Commuting time - a poll for the intrepid travelers

How long is your commute?

  • 5 minutes

    Votes: 7 12.3%
  • 10 minutes

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • 30 minutes

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • 1 hour

    Votes: 13 22.8%
  • 2 or more hours

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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How far (in time) do you travel to work/school - one way, not round trip. Answer in your post what means you use to get from A to B.

I live 3 miles from the lab. I either bike it or drive (in bad weather). It takes me less than 5 minutes one way.

I used to drive 45 minutes to work. I hated those days!

Kitty Sinatra

half an hour strolling, 20 minutes at a decent walking pace. This is actually shorter than some trips to school back when I was younger. The one high school I attended was a solid 40 minute walk at a brisk pace.

I love being able to walk to work.


Roughly 40 minutes (give or take, depending on traffic, wind, muscle soreness) to bike 13 KM to school one way. Usually about 5-10 minutes quicker, since it's mostly downhill going back.


Depending on the train/bus I catch 1 hr to 2hrs per way i.e. Public trainsit is ok at best where i work, only been worse since the big metro accident. My commute used to be worse... like 2hr mininum. O how i hated that commute but loved the work.
30-45 minutes to get to school, and I take three buses to get there.

If I miss any of them, I'm pretty much screwed.


I voted 30 minutes, but it's pretty consistently 25 when in a car. It's about 22.5 on my scooter because I can go around people a little easier to make turns.

It's 40-50 depending on wind when I'm on my bicycle.

I had an hour+ commute one way for about a year. It wasn't very pleasant. And it was only 15 miles so it's not like I was really going anywhere. Just gas, brake, punch.
I drive about 30 minutes, but it's an easy 30 minutes. I usually only see about 5-10 other vehicles during my drive. The only bad part is on Fridays when tourists are coming up and I have to worry about getting rear ended trying to turn off of the highway.


technically 45 minutes away. I drive (carpool) with my wife since she work at the same place as I do.


Staff member
Right now it takes me twenty minutes to get to the school I'm working at, and about ten minutes by foot to get to my classes or to my library job.


40-50 minutes door to door, a great majority of which is spent napping (and if not, then reading or playing games on my phone) on the subway.


I go by Prius and it usually takes me about 25-30 minutes to get from my house to work. Five minutes less if the schools are closed that day.
3 minutes to work by car. 30 minutes if walking across the park.

If I didn't wear a suit and tie every day, I'd walk more often.
30min to work. If it's 1 hour+ I'd probably save up some money and move closer. I can't get any work done while in transit, so it's completely wasted time.
12 miles, 25 minutes. Mix of 70mph for the first half and stop and go 30mph for the second half. I wished my highway would dump me closer to work.

On the bright side, I get to see cattle and horses in my neighborhood when the sun is out. I love summer commuting.


It takes me 45 min to drive to school and about 10 min to walk from the parking deck to my first class each day because it is the only parking deck off campus and I slipped up on getting a parking pass at a reasonable time this semester, and my daily class I walk to from there is on the opposite side of the campus.
As for work, depending on where which store I work at for that particular day it could take me 10 min to drive when I work the shop closest to me or 40 min when I have to drive across town to get to work.
Around 30-45 minutes by bus from my appartment in Hull to the office in East Ottawa (near Orleans). Not counting waiting times.

Alex B.

About 30 minutes to go about 10 miles. bleh. On the way home it's often worse and can sometimes take closer to an hour, depending on the traffic.


I drive about 45 minutes to work, and as that isn't an option I voted for a hour. It doesn't really bother me at all but then long drives don't get to me. Sure there'll be times with horrible drivers that piss me off that I'll get annoyed at the drive, but never at the driving itself.


10 min to get to the train station.

1 hour and 15 minutes on the train.

15 min to get to work from the train station by bike, about 25 walking or taking the shuttle.

I hate Philly.
Here I am complaining about the single stoplight between home and work, and some of you folks are on the road nearly 3 hours a day. That would drive me crazy. If it was a train/subway, it wouldn't be so bad, but driving that much would kill me.


If I didn't have to wear business attire, I would bike to work.

By car it's 10mins.
Adammon said:
3 minutes to work by car. 30 minutes if walking across the park.

If I didn't wear a suit and tie every day, I'd walk more often.
I wear business attaire and ride my bike to work 1-2 times per week.

I usually just bring a change of clothes. Or if it's two consecutive days I'll bring clothes earlier in the week when I ride my scooter.

I do have my own office so I can change as I please and I have a drawer in my desk for bike clothes. If either of you can ever have that luxury then it really does make biking reasonable.
If I didn't have to wear business attire, I would bike to work.

By car it's 10mins.
Adammon said:
3 minutes to work by car. 30 minutes if walking across the park.

If I didn't wear a suit and tie every day, I'd walk more often.
I wear business attaire and ride my bike to work 1-2 times per week.

I usually just bring a change of clothes. Or if it's two consecutive days I'll bring clothes earlier in the week when I ride my scooter.

I do have my own office so I can change as I please and I have a drawer in my desk for bike clothes. If either of you can ever have that luxury then it really does make biking reasonable.[/QUOTE]

I think being a little sweaty should be acceptable. We're all too clean as it is.


My commute is about 11 miles & takes 20 minutes. It's all opposite traffic so it's a quick drive.

I used to drive 30 miles to school & 30 back. My car only gets 18mpg so it got expensive real quick. It was a nice drive though, absolutely no traffic.
Sometimes I get to take the van home, so that shortens my journey to about 5 minutes. But most days I have to walk. It takes 30-45 minutes from where I'm living now, which I don't like.

My other job varies too much for me to post anything definitive. Anywhere from 5 minutes to a client just down the road, to 2 hours when I have to bus, transfer and walk to a house not on any convenient bus route and/or at a very inconvenient time.
Morning: 15 minutes on bus, 15 minutes on train, 15 minute walk.

Evening: 15 minute walk and 5 minutes on train/25 minutes on bus, and then 40 minutes on bus.

Only reason I sometimes take one early bus instead of walking is so I can read or write more after work.


~5 minute walk to work, ~5 minute walk to class.

I live and work on campus. :D
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