Eins Zwei Polizei

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Eins Zwei Polizei
Drei Vier Grenadier
Funf Sechs Alte Hex
Sieben Acht Gute Nacht

Ja Ja Ja Was ist los? Was ist das?
Ja Ja Ja Was ist los? Was ist das?

du hast verloren mich

I don't know German - I've been using google translate. Apparently:

I Fixed that for you --> Ich Feste, die für Sie --> I Parties, for you

I thought I was fixing that for you, but in reality I parties for you, and didn't even realize it.

Oh dear :p Americans and the German language don't go together ;). In the new Wolfenstein game, they even had Dutch posters in a German city. tssk tssk


"Ah, Herr Hitler!"
"Was is los? Ich habe keine zeit here umzurstehen."
"Ja, Ich versteh".

I still feel good and have a good time in this thread because my hoffercrafft iis fuull of eels.

On another note: How do I get a youtube video up? I see no option for this in my reply window (advanved).
This thread better not have a concept or I did something wrong.
Somehow it eludes me too but I haven't posted this much for aeons, perhaps I should go on holidays more often, lifts the spirit and gives more time.
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