Hey Dave! Over here Dave!

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You're awesome. :D

(Official Thank-Dave-For-His-Hard-Work-In-The-Forum-Move thread!)

Also, Ameyes is awesome too. As is everyone else who helped us maintain this little corner on the Internet we call home. Sorry I can't list you all by name, sometimes I don't pay as much attention as I should...


Staff member
You're awesome. :D

(Official Thank-Dave-For-His-Hard-Work-In-The-Forum-Move thread!)

Also, Ameyes is awesome too. As is everyone else who helped us maintain this little corner on the Internet we call home. Sorry I can't list you all by name, sometimes I don't pay as much attention as I should...
You're welcome! And I'd like to give a big thanks for Ame for all her help, ZenMonkey (Admin #2), my mods (CajunGal, ElJuski, North_Ranger & Espy) and all of you who didn't bitch too loud and understood why I did what I had to do.


Yes! Thanks for keeping this little place I love to lurk at in shape and healthy.
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