That level was interesting. When I played it, I summoned a fly swatter and swatted the bee. Then I summoned a bear and threw it in the water to kill the fish. Afterwards, I summoned a trampoline, jumped over to the other ledge to get the flower, and then jumped back over.
My wife on the other hand, she sprayed the bee with bug spray, used a fishing pole to "fish out" the flower without ever stepping foot in the water, then she gave herself a jetpack, flew over to the ledge, then back down. That was actually her SECOND attempt, the first one she accidently caught the fish with the fishing pole, and it killed her just flopping around on the end of her stick. haha!
The last mission I remember involved two bears and a block of ice. If I dug down into the lower area, the bear would kill me, but if I broke the ice, the other bear would kill me. Also, right where the starite is located is death pit. I started out by summoning a ramp and placing it over the pit. Then I summoned an ice pick to get through the ice, but before I went through the ice, I summoned a yeti who started going all ape on the bear. I just ran past them while they were duking it out, jumped down onto the ramp and over to the starite. I love this game.