Went to a job fair

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So on 9/1/09 I went to a job fair at the unemployment office were they had 10 security jobs available there were 200+ people there by 10:00AM when it officially started by 10:30 they stopped letting people in. Anyway they had us fill out a pre-application application then had a pre-interview with everyone on a one on one basis. I got there at 9:59AM and finally left after the interview at almost 1:00PM. on Friday the 11th the guy that interviewed me called me back and told me to go get the actual application and have it filled out and back to the unemployment office by tomorrow (they're closed on weekends grrrrrr) and call him as soon as I turned in my application to him. So here's hoping that I may have a job in the very near future!

edit: I couldn't turn it in on Friday because of how in depth the application is as in name your friends, their address their job title, etc and it took me time to get all that info gathered but first thing monday morning I'm heading up there and giving the guy a call

Kitty Sinatra

Good luck.

I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about the 6 day work weeks I'll be doing until at least Christmas . . . I might have to give up football this season otherwise I might never get anything done.
edit: I couldn't turn it in on Friday because of how in depth the application is as in name your friends, their address their job title, etc and it took me time to get all that info gathered but first thing monday morning I'm heading up there and giving the guy a call
Jesus, it's illegal to ask such info on a job application here! I know the idea behind it - to avoid you having ex-criminals as friends but what idiot would actually list them if he knew?


yea name your friends? wtf kind of bullshit job app was that?

next it'll be "papers please?"

the sad part I learned in job hunting was, half the shit they ask you on applications, is illegal. you don't have to give them your social security number (if you're american) but they ask anyway. sure, most places would go "hey, he/she doesnt want us to know his SSN, denied" but still its the princple of the matter, giving up freedoms and jumping through hoops for money.

whatever happened to just putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay? no hoop jumping, none of this bs. when you've got a 4 year college degree and show up at walmart in a suit and tie to apply for a job AND are still denied, something is wrong with the economy in the country. (which, it obviously is)
Ironically, I had a real hard time finding a job because I was overqualified for everything except for the stuff I was underqualified for *facepalm*.

Companies didn't want to hire someone who would leave and go for a better job in the future so they don't hire overqualified people. I argued that it put me in a good place to rise through the ranks. Dumb thing to say I discovered since many people in companies are afraid people who are ambitious and might end up taking their job.

Companies really want someone who just wants to do his job without much ambition for more and someone who they can just put behind a desk and see him do his thing.
It's for a security job at either a chemical plant or at a major port depending on where they put me that's why the big application. Hell it even asked me the last time that I was fingerprinted and why


So on 9/1/09 I went to a job fair at the unemployment office were they had 10 security jobs available there were 200+ people there by 10:00AM when it officially started by 10:30 they stopped letting people in. Anyway they had us fill out a pre-application application then had a pre-interview with everyone on a one on one basis. I got there at 9:59AM and finally left after the interview at almost 1:00PM. on Friday the 11th the guy that interviewed me called me back and told me to go get the actual application and have it filled out and back to the unemployment office by tomorrow (they're closed on weekends grrrrrr) and call him as soon as I turned in my application to him. So here's hoping that I may have a job in the very near future!

edit: I couldn't turn it in on Friday because of how in depth the application is as in name your friends, their address their job title, etc and it took me time to get all that info gathered but first thing monday morning I'm heading up there and giving the guy a call
Hey... you got a call back :) that is a good step.

Keep track of that app and I wish you many lucks.
yea name your friends? wtf kind of bullshit job app was that?

next it'll be "papers please?"

the sad part I learned in job hunting was, half the shit they ask you on applications, is illegal. you don't have to give them your social security number (if you're american) but they ask anyway. sure, most places would go "hey, he/she doesnt want us to know his SSN, denied" but still its the princple of the matter, giving up freedoms and jumping through hoops for money.

whatever happened to just putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay? no hoop jumping, none of this bs. when you've got a 4 year college degree and show up at walmart in a suit and tie to apply for a job AND are still denied, something is wrong with the economy in the country. (which, it obviously is)
When I was in North Carolina, I had to put my SSN on a form once. One of the guys who worked with me basically told me 'don't give them your number. They don't need it.'

His solution was to put 'x'es in for all but the last three numbers. Not sure the logic behind it, but that's what I did.

Also, the only time I've ever used my SSN.


When I was in North Carolina, I had to put my SSN on a form once. One of the guys who worked with me basically told me 'don't give them your number. They don't need it.'

His solution was to put 'x'es in for all but the last three numbers. Not sure the logic behind it, but that's what I did.

Also, the only time I've ever used my SSN.

Yea our state is fucked up like that, we're at "At Will" state, so any employer can fire any employee at any time for no reason at all and thats perfectly legal, salary or hourly, tenure, or not, dont matter.

I don't fill out forms anymore with anything, I mean why the fuck does Blockbuster need my SSN? In case I don't return videos so they can put it against my credit? Fine do so but you don't need my SSN to do so.
I am going to have to take a hair folicle test it was suppose to be today but they forgot to schedule. I have to go to their office on Monday to finish up my paperwork


yea name your friends? wtf kind of bullshit job app was that?

next it'll be "papers please?"

the sad part I learned in job hunting was, half the shit they ask you on applications, is illegal. you don't have to give them your social security number (if you're american) but they ask anyway. sure, most places would go "hey, he/she doesnt want us to know his SSN, denied" but still its the princple of the matter, giving up freedoms and jumping through hoops for money.

whatever happened to just putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay? no hoop jumping, none of this bs. when you've got a 4 year college degree and show up at walmart in a suit and tie to apply for a job AND are still denied, something is wrong with the economy in the country. (which, it obviously is)
Uh it's called references...
yea name your friends? wtf kind of bullshit job app was that?

next it'll be "papers please?"

the sad part I learned in job hunting was, half the shit they ask you on applications, is illegal. you don't have to give them your social security number (if you're american) but they ask anyway. sure, most places would go "hey, he/she doesnt want us to know his SSN, denied" but still its the princple of the matter, giving up freedoms and jumping through hoops for money.

whatever happened to just putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay? no hoop jumping, none of this bs. when you've got a 4 year college degree and show up at walmart in a suit and tie to apply for a job AND are still denied, something is wrong with the economy in the country. (which, it obviously is)
Uh it's called references...[/QUOTE]
Looks like it was a security job, so they'd probably want to do a background check on him. That would definitely call for asking for names of friends.

I, for one, am shocked that Mav doesn't know dick about getting a job.
Yea, that sounds like you're getting a security clearance. If they're getting you one of those you have the job.

I share the same exact name as my Father and Grandfather. Don't mind putting my SSN number on forms as it's the easiest way for determining proper identity.
I have a crazy uncle with the same name as mine... well not crazy but... eccentric? and I also share my name with my grandpa (but that's not important) My uncle has a motorcycle like me and every bike shop I ever go to they ask for my name and even if I've never been there their like here you are in the system and I'm like no, that's my uncle. He's a cool guy though he has a full size skeleton riding bitch on his bike, it's awesome
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