Nostalgia Critic: Top 11 Smurf Ups!

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Staff member
Does the new board censor fuck the same way the the old board did? Eh, whatever. The Nostalgia Critic is owning up to some of his mistakes with his Top 11 F*ck Ups. Pretty fun list.


I laughed. I especially loved the outtake at the very end of the video.
I liked this one, mainly because he admits to the number one mistake. Just because it wasn't Nostalgic for him doesn't mean it didn't crush TF fans when we were kids and saw it. :waah:


Staff member
Smurf you people, the Banshee gave me nightmares as a kid.

Also I started wondering... who would win in a one-on-one fight between Mako and Chuck Norris?


The fight would be too awesome. Therefore, they would simply merge into a superbeing that would conquer the world.

Chuck Mako.
No, the answer is there would be no fight: Mako would win him over with his dazzling personality and they would go get some beers or sake or whatever.

And yeah, I was one of the ones who called him out on Mako. The cigarette joke is what pushed it too far, considering the guy hadn't been dead that long.
No, the answer is there would be no fight: Mako would win him over with his dazzling personality and they would go get some beers or sake or whatever.

And yeah, I was one of the ones who called him out on Mako. The cigarette joke is what pushed it too far, considering the guy hadn't been dead that long.
And that joke is one of the many times I realized that he really needs to do a little research before he writes his reviews out. I feel like I've heard "Although I've never really seen it etc etc" from him a few too many times to be reviewing things.


I remember thinking that the spelling mistake he made at the end of the video where he hit himself in the head multiple times was on purpose. Apparently it wasn't.
Dang it, DI, you look so damn jaunty, I'm too distracted to read your posts.
Yeah, DI. You do have an "old-timey newsboy" look to you. With the cap and suspenders, you should be singing Seize the Day alongside Christian Bale.

(BTW, kudos to anone who knows what film I'm referencing.)
Dang it, DI, you look so damn jaunty, I'm too distracted to read your posts.
Yeah, DI. You do have an "old-timey newsboy" look to you. With the cap and suspenders, you should be singing Seize the Day alongside Christian Bale.

(BTW, kudos to anone who knows what film I'm referencing.)[/QUOTE]

Correct, sir. You win an internet.

I'd upload the song from YouTube, but I'm not sure if it's the same method as on the original Halforum.


Staff member
That was fantastic. Also, I took a look at Steven Chorney's page... friggen amazing.

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