Ask Me Anything: The Mex Edition

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She won, apparently.

But I'm reviving the thread cause I'm bored and these things seem to be fashionable again. So.. ask away.
Oh man... it was awesome incarnate. Seriously, it was such an awesome vacation that I was bummed out the whole trip back and even a couple of days later. Post-vacation/back-to-reality blues and shit.

I barely even touched the beach, it was more of a partying all night vacation. And I wish I could go back, like, yesterday.
Well, there were lots. Mainly Canadians, everywhere, drunken and wild and hawt.

And I know you're gonna end up asking specifically so.. yeah, I hooked up with a couple. A brunette from Toronto who loved to rub my shaved head and ended up taking me to her hotel room, and an American blonde that ended up in MY hotel room.

The main squeeze, though, was a local waitress that I consider an ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED to have been able to successfully hit on. While she was working. Do you have any idea how often drunken tourists hit on waitresses? Let alone HOT ones? Her name is Danea and we ended up shacking up together for almost 3 days... even traveled together to Playa del Carmen.

So yeah, awesome vacation from all angles.
I don't carve notches on my headboard or anything, so anytime someone asks me that question (it's usually a girl I'm flirting with, though, you weirdo) I literally have to go over the list in my head.

Cancun brought the number up to a very DC-y 52.

Considering I lost my virginity at 16, that's an average of less than 6 a year.

I... didn't get laid much before 21.

and im still kinda drunk. and it's like 2pm. i woke up like this. i have no idea at what im went to bed, but i was butt naked when i woke up, what the hell?


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What are the biggest misconceptions you see here or elsewhere about how Mexico really is?
Mister Calleja! Tell me about a big turning point in your life. :)

Well, there are a few.. mostly to do with my decisions at schooling and whatnot... but I guess the biggest one was my Carpe Diem turning point.

Before 12th grade I was your stereotypical nerdy geek, who was shy around girls, didn't have a lot of friends and would pine over the girl I had a crush on from a safe distance and what not. Unhappy.

Every time I tell this story I wish there was a clearer more defined catalyst, but I think it was more of a string of unrelated events that made me wake up one day and say... what the crap are you doing, you moron? You spend your life hoping it'll be better in the future... when you MAY NOT EVEN GET A FUTURE. I realized that the most precious commodity we get in this life is time.

I made "Carpe Diem" my personal philosophy. Which I know is trite and probably even cliche'd... but it was still better than the runner up: Hakuna Matata. tee hee.

Since then I made it a point to stop worrying about looking bad, or being rejected... I stopped caring what people thought about me and just did what I felt the most happy or comfortable doing. Living each day as if I may get hit by a bus the next. What I most feared... rejection, embarrassment, all those things... turned out to be way, way, way better than the FEAR of them. I spent WEEKS torturing myself about having a crush on a girl I couldn't even talk to... while the alternative, walking up to her and being rejected, stung for a few hours, maybe in extreme cases a few days. And that's it. I stopped being afraid when I realized the fear was much worse than reality.

Pretty soon after this, other unexpected side effects started to pop up... girls started paying attention to me, my confidence stopped being at sea slug levels and got to "I can talk to girls while LOOKING AT THEM!" levels. I started to make more friends, my social life exploded... little by little the shy, apprehensive and, yes, cowardly persona started to recede into...well, what you know now. Happy.

So I guess that sort of counts as a turning point, no? Heh.
What are the biggest misconceptions you see here or elsewhere about how Mexico really is?
Well, Hollywood has really, really soiled the image Americans and lots of the world have of Mexico. You have no idea how many people come down here expecting to see nothing but drunken, short men with pathetic little mustaches and a huge sombrero, sleeping against a cactus while eating beans while a bullfight arena looms in the background. I blame the Looney Tunes for this, too.

Ricardo Montalban, whom you know as Khan and that guy from Fantasy Island, was born in Mexico City, and he was very outspoken about this during the latter part of his life. I remember recently reading an interview where he complained that if he wanted to play the romantic interest, he had to play it Cuban or Puerto Rican, never Mexican. Mexican parts were only bad guys or drunken idiots who could be bought with a bottle of tequila. It's movies, it's fiction, right? You would think so, but think how much time this image has been broadcast all over.... people come here expecting it.

Another trivial and irrelevant misconception that's still a pet peeve of mine... Americans always consider Mexico Central America.... it's not!! It's NORTH AMERICA, Canda, USA, Mexico. That's North America. GRAB A DAMNED BOOK DAMMIT!

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 PM ----------

Ever poop yourself
I've sharted a few times... does that count?
Cause they're wrinkly and ugly and have yellowed-by-tobacco teeth. And their too-tight jeans and tubetops show cellulite THROUGH THE CLOTH


Staff member
That's an excellent reason.

Ok, say you had to go an entire day only using 10 words to communicate. You can use them more than 10 times, but only those 10. You have no idea who you're going to encounter. Which words do you choose?
Ok, I think I'm too distracted by the table of hotties to think of the 10 words question, I'll get to that one later, ok?

any simpler questions I can answer while pretending to me working all important-like? :paranoid:


Staff member
Hmm... what job would you never ever want, no matter how much it paid?

Which one at that table do you like the most? :p

What exactly are you doing to flirt right now?

What's your favorite part about each season?
Any type of job that had me dealing with idiot customers will soon have me at the 10 o clock news after being shot to death in the middle of a murdering rampage.

I like the girl with the blue eyes and black hair. I've always had a weakness for that combo. Plus... those LEEEEGS.

Right now, I'm being quiet and "busy" and "mysterious"... a few minutes ago I was making eye contact and smiling when it was maintained. A few minutes before that I asked them if they could watch my laptop while I went to the bathroom and then asked them their names when I came back and thanked them using them.

And the only season I like is WINTER!!! COLDNESS PLEASE!!!


Staff member
So what's next, "Can I buy you a biscotti, blue eyes?" ;P

What color is your favorite winter coat/jacket/sweater?


Staff member
Haha, me too. That way they go with everything. :D

Calleja, do you miss chatting with me on vent? Because I miss chatting with you. :'(
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