I'm at six flags and you aren't

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You're at an amusement park, with amusements all around you to amuse you, and you log on to HF?

Addict. :p


Wow. "I'm on the toilet and you're not."

I mean, yay for you, but I could think of a trillion better places to be.


I live 20 minutes away from Great Adventure. After you've gone about 30 times the novelty wears off. Roller coasters are still fuckwin though. Which one are you at?

Wasabi Poptart

Meh. I agree with Crone. I can think of better places to be.


I have four little flags sitting in a dusty pile behind the pile of unused computer wire next to my desk!

Kitty Sinatra

Six flags is what you get when you divide 42 states of the US into 7.

Kitty Sinatra

Christ, man. If you don't laugh at my jokes, fine. But why do you hafta tell me you didn't laugh?:waah:


Six Flags annoys me as one of their original ads was 'Wherever you are, there's one near you!' and it'd show a map of the US with little flags where all of the parks were.

At the time I lived in Idaho, and the closest one was over 1000 miles away in California. :mad:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKkTFwLgNAk"]Six Flags[/ame]
Six Flags, for non-googling readers, is an amusement park chain in the US, a few shows but mostly thrill rides.


Staff member
Going to make a road trip to Cedar Point in the next couple weekends, i think. It has been a while, and would be fun to go before the season ends.
The Six Flags in Kentucky wasn't bad at all - it suited us because it was cheap ($20 each, including the water park), was on the way home, and we hadn't blown our vacation budget. They only had a few roller coasters that were comparable to the smaller coasters at Cedar Point.

For Roller coasters, Cedar Point is the mecca - there's no point in even comparing it to any other coaster park. But my two oldest are between 48 and 52 inches, so they can't ride much at Cedar Point, so the smaller parks are both cheaper and more fun for them.

Still, sounds like a cedar point halforums gathering is needed...

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