What's the stupidest thing you're afraid of?

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We all carry about irrational fears, so what's yours? I'm not talking about the things that make sense like dying or losing your job or loved ones. I'm talking about the one where you know better, and still it bugs you.

For me, it's ghosts. I completely do not believe in ghosts and have never seen one shred of evidence that makes me think otherwise. Still, if I've seen the right movie or played the wrong game, I will give myself a major case of the wiggums once night falls.
I have a horrible fear of sliding down a narrow space into water. Think Luke Skywalker at the end of Empire Strike Back ... except instead of falling out of Cloud City ... drowning.

Wasabi Poptart

Getting a paper cut on my eye from turning the page of the newspaper.
I don't know if you would count this but I have a terrible fear that I am wrong when I am working on something I know what I am doing but I always have a nagging fear that I forgot something or that I missed something. It often holds me back from sharing certain things because I feel what if it's wrong? I know failure is part of life but I hate the idea that I failed because my data was wrong or because i forgot something. And for the post part my fear is unfounded I am smart and I have a great memory. I am constantly being told I could do whatever I want but I always have a nagging fear that I will make a mistake. Even when I am learning something I can't stand being wrong I usually will study something for awhile before mentioning it because I don't want to say something that's wrong. The worst part is I know that I can do whatever I need to but I can still never get rid of the nagging feeling of doom/failure hanging around my shoulders. It feels like if I don’t keep triple checking all of my work I will miss something and failure will be right there staring at me. I can't start to say how many things I have started and scrapped because I felt that I must have overlooked something about it.
Whenever I'm in public and get the urge to nod off, I always put my head forward, never back.

I get filled with an awful sense of dread that someone is going to come up and slit my throat if I leave it exposed.

Landing planes. I dislike flying, I don't have a fear, I just don't like it. When you're in the air it's quite lovely, like a train ride in the sky. Unfortunately you have to land, which is another way of saying the pilot feels the need to hurdle the plane toward the ground at an extremely high speed, and then graze the side of the earth with the wheels while decelerating (accelerating at a negative rate for you physics nerds) an an extremely rapid rate. Tell me again why I should feel safe when those seat-belt lights come on?
Being discovered as a complete fraud and faking my way through my job.

Which isn't true, however that fear always follows me regardless.

Wasabi Poptart


Landing planes. I dislike flying, I don't have a fear, I just don't like it. When you're in the air it's quite lovely, like a train ride in the sky. Unfortunately you have to land, which is another way of saying the pilot feels the need to hurdle the plane toward the ground at an extremely high speed, and then graze the side of the earth with the wheels while decelerating (accelerating at a negative rate for you physics nerds) an an extremely rapid rate. Tell me again why I should feel safe when those seat-belt lights come on?
I hate taking off. I spend a few minutes begging the powers that be to please let us level off soon.
Elevators in tall buildings. It mostly shows up in dreams, but enough that I get the willies when I step onto one (which is not all that often, really).


Gutters on rooftops. Not getting up there to clean them, but the gutters themselves, like they'll break and swing down and slice me with jagged fast falling edges.


Staff member
I also fear that someone is going to break into my house and stab me in the back in my sleep. Not steal my stuff... just stab me and leave. It makes me laugh when I think about it. I think it's some freaky recurring dream I had as a kid or something.
I am scared of small spaces. I have a hard time sitting in the backseat of a 2 door car or in the backseat of a minivan. Pretty much anything that doesn't have an immediate exit point, I get a little worked up. I don't like planes for that same reason, but I can deal with that.
I'm okay in elevators, but not tightly packed crowds.

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 PM ----------

I also fear that someone is going to break into my house and stab me in the back in my sleep. Not steal my stuff... just stab me and leave. It makes me laugh when I think about it. I think it's some freaky recurring dream I had as a kid or something.
Oh shii..

I just about wrote that I am afraid of being attacked in my sleep! I thought folks would think that's silly.

I am also worried that someone will attack me from behind in a movie theater.


I'm that asshole who won't sit with his back to the door of a restaurant.

Kitty Sinatra

It's not really a stupid fear as it's so common, but my only real fear is a heights. And even that I can conquer readily enough, but it's there, and worse than it really should be.
It's not really a stupid fear as it's so common, but my only real fear is a heights. And even that I can conquer readily enough, but it's there, and worse than it really should be.
I'm not afraid of heights, but I have a fear that I'll give into my fear of wanting to jump off of heights...

Kitty Sinatra

Avoid Niagara Falls then. That water is just taunting you to leap in. It's a weird, hypnotic feeling.

Le Quack

That I won't develop socially and be a thirty year old living with his parents.


I'm not afraid of spiders at all. I'll flail at a bug that flies into my ear or something, but have no problem dealing with big spiders that wind up in my bedsheets or in my room, don't even hugely care when I walk through a web - even if the spider was hanging out on the web it can't do more than give me an itch...

However, in my dreams, I'm terrified of 'em. Even dreams that are completely unrelated will often get hijacked by me seeing one danging from the ceiling at me or something, and I'll wake up in a huff and flailing and feel paranoid about them for a minute or two.

So, my only big irrational fear goes away when I'm awake. I hate the subconscious.
I really can't think of anything STUPID that I'm afraid of. Most of my fears are pretty rational, I think.

What I'm most afraid of is other people. There's only one person I know whom I really trust. Everyone else I'm faking it, just as I'm sure they are faking their sincerity.

But my friend is scared of buttons. Not like election buttons with the sharp pins. Like shirt buttons. But only if they aren't sewn onto anything. Freaks them out.
As every time a "fear post" appears, I have to say I'm terribly scared of animals getting inside me, by any bodily orifice or just burrowing through the meat. Mostly bugs, but also mice and other small animals.

There's also stuff that only scares me just before I go to bed. For example, I can't think of Eraserhead before bed if I don't want to be really scared afterwards of the creature in that film. Also, Salad Fingers. I can imagine him coming by my bed and brutally attacking me with his terrible hands with a happy maniac face in one psycothic outburst.

EDIT: Just right noe, I have come back home and I've seen some guy hiding on the entrance of my building. I called the police, and we found nothing. I came back to my flat to see, through the stair-hole, a man sitting some flats below mine. I call the police again...

I was more scared, both times they came, by the possibility that I didn't really see men and I was going to look dumb on the eyes of the police than I was cared of the actual intruder.

(There finally WAS a man. A really really drunk man that lives two flats below mine and tried to get some sleep on the entrance of the building and then tried to get home, couldn't find the keyhole and decided to sit down on the stairs...)
I have generalized anxiety. My life is full of NOTHING BUT Irrational fears. I know they are irrational... I've had therapy to help me deal with them. That doesn't stop my brain from sending intense fear signals to my body during the stupidest things.
Something that's always in the back of my head in an elevator is not only that it could fall during the ride, but it would really suck if it fell as I was exiting. It would probably cut me in two, and maybe even do it the long ways.

I also really don't like heights. I can hardly even watch high places on television without kinda getting a little uneasy.


when the camera guy looks over, especially the 2nd time and the camera goes past the ground. I have to hold onto something.

Sometimes, at night while I walk around, I realize that if someone just drove by and shot me, not only would there not be a damn thing I could do about but they would probably get away with it too.


Centipedes. Just thinking about them makes me wanna piss my pants.

Nothing should have more legs than a spider. THERE SHOULD BE A LAW.
I fear mankind's stupidity and how it's impossible to overestimate it because it always catches you by surprise. Each day brings at least half a dozen new examples which makes me wonder what the F we're doing.
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