Hey Shego! Avril is single again!

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Philosopher B.

Wow the way they talk about each other they sound like they're on better terms than most married people.
I... wouldn't hit it... but I'm not sure why. She kinda has an "Uncanney Valley" look in the photo in the link provided. Anyone have a less heavily made-up version?

Kitty Sinatra

Sweet. I'mma gonna go and make my move. I just hope Kanye don't interrupt.
Y'all are too late, she's sitting across the table from me right now. The table with candles and roses and a really romantic dinner on it.

Yes I browse HF during romantic dinners, why do you ask?


I just can't believe the dude she divorced was named "Deryck Whibley." Whenever I see it, my brain fails to process and just gives a grammar abortion error.


Staff member
I coulda sworn it was Shego that said she was hot. Hmmm.

And Deryck Whibley reminds me of...

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