Don't ask me anything: I totally won't answer

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So do I.

What's the least fun part of your job?
And the most?
Least fun? A certain couple that are court ordered to not be around each other ever, live about an hour out of town and cause me grief monthly. Fucking hate them. They are the bane of my existence and seem to only cause trouble when I am on shift.

Most fun? Getting to play with ERT (Emergency Response Team...basically the RCMP's SWAT team) toys whenever they happen to be in town (which was twice since I've been here). They get all the cool shit.

3 month necro.
I know that couple! They have clones down here. Several, in fact - oddly enough, all live in trailer parks.

Also, That One Drunk. You know who I mean...

What's the crime of choice up there at the moment?
I know that couple! They have clones down here. Several, in fact - oddly enough, all live in trailer parks.

Also, That One Drunk. You know who I mean...

What's the crime of choice up there at the moment?
Oh God, do I ever. Our old The One Drunk actually managed to get himself help though, which is pretty awesome. He was so bad that during a bout of DTs so severe the hospital wouldn't accept him (yeah, our medical staff up here are fucking champions, let me tell you) he gnawed off his finger in the tank. Man, that was a hell of day (thank God I wasn't on shift for that). He is however, now striving to help the local reserves deal with the huge substance abuse problems common to any reserve. Hell of an artist too.

Crack using and dealing. So much fucking crack in this town. God damn Egyptians, our AWESOME local source for narcotics and prostitution.

Have you ever had to arrest someone for being too damn sexy?

Have you ever had to arrest someone for being too damn sexy?
He let me off with just a warning. I forget what the warning was, though. Frankie, what was that warning?[/QUOTE]

I think it was, "Gruebeard, we've had to pull you over for this before. The sexiness is just too much. If you keep this up, all the womens, all of them, will be unhappy with the rest of us and we just can't have that. So, I'm gonna let you go, but, I'm gonna have to give you a warning. Knock that shit off. Gain some weight, don't shave or shower for a week, something. Just too sexy."

Then I put three bullets in your engine block.
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