Fan Expo

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Anyone here goin' to Fan Expo? I'm just posting cause I'm super excited, I've never gone to a Con before and I'm finally hitting up Fan Expo tomorrow. I'm cosplaying as Wolverine with a group of friends, who are mostly also cosplaying. There's gonna be me, Rogue, original costume Cyclops, Agent Zero, and two Ghostbusters.

Can't wait!
REally? Nobody?

Well it was fun. I don't really want to ever cosplay at a con ever again though. I barely got to see anything cause every 6 steps it was "Can we take a picture with you? Can we take a picture with you?" And then as soon as you strike a pose, BAM! 6 more cameras. Got annoying.

I got hit on by She-Hulk though. So that's cool.

I also stood in line FOREVER, and got Max Brooks to sign my Zombie Survival Guide. He signed it to Hugh Jackman though.
"Hey Hugh, loved working with you on SNL. You were great in the Boy From Oz" - Max Brooks.

I'll post pictures if/when I can ever access my photobucket again or start a flickr.

My friend found a picture of us on some random con-goer's photobucket.


Tried to go for awhile today, but it was sold out. Can't go tomorrow due to work.

I've yet to even go to a convention. :(


Well, thing is, I've always lived in the Maritimes before. It's only been in the last three years that I've lived in Toronto. The first time, I had just moved and didn't get tickets in time. Second year, I'd gone back home. This year, I was working, but didn't want to buy tickets in advance since I needed the money from working.
Holy crap, the line expanded out the convention hall and around the block?!

We got there at like 9am, thank God. We only had about 20minutes of standing in line for our tickets (followed by about 40min of standing in line to actually GET IN, but still... Wow.)

---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:17 PM ----------

My friend's been doing some digging and she's found a few more of us.
My roommate and his girlfriend as Ghostbusters:

Me, a steampunk Wolverine, and an awesome little kid:

Goku checkin' out my friend's ass:
It is very likely that I might move somewhere bigger in the next year or so, and Toronto is a leading candidate.

I will be happy to be in a city large enough to have decent conventions. And I'll never have to worry about my city not getting a movie again. Toronto is a bit of a big deal for that sort of thing, isn't it?
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