Childhood Nostalgia on YouTube

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I don't know how this happened, but somehow I found myself on YouTube, listening to old themes from animated series I used to watch as a kid. Thought I'd share a few with you (and give you the English-language versions when available ;) ):

The French Il Était Une Fois (Once Upon A Time) series, ranging from 1970s to the early 2000s: a kind of "edutainment" for children, that at least for me sparked a life-long love for history, inventions and the like. The older series are a bit dated and sometimes loony, but I have all save Il Était Une Fois... La vie on DVD. The last of the series, Il Était Une Fois... notre Terre (2008) suffered heavily from preachiness, unfortunately. But luckily there's still the good ol' series:


The Human Body:

History of the Americas (came out in 1991, in expectation of the discovery's 500th anniversary):



Alfred J. Kwak (Hello, Bubble! ^_^): a very mature children's series, as it touched on various 'adult' themes of the time, from South African Apartheid to overpopulation, immigration, populist politics - heck, even the Iran-Iraq war:

Around the World with Willy Fog:

And in English:
Hurray for Alfred Jodocus Kwak :-D

Also hurray for the Americas and the Body/Life. Never seen the Explorers or Space, but what can you do? Great series all thee same :)


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I have to say, I just LURVE the Human Body and America ones ^_^ I get a pleasant tingle everytime I hear those theme songs.

Oh, almost forgot:

And in English:
My painting teacher worked on this one and showed us this clip in one of his lectures.

I think we made him feel old, because every single Canadian in his 120 student class (That is, probably about 100 of us), grew up with this show, and we ALL sang along. It was loud.


Staff member
North Ranger... why all are your intros 1.5-2 minutes?!? That's a hell of a long intro.


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Heck if I know. But they're all European; maybe that's a factor? ;) Also, the Il Était Une Fois videos also include the final credit song.


Staff member
I'm Gen X. Everyone knows our themes because they're all being made into high budget crappy movies.
I recently stumbled upon an episode of one of my favorite shows from when I was a kid.

I just wish I had all the episodes on DVD or something.
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