September Contest!!

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Staff member
I just uploaded 3 new games:

Ms. Pac-Man

Whomever gets the HIGHEST COMBINED SCORE of the three games wins the contest! What's the prize?

I think I'll do a game again. So the winner gets to choose a game from and I'll ship it merrily to their door. Any platform, any game - as long as the BASE PRICE is not more than $60.

Game ends on September 30 and I will announce the winner pretty much right away. Have fun!


Staff member
Bah! I'm trying to add a 4th game that is different but it's being difficult. Once I get it in it will add to the contest.
The Poker Wheel game has a pattern to it. I am still trying to figure it out exactly but you can count the seconds on the spin to get a basic idea of what card you will get.

I am not for sure yet but it seems that you should click stop roughly every 3 seconds and you should get a card that you need. I am still trying to see if it is dumb luck or not but doing this method I was got two straights and 2 rows were only off by one card for a straight.
I was ONE card away from a royal flush, which would have given me the high score. I even got the right kind of card, just not the right suit!


NO! I'm terrible at Pac-Man! I demand a Go-Fish card game instead.
New Game gets crazy right around level 14. Your GOING to eat some damage there, no matter what when over 15 people come rushing at once.

Still took the trophy from Piotyr though!

Kitty Sinatra

This explains Shawnacy's obsession to best me at Pacman.

It doesn't really explain my obsession to best him, though as I only just noticed this
I think it only indirectly fuels my obsession. Pacman has always been one of my favorite games.

I do have to ask Dave specifics about the contest though. How does Pokerwheel apply to the contest if points are what matter?
Bah, the fangirls crashed at the end of level 18.
It did? Damn! Now I'm going to have to play it again to duplicate the issue.[/QUOTE]

In fairness, I'm switching windows a TON, because I'm doing data backups at work between levels, but after level 18, when I switched back, it hung and caused Firefox to crash.

EDIT: Let me see if I can duplicate it. If I try the same formation of "towers", I should hopefully get the same result.

EDIT 2: Yeah, it happened again. The second half of level 18 is a bunch of black-haired things that make the game go all funky. When I buy new towers during that level, it hangs the game.
OK, after doing some testing, here's what I've discovered. From Level 18 on, if I try to purchase towers while there is a bunch of stuff on screen, the game crashes (bunch of stuff being all my towers + 3/4 of the road filled with mobs). If I just let the game play and purchase towers between levels, the game chugs, but it makes it through.
The only time I have had the game freeze is on level 18 and that's only if I try to buy any towers during a battle.


Staff member
Damn. That's not good.

Okay, it looks like I go home and go on a playable game hunt for the contest. Thanks for testing guys.
How the heck did you guys get past level 18? I had the level plastered with towers and I still can't get past it.

How the heck did you guys get past level 18? I had the level plastered with towers and I still can't get past it.

You do know you can buy more than one type of tower, right?[/QUOTE]

I know I can buy more types but they don't seem to help. I have tried different combination of all 3 of the different towers and I still can't get passed it.
You need the level 3s for the really slow ones. When they pop up in huge numbers, you need to sell some of your old towers and buy the level 3s.
I beat the game using almost exclusively lvl 3 towers. I had eight or nine regular ones and did not sell a single tower during the game. Start off by placing a lvl 3 in the middle so it can hit them in the middle and at the end and then place some lvl 1s around it.

Add a few more lvl 1s and then add the lvl 3s in that middle area followed by the starting area then on all the corners and eventually one away from all the corners etc. You may have to do some during the round building but that should let you beat it. Although I am still trying to figure out how to do it perfectly.
Yeah, I've managed to get them all except one single blue hair in level 10, and no matter how I change things up, I just can't get that second blue-hair in level 10.
Damn it. I suck at pretty much all the games. What happened to me? I was an 8-bit king back in the day. Everyone has 1,000,000 for a score, and I have 16.

I hate you all.


Staff member
Remember, only 1 week remains for the September contest!

The winner will be the person who has the COMBINED high score for the following 4 games:

Ms. Pac-Man
Attack of the Fan Girls

Because the Poker Wheel score is fricking low I'm multiplying it by 1000. So if you get 12 you'll get 12,000 points instead.

Winner gets the game of their choice from
I'm still pissed that I doubled the breakout high score yesterday, but the server crashed as it was trying to upload my high score and so it was lost. :fist shake:


Staff member
Today and tomorrow are the last days for the contest. Get your Pacman or Ms. Pacman on!
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