I think for a forum full of readers, that's nearly an impossible request. I can't a) remember all the books I've ever read, even the really good ones and b) it's more like there's a layer of cream floating to the top than a single cherry. I would be really hard pressed to pick one over the other.
I did remember another book that shares the poetic prose writing style with Beagle and Bradbury: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. That is a gorgeous book. Hurston paints such a picture, you could swear you were there. She can turn a phrase like few others, and gives you goose bumps doing so. And she can evoke emotion, from passion to sadness (if you aren't close to tears when Motorboat gives up to the hurricane, and Janey and Teacake leave him behind, then you're pretty cold).
I should've said this for The Last Unicorn, too, but don't watch the movie. In both cases, they're far inferior. None of the beautiful prose is there, and things have so much less impact.