Drunker/Higher/Wasted...The Hoff has you beat!

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Shakey trivia of the day: I have the same birthday as the Hoff, but not the same year.

I feel bad for his daughter though. Wasn't she there for the last bender too?
How DARE you, sir!


This isn't the first time the former Knight Rider star has had to outrun allegations of alcohol abuse....Of course, he hasn't been shy to discuss his battles with the bottle and has logged a couple stints in rehab, most recently in 2007. That was the year daughter Taylor shot a notorious video showing him sloshed on a bathroom floor; a few months later Hasselhoff did need to be hospitalized for alcohol poisoning.

Poor Hoff and those "allegations."

I feel bad for his daughter though. Wasn't she there for the last bender too?
Yeah, seriously, this guy has to be putting her through total hell. It's fine by me if you want to kill yourself but man, leave your poor kids out of it.
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