Yeah, ok. Ask me shit. I'll answer any question honestly, so long as it's an honest question.
Yo.And I ask you friend, what's a fella to do, if her hair was black and her eyes were blue?
wow, I had a huge post, and lost it.What was the best fight you ever had?
How do you motivate yourself to practice/train?
only cause you're sloooowpoint's kinda moot now aint it?
Find a potrait of Aaron Burr, put them both in a box. Leave them for an hour, then return to see which one was find $10 on the street. Your bills are all paid, and you have no debt. What do you do with the Alexander Hamilton?
Find a potrait of Aaron Burr, put them both in a box. Leave them for an hour, then return to see which one was find $10 on the street. Your bills are all paid, and you have no debt. What do you do with the Alexander Hamilton?
Find a potrait of Aaron Burr, put them both in a box. Leave them for an hour, then return to see which one was find $10 on the street. Your bills are all paid, and you have no debt. What do you do with the Alexander Hamilton?
Find a potrait of Aaron Burr, put them both in a box. Leave them for an hour, then return to see which one was find $10 on the street. Your bills are all paid, and you have no debt. What do you do with the Alexander Hamilton?