Scribblenauts at Toys R Us
Been experimenting with it non-stop
Bankers and lawyers attak you if you type in money, and take it before they do.
Put in a Giant/Troll and a Wizard, and the wizard fries them... now put a Dwarf and an elf, they stay on separate sides of the screen.
Warriors fight Barbarians, wizards fight witches, dwarves run away from orcs and griffins and a black knight kills anything.
Hydras, dragons and warlocks are in, hobbits no. Then I put in a president, then reporter, nothing happened, but when I attacked the reporter using a Wizard's staff he turned into a frog.
Tried to get a princess to kiss a frog, with no results, so I made a prince, who attacked me when I hit the princess.
Terrorist then Cop gets the cop to attack him but both explode... and put two rabbits, and theyll reproduce until you cant type anything anymore