Ask Me Anything: Live from Finland, North_Ranger

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Without checking the internet, what do you know about Ecuador?
It is a relatively small country situated on the western coastline of South America, right on the equator as evidenced by its name. Neighbouring countries include Peru and Columbia. A mountainous nation. Aaaaand looking at the old map of the world tablet I have under my computer, the capital is Quito, and Guyanaquil is another major city.

How does it feel, living in a land of make believe?
I'm not serious about it. Except if you insult it. Then your ass is grass.


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What's good in the hood.
Just about anything as without one. Except wearing hats.

Wouldn't that make you kind of serious about this magical candy-cane land?
Depends on what you compare it to.

Don't you wish you could ask Chippy anything?

Oh the things I would ask Chippy....
If possible, I try to avoid making requests to demented clowns. Unless they are working as my underlings in my world domination plot.

Also, if you guys decide to go and "get at" each other's "those", I would like you to do it somewhere else. Or there will be pain. Namely, yours.


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Did you finish your thesis?
*sighs* Still workin' on it. I've hit a snag when trying to rewrite some of my old text into better, more theoretical and less "I-kinda-think-the-author-might-mean-this"-kinda text. But if I'm not distracted by anything and can keep up late, I should be done by the end of the week or the middle of next week. So there's light at the end of the tunnel.
Every time I read about your thesis, I get so stressed... because, if everything goes right, I'll start working on mine after summer, and I can relate so much with your distraction problems it's kinda scary!


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Every time I read about your thesis, I get so stressed... because, if everything goes right, I'll start working on mine after summer, and I can relate so much with your distraction problems it's kinda scary!
So what's your poison, then? Mine is postcolonial literature in English Philology.

are these drawings in my T-shirt ancient Finnish drawings? I know my father got it for me in one of his frequent business travels, and that they were prehistoric cave paintings from somewhere up in the north. but I don't remember where.

(I just watched myself in the mirror and wondered, and then the memory of you "ask me anything thread came to me!)


Staff member
It's a bit hard to make out the figures in your shirt, to be honest. The details are a little blurry, and half of them seem to be buried in the shoulder of a quite lovely-looking lady. But they do look a bit similar to prehistoric carvings found in eastern Finland and Karelia (the bit between Finland and the Kola Peninsula). And they are not cave paintings; they are carved on the sides of rocky hills and such, usually along rivers. There's very few natural caves in Finland.
It's a bit hard to make out the figures in your shirt, to be honest. The details are a little blurry, and half of them seem to be buried in the shoulder of a quite lovely-looking lady. But they do look a bit similar to prehistoric carvings found in eastern Finland and Karelia (the bit between Finland and the Kola Peninsula). And they are not cave paintings; they are carved on the sides of rocky hills and such, usually along rivers. There's very few natural caves in Finland.
yeah, sorry about the resolution... I didn't have good pictures of my shirt. But that explanation you give me fits what I thought it may be, and the fact they are not paintings but carvings is pretty interesting!


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What's the name of Finland in Finnish? I always find that fascinating. You grow up learning a country is called one thing, and then you find out the natives call it something else a lot of times.


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What's the name of Finland in Finnish? I always find that fascinating. You grow up learning a country is called one thing, and then you find out the natives call it something else a lot of times.
Suomi = Finland
suomalainen = Finnish/a Finn


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Well, they do come from two very different language families, albeit both referring to the same thing.

One interpretation I have heard is that Suomi comes from a reference to the Sami, a nomadic people of reindeer herders who speak a closely related language. Some also suggest the name is a close to a Proto-Baltic word zeme, meaning 'land'.

Finland, on the other hand, is suggested to come from finnr, a Germanic word meaning 'wanderer'... which would suit as well because ancient Finns were either hunter-gatherers or slash-and-burn farmers, depending on the region.


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The Valley of Eternity... a roleplaying game about penguins.

Unfortunately, no. I haven't played it myself, and frankly I don't know anyone who has. Seems like a cool idea... minus the halberd. Does that penguin have thumbs to hold it?

Lore-wise, I've enjoyed this:

Heimot, or 'Tribes' (no relation to the first-person shooter of the same name). Something of a tribal, Grimdark version of Firefly, with a nice dollop of Dune on top. Unfortunately, I've only played this only once at a con.

And of course, then there's...

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