What's the stupidest thing you're afraid of?

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Elevators in tall buildings. It mostly shows up in dreams, but enough that I get the willies when I step onto one (which is not all that often, really).
Similar but mine is elevators with a glass enclosure so that you can see out of them *shudder* even if it's only 4 stories as I found out the other day
Being discovered as a complete fraud and faking my way through my job.

Which isn't true, however that fear always follows me regardless.
I hear you on this one, brother.

It's helped along a good deal by a rough experience at a previous company where I got blamed for the previous guy actually being a complete fraud and faking his way through his job, including "teaching" me how to do financials that were actually completely inaccurate. I found the errors after he left, but the guys I was working for decided that it was my fault for not catching it earlier.

Knowing that they were blaming me for circumstances that had been in place for literally years before I showed up helped solidify my desire to just leave, but it's made me paranoid ever since.


My fear of things is directly related to the number of legs that they have. Snakes? Aww. Humans? I guess they could stab me if they wanted to. Cats? Those suckers have claws. Ants? Eh, keep it over there. Spiders? HOLY SHIT KEEP IT AWAY! Centipedes and above? I'm glad I live in a country where those are really uncommon.

I also have a really terrible fear about heights when it's something I can't control. Like, if I'm the one on the heights, I'm fine. But one time a friend leaned against a stairwell banister at school and I began to have vivid ideas of the thing breaking and him falling. I knew I would be smart enough to avoid it, but I wasn't so sure about him. I had to leave to avoid the embarrassment of saying something.


I too am afraid of zombies. But it's more the Zombies from '28 Days Later' type zombie or 'Rage Zombies' that I am more terrified just because they seem to be more intelligent and much more of a threat.
While they don't really scare me I do think that Clowns are really really creepy, I don't know why, I just don't like them, they. Make me uncomfortable I suppose.
I actually just heard how L4D2 will have new 'Uncommon' common infected that are different depending on what location you are in and one of them is a Rage Zombie Clown whos feet squeek attracting more regular infected. Fuck you valve!
I also really don't like heights. I can hardly even watch high places on television without kinda getting a little uneasy.
Never visit the Sears Tower


I don't know if I could do that. Maybe if I gave myself some time to psych myself up for it. It would be like when I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and had to just chill in the middle for a bit before getting the nerve to look over the edge. Funnily enough though, that wasn't what made me feel the worst about it. It was things like the guy holding his camera over the edge, or seeing the rods outside the cage at the top shake in the wind a little. Also when the floor flattened out a little when I stepped on it and made me think I was falling for a 1/2 second.


Staff member
People actually taking Creationists seriously, that is to say human idiocy.

Oh wait, that's not an irrational fear, is it?

Spiders - I can crush them.

Having people in my house - This is a weird one that I can't explain.

Answering the phone - What could possibly go wrong. Honestly.

I'm a fucked-up person.


Motherfucking ocean waves and me being at the bottom of one as it breaks.

I'm talking about giant ones. Like 30-80 ft swells. It's irrational because I don't surf nor live anywhere near a beach, nor would I ever go into choppy sea water.
I am a very clumsy person who has to watch EVERY step I make as to not trip and fall. Stairs are a problem. Every time I go downstairs in my apartment, I play a scene in my head (different every time) where I tumble to my death. This always happens before I take my first descending step.

Also, even though I have been getting better at this, I have a huge fear of pulling a boss or impossible group of mobs before the tank does in instances in WoW. Thank god the tank I usually group with is playing no more than 3 feet behind me!
Spiders and creepy crawlies in general. I'm immeasurably bigger than they are. They cannot possibly hurt me. I am nonetheless creeped the fuck out.

Mr. Lawface

Tall things. Skyscrapers are the worst. I get incredibly uncomfortable and sometimes try to cover my head. It becomes almost physically impossible to look up. There is no problem if there is a window between me and the tall thing. Driving around a city is perfectly fine, but the second I step out of the car I am terrified.

I have no idea why I have this.



Same here. Seriously people, there is no escape from zombies. I dream about once a month about this.

Also, a general, irrational fear of horror movies. I can't watch them b/c I know I'll freak out afterwards. I'm always afraid I be in a social situation involving scary movies in which I will be humiliated.


Being wrapped up. Like in a blanket or bed sheet. I freak out even if it's easy to get out of.
For whatever reason, wasps. I love insects, especially honeybees, but wasps of all kinds just put me on edge. I've gotten a lot better about it, but matters weren't helped much by going to Japan and having to deal with these fuckers:



Mosquitoes, bees, and anything else with stingers/suckers/whatever the fuck they have that like to make me their bitch in all times of the year that are not winter.

Going outside and coming back in two hours later with 20 mosquito bites is not fun at all. I'll show them when I figure out how not to exhale.
For whatever reason, wasps. I love insects, especially honeybees, but wasps of all kinds just put me on edge. I've gotten a lot better about it, but matters weren't helped much by going to Japan and having to deal with these fuckers:

Shallow but unclear water. I love swimming, I like to go scuba diving, I don't mind water so deep you can't see the bottom. The only type of water I'm actually scared of is the type of muddy shallow brooks or rivers; like half a meter or so deep. I absolutely friggin' hate that sort of water - and all kinds of nature amusement parks tend to have that under a lot of the things you can fall off of or stuff. Gah! For some reason, I'm scared that I'll end up without the ability to tell up from down and I'll suffocate in the mud, or something. Don't ask me why :confused:
Going bald
Funny you should mention that, I saw someone at a Subway yesterday, here in Taipei, who looked a lot like you. I actually considered going up to the guy and asking if he's JCM from Halforums.

The person was going slightly bald at the top, and his hairline was receding a bit too.

You're not in Taipei are you?


I'm afraid about *other* people in high places. I don't have any problems running along cliff edges, or goofing off near giant drop-offs, but the minute someone else approaches the edge I freak the fuck out. I just have this fear of the person falling and me not being able to do a thing about it.

I also have a fear that the angry, tyrannical God of the bible does exist.
I have a fear of deep water. I don't like thinking about being above the 'ground' (sea floor)

If I'm swimming in like ... a 12 foot pool, sometimes I just wonder "What would happen now if the water all disappeared? I'd fall 12 feet and break a leg!"

Same for traveling via boat. "Oh, the seafloor is 400m down? Well, won't we all be fucked if the water just disappears?"
For whatever reason, wasps. I love insects, especially honeybees, but wasps of all kinds just put me on edge. I've gotten a lot better about it, but matters weren't helped much by going to Japan and having to deal with these fuckers:


That is an asian giant hornet. The less you know about them, the better for your sanity.
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