Ask Me Anything: Live from Finland, North_Ranger

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Do you have a "type" when it comes to women and what kind of partner you'd like to have?

Also, I love proofreading. :) You only need ask, my friend.
What does epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellään mean? What is the longest non-compound word you can think of (without searching) in Finnish?



Staff member
Voitko syödä lasin? Sattuuko sinua?

Um... No, I do not eat glass, and I'm no particular pain. Why?

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Do you have a "type" when it comes to women and what kind of partner you'd like to have?

Also, I love proofreading. :) You only need ask, my friend.
I don't think I do. In general I'm looking for a fun, smart girl who's into geek stuff. And after the fiascos that were my previous relationships, I would really like someone who isn't mentally unsound.

---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

What does epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydellään mean? What is the longest non-compound word you can think of (without searching) in Finnish?

Okay, let's see... that's a technical term in a field I am not familiar with, so I'm guessing here. I think the full translation is "by his lack of systematization". Yes, it's all in one word.

And I can't remember the longest word off the top of my head (it was a job title for a person repairing jet engines or something), but this one comes to mind, which is also a palindrome: saippuakivikauppias, 'soap stone merchant'.

Also, decided to look for that longest word: Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas, or roughly 'aeroplane jet engine assistant mechanic cadet'. And apparently it's such a long word that Halforums doesn't register it but cuts it in two after the first fifty letters.

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------

OOH! I have another one: What, in your opinion, is the dumbest thing you've ever done/thought? Smartest?
Oooh, dumbest things, got plenty of those.

Dumbest thing: borrowed things to my first and only serious gf (whom I refer to as Melina, the Psycho Bitch Queen), even after finding out she had some strange habits (like reading books while bathing, not cleaning up, never having toilet paper around etc.). When we broke up, she insisted I owed her money for her new bed (we were planning on moving in), and returned my possessions in horrible condition. My favourite Vanessa-Mae album was ruined :( She returned it in a broken-down casing and with a lump what looked like her dog's turd on the playing surface. Vitun narttu... *grumble*

Non-manbaww dumbest thing: My freshman year in the university. The department student organisation organized the annual 24-hour cruise from Turku to Stockholm on one of the cruise ships (basically places to wine, dine, dance, drink and generally act like an ass on the sea). At one point, I ended up in the karaoke bar, singing a song called Tahdon rakastella sinua ('I want to make love to you') - and stripping.

Smartest: Not many of those moments... but I really do believe I did the very right choice when I decided to go abroad for a year. Studying in Limerick, Ireland... Came back a new man, I believe.


Staff member
:rofl: No pics of that cruise, I presume.

Ireland must have been gorgeous.
No, there is no evidence that ever took place. I also wiped the memories of everyone who saw it or has since heard of it.

Which reminds me...

Oh, and Ireland... yes, it was definitely gorgeous. Blarney Castle, Aran Islands, the hills and mountains of Connemara, weekend at Dublin, Killarney, Kilkenny, Wicklow Mountains... I definitely want to go back there.

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 PM ----------

Voitko syödä lasin? Sattuuko sinua?

Um... No, I do not eat glass, and I'm no particular pain. Why?[/QUOTE]

Comes from the "I can eat glass. It does not hurt me" project. It sounds like the origin was an obscure phrasebook for Portuguese travelers in English countries:

In which the phrase, "I can to eat glass, it make me no pain." can be found.


.... what? "I can eat glass, it does not hurt me"? Is that some kind of New Age firewalking mumbo jumbo or somethin'?


Staff member
... Oops.

Lemme perform some corrective cognitive re-alignment.

*fills a tube sock with cashew nuts and slaps CG in the back of the head*

Feel any better?


Staff member
If you had to live the rest of your days in a US city, which city would you pick?

Have you competed in this?
I've not had any personal experiences of American cities, to be honest, and as such that's a doozy of a question to answer, DI ol' boy. But maybe New York or Philadelphia. Although at the same time I'm partial to Kentucky bluegrass and Big Easy jazz...

And no, I have not competed in the sauna world championships. I consider myself more of an amateur.

---------- Post added at 06:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:18 AM ----------

*wallops you again*

Okay, Mr Bonaparte, how are you feeling now?


Are you familiar at all with scotch of The Balvenie? What do you think of it, if so? I'm sipping some of their regular old 12 Year Double Wood while I cook up some pasta here.


Staff member
Are you familiar at all with scotch of The Balvenie? What do you think of it, if so? I'm sipping some of their regular old 12 Year Double Wood while I cook up some pasta here.
No, I am not. I'm not really a connoisseur of any alcoholic beverage. I drink about half a dozen times a year, and I think I've been properly drunk only once. Any good, this Balvenie?


Staff member
Have you ever had a praline?
Yeah, I have. Personally I prefer chocolate truffle or milk chocolate, though.

To whom can you tell everything, or almost everything?
Well, there's no one I can tell everything. Call it a deep-set suspicion, brought on by over a decade of systematic bullying, betrayal and backstabbing, also known as the time from going to first grade to graduation. There's a handful of people I tell something, but I always keep some parts to myself.

Closest are my Ukrainian buddy and a handful of friends from the Medieval Market, including a fellow we call Jesus :p

In addition... well, here in the forums I'm pretty much myself, though I still try to constrain myself so I don't freak people out.

Do you have a pet? If not, would you ever want one? What kind?
Well, do dustbunnies count? I've had a baker's dozen of those ;) Seriously, though, I've considered a cat once I move out from my current abode. Nothing fancy, just a regular kitty. But since I tend to kill even plastic plants, it won't be anytime soon :D


Staff member
No love for dark chocolate?

...So if you stopped constraining yourself would your pants be constantly gone? :p

What would you name your kitty?


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Staff member
Do you know and like Korpiklaani?
I found them on Pandora.

This song rocks my face off.
I've heard of them, yes. But I haven't actively listened to them. As you may have guessed, there's plenty of metal bands in Finland, both professional and amateur, so I hope you'll forgive my ignorance.

Also, I'm rather careful these days before declaring myself a fan of any band. I started truly fanning Nightwish only a few months before Tarja left - and the Swedish chick they hired just doesn't hold a candle to her :(

The Swede - Annette, I think is her name - sings well, no doubt about that. But she just doesn't have the haunting quality in her voice that makes your heart bleed due to overload of otherwordly beauty.

How is your Internet Provider able to transmit and receive between Finland and the real world?
Hm. In this case I'll have to take the Edmund Blackadder III, Esq. defense: "I am one of those people who are perfectly happy to wear cotton, without having the slightest idea how it works."

I believe, however, that some sort of ancient ceremonies and ritual sacrifices to Ukko the Old One, Tapio of the Forests and Ahti of the Deeps do take place on summer equinox.

If you wanted to convince me to move to Finland, how would you do it?
Hot summers, inexpensive and far-reaching healthcare, relaxed attitude to nudity ;) Also, we have Santa Claus.

If you I wanted to convince you to move to the Netherlands, how would I need to do it?
All of the above (well, except Santa Claus ;) ), plus a worthwhile reason for moving there (work or significant relationship).

It's a thing I noticed when I spent my exchange year in Ireland: I enjoyed my time there, the people were nice, I made new friends and experienced things I wouldn't have done otherwise... but still there was a part of me that longed back home. I loved staying in Ireland for an extended period of time, but something told me I would always consider the Land of the Thousand Lakes my one and true home.


Staff member
I have listened to Within Temptation in the past. But like I said, I'm hesitant to really become a fan of any group. For some reason they tend to break up within 3-4 months I really get into them ;)

Thanks anyways.


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What is your greatest strength?
Honesty. I don't lie, cheat or steal. I'm honest to myself about my own flaws, and I don't hoodwink anyone if I can. I let people know I'm a bastard, so they won't have to find that out for themselves.

What is your greatest weakness?
Procrastination. I never get anything done in time, and when I feel I've done nothing productive, I tend to punish myself in various ways (eg. refusing myself the right to enjoy a night out).


Staff member
If you could switch roles with anyone in the entire world for one day, who would it be?
You would literally be him/her but also have all your own thoughts and memories and free will.
I'd probably stick myself in the noggin of someone I intensely dislike - I dunno? Dick Cheney, Silvio Berlusconi, that ass-hat of a populist Timo Soini or the closet racist Olavi Mäenpää from hereabouts... I would not hesitate to make their lives ree-hee-hee-ally miserable for one day :twisted:

Maybe have them dress up as Shirley Temple and sing On the Good Ship Lollipop in national television. I'm a bastard that way, hee hee hee :angel:


Staff member
You're welcome.

Try to purge with some Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting or perhaps Mmm Bop by Hanson.

Or if you want to have your brains bleed out through your ears:

Just be glad you don't know what he's actually singing...
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