feel and look over the vBulletin style. I've never been a part of any vBulletin board for long; all of my long-term memberships are on phpBB boards or self-built boards. Don't ask me why, it's just so. :confused:
As silly as it may seem, yes they do. Tho I think it's mainly guys. :p

They fear change, any change. Seriously, you move one thing in their bedroom and they start freaking out.
Excuse me, but I'll have you know that piece of dirty laundry on the floor was carefully tossed there with EXTREME precision, designed to play its part in the creation of a highly amusing obstacle course in my room, so that my path from my door to my bed would NOT be a straight, boring line, and instead it would be a hazard-filled, nerve-wracking trek in the dark, never knowing if I'll end up stepping on some soiled underpants.

By moving my laundry, you are effectively telling me I'm not allowed to have a soiled underpants mine field in my bedroom. And I'm sorry, my bedroom, my rules. Humph.

(Do we still have the humph smiley?)
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