Ask Me Anything: Annoying Lurker Edition

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Since I don't post too much, and when I do it tends to be annoying angry stuff, figured this might be a good idea. :p Sports, comics, video games that aren't MMOs, history, you ask it and I should be able to answer it. Honestly.

Because if we're anything on the Internet, we're honest. Right?


Staff member
How does it feel to be an insufferable prick about your Steelers winning the Superbowl? And how badly will you feel when the Cowboys take it this year?

Kitty Sinatra

How long did you laugh at the preposterous idea that the Cowboys will win the Superbowl this year?


It feels great!!! You don't have to worry about walking around Sixburgh at night because there's still light reflecting off of all those Super Bowl rings. Sort of a Bat signal only for those blessed by da Burg. There's also been talk of switching over from US dollars to Super Bowl rings as the city's currency considering they're just so plentiful here. It makes sense, it'd put some more value back into the dollar since it's rarer and it would make us appreciate our Rings more since we'd have to start budgeting them instead of just tossing them to homeless people or taking baths in them or using them to light matches.

What are the Cowboys taking this year? That scoreboard up 10 more feet? Third place in their division? That's so cute. :D

How long did you laugh at the preposterous idea that the Cowboys will win the Superbowl this year?
OHH!!! He actually thinks they're winning a Super Bowl??? I'll let you know the answer once I finish laughing, this may take a while.
Are you awesome enough to have that sig? Because it's an awesome sig. And I just want to know it's not some wannabe who's got it.
When you say Detroit, MI, how close are you to A2/Ypsilanti area?

Should you, Fun Size and I stage a get together?

When's your next planned trip to Cedar Point? I'm trying to find a Saturday I can go...



What's your favourite place in Detroit?
That really depends on what you're talking about. Restaurant-wise, my favorite German place (as German is my favorite kind of food) would be Richter's which is on Michigan Avenue. But the best restaurant by far is Slow's BBQ downtown, beyond delicious. Bar, without question it's Hockeytown Cafe. Stadium, nothing beats a raucous Joe Louis Arena (when it gets raucous, anyways). Now, that said, my absolute favorite place isn't in Detroit; it's in Ann Arbor and it is known as THE BIG HOUSE. Michigan Stadium.

Why are you so angry?
Society. I think we live in a time where we, as a people, are shirking responsibility and embracing immaturity. When certain behaviors - pot smoking, frequent sexual encounters, extremist political/cultural behavioral leanings - are excused or become accepted to the degree that they have been, it generates a lot of anger in me as I see those behaviors/ideas as holding humanity back from reaching its potential. Combine this with me also having a number of personality trait flaws -impatience, intolerance, and lack of tact - and you get some anger, heh.

Are you awesome enough to have that sig? Because it's an awesome sig. And I just want to know it's not some wannabe who's got it.
Well Michael Hogan himself thinks I'm cool enough:

When you say Detroit, MI, how close are you to A2/Ypsilanti area?

Should you, Fun Size and I stage a get together?

When's your next planned trip to Cedar Point? I'm trying to find a Saturday I can go...

I was born downtown, St. John's Hospital. Grew up in Redford right on the Telegraph border of Detroit. I now live in both Flint and Ann Arbor thanks to my dual jobs of being involved with the history department at the University of Michigan and as a trivia D.J. at local bars.

Why the hell not? :p

I don't have one but I'm open to any ideas. I just came back from a trip to Pittsburgh Labor Day weekend, and both times I passed the Cedar Point exit on the turnpike and noted it's been a while since I've been there, heh.


What brought you to Halforums?
Pretty much the story with everyone else, I'd assume. I was a fan of the PVP strip and just as an extension of that, went to the message boards and read stuff there. I lurked much much more than I do even here, though. And of course when the big board wipe happened, I just flocked here.
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