Noooo :( Reading Rainbow Cancelled!

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CD, congrats on reading Dante's Inferno in the original Italian while you were breast-feeding and all, but take your head out of your ass and realize that you were not the target audience for the show.

Neither was I as I was 10 when it started and preferred reading to TV in the first place. So I don't have any personal nostalgia attached to it. But as a teacher and especially as one of partly or entirely illiterate college students, I have a lot of admiration for Reading Rainbow.
Honestly, that's a little sad. Reading Rainbow is the same age as me. I don't ever remember it not being on TV.

Wasabi Poptart

CD, congrats on reading Dante's Inferno in the original Italian while you were breast-feeding and all...
I was going to say something similar, but I was thinking in-utero rather than breast-feeding.

That said, I was too old for Reading Rainbow when it started airing on my local PBS station back in NJ. I did catch it on days when I was sick though. Amazingly, I've remembered some of the books that had been reviewed when I did see the show and have gotten them for my kids. It is sad to see such a long-running educational kids' show get dropped.
My favorite episode ever has to be the one where LeVar was on the set of Star Trek TNG. I remember seeing that episode looong before I ever watch an episode of TNG but I loved it nonetheless.
I remember that episode just for the part where they talk about how the shuttlecraft in one of the scenes had a disposable razor for nacels.

Philosopher B.

I could read when I was only a gleam in my father's eye.

But, you don't have to take MY word for it.


Well, I hear it is getting an action adventure spin-off: Reading Rainbow Six.
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