Ask Me Anything - None the Wiser

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I figure, since some of you might not know me as well as others, here's a chance to get to know me. (If you care to, of course). I do not really have any areas of expertise - I'm more of a lazy-jack-of-all-trades - so ask away!


Staff member
Where are you from? Follow-up: Are the podcasts at a bad time for you to participate?

(Yes, I know the answer to the first one, but I'm letting you answer it.)
Where are you from? Follow-up: Are the podcasts at a bad time for you to participate?

(Yes, I know the answer to the first one, but I'm letting you answer it.)
Holland. Specifically, a little town called Poeldijk.

Also, no, they're not. I'd like to join in some time again, though I've been busy most previous sundays. I should be available somewhere in the future, though.
Do you prefer sweet or salty snacks?
Salty. But I prefer spicy over anything else.

If the fate of the world depended on your ability to do X, what would you prefer X to be?
The ability to absorb nuclear waste without damage to myself.

What's the best movie you've seen in the last six months?
I don't watch a whole lot of movies, and my memory is kind of terrible when it comes to that. Probably Enemy at the Gates. Though it could also be V for Vendetta, not sure when I last saw that one.
1) Wat vind je van het belachelijke overdreven gedoe omtrent alles wat er maar gebeurt in de Amerikaanse politiek? (Goh, kan je mijn mening al raden? lol)
2) Wanneer je uitgaat, ga je dan liever naar Den Haag of Rotterdam? Of iets lokaals?
3) Hottentottensoldatententententoonstellingen.
4a) Wat vind je van onze kroonprins Willem Alexander? (Prins Pils!) En denk je dat hij (volgend jaar?) een goede koning zal worden?
4b) En uiteraard wil ik ook graag weten wat je van 'onze' Maxima vind. (Ik ben fan <3)
5) Hoe jammer is het dat echte pure Nederlandse humor niet te vertalen of uit te leggen is aan buitenlanders? Denk: Jiskefet, De Vliegende Panters (geweldig!), Flodder, en bijvoorbeeld andere cabaretiers zoals Hans Teeuwen, Youp van 't Hek, of zelfs Paul de Leeuw?
6) And why haven't we seen you in IRC lately? :p

Lazy Google Translation to English:
1) What do you think of the ridiculous exaggerated fuss about anything but what happens in American politics? (Gosh, can you guess my opinion? Lol)
2) When you go out, rather than go to The Hague or Rotterdam? If something local?
3) Hotte Totte Exhibitions Soldiers Tent.
4a) What do you think of our Crown Prince Willem Alexander? (Prins Pils!) And do you think he (next year?) Will be a good king?
4b) And of course I would also like to know what you think of 'our' Maxima think. (I'm a fan <3 [/ B])
5) How sad is it true that pure Dutch humor to translate or to explain to foreigners? Think: Jiskefet, The Flying Panthers (great!), Flodder, and other comedians such as Hans Teeuwen, Youp van 't Hek, or even Paul de Leeuw?

Answers in english for the benefit of the people.

1) I don't agree with it. Some americans are definitely as crazy or even crazier than our own mr. Wilders or the Party for the Animals.
2) Local. Mostly when I go out it's at my hometown, or possibly a meeting of the student club (studievereniging) I'm part of. I don't go to any of the big things like Hollywood or Baja or whatever.
3) Yes.
4) They're okay. I'm not a fan of the monarch house, but I'm not against it either. It's (mostly) a purely ceremonial position anyway. I'm sure the two of them will do fine.
5) Just as sad as the fact that some english humor can't be translated to Dutch.
6) Eh, laziness on my part. I'll get back on when I return.
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