Roaches and M&Ms

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I don't make new threads often, but this interested me in so many different ways at once that I felt I had to.

Kay, so, I had a bag of open M&Ms in my apartment cupboard. They've been there a while. But hey, they're M&Ms. That's what you do.

So anywho, I get a craving for them, and as I'm pulling the bag out, a fairly decent amount spill out. I think, "Well doo-doo biscuits, I'll put these in a less spillable container." So I get a tupperware thingy, pour the M&Ms into it, clean up the M&Ms I spilled, and head to my room.

When I go back to put the new container away, I open the cupboard and see "movement." I wasn't sure what kind of movement, but hey, movement in a cupboard is never good news.

Anyway, I peer in and notice 3 M&Ms that I'd missed in clean-up. And a roach that had just scampered away from them when I peered in.

I look at the M&Ms and they are very visibly eaten. Like, I've never really had to ponder what it looks like when a roach gets a hold of something to eat, but these things were torn into. Two of them had little blotches of color drilled away to the chocolate, and the third was getting worn down. That muh-fugger was HONGRY.

So yeah, I just assumed that I had a roach in my cupboard and it found some M&Ms I'd just spilled. Wee. But then I noticed a few little tiny roach poos. That's when it occured to me that the roach could have very well been inside my bag. So I look into my tupperware thingy, sift around a bit, and.. Oh.. Joy. Lookit that. Little roach poos.


After tossing the M&Ms into the trash, I start clearing the cupboard in preparation to kill this little guy. I eventually flush him out and then crush him with some paper towels.

Here's where it gets interesting-er. On my paper towel, on the counter, and on the floor where the corpse fell were splotches of blue. Like, a LOT of blue. Like, "Here's a water-dropper with food coloring in it. Give it a few squeezes!"

So, I'm guessing this bastard ate so much of the blue and green M&Ms that his guts/blood/contents/whatever was just blue liquid.

Whatever. It was just weird.

tl;dr - I ate roach M&Ms.


Interesting that it shied away from the red ones. I never imagined roaches would be squeamish when it comes to cannibalism.


Staff member
Son of a bitch! Roaches are fucked up.

I just went into the kitchen and found a dead roach, and I was like, "Fuck! Another one!" before I realized it was dead.

But then I was like, "Well why the shit is it dead?" and then I thought, "... Is that the same one?"

So I went over and picked it up (with paper towels, yes), AND IT WAS THE SAME SQUISHED BLUE-GUTS ROACH FROM BEFORE.


That thing survived me SQUISHING half its body's worth of guts out of it, me "confirming" the kill, tossing it into a soda can, and then tossing it into the trashcan.

That fucking roach regained consciousness, climbed out of the can, climbed out of the trash can, and made it a good 6 feet before it keeled over and died.

Thing is, it almost made it under the sink, so I wouldn't have ever known.

I kinda respect the little guy in a way. Tryin' so hard.

But dammit.

Stay the fuck out of my M&Ms.

And really, if a roach is in a trash can full of M&Ms, why would it even want to escape?
Yo Doomdragon6, I'm proud of you and Imma let you finish, but Kafka had the best roach related story of all time. OF ALL TIME!
Honestly, you should be concerned, because roaches rarely travel alone, so if you see one, there are probably hundreds you just haven't found yet. I'd be sealing my food up a little more tightly until someone gets an exterminator in there.
I've grown up around roaches. I was raised in a ranch type area from 6mo-15yrs. Then I moved into a slum from 15-19. Then after that I've had fewer and fewer encounters with them until recently when we moved into an area that's very rural with alot of forrest and swamp in the near vicinity. A few roach poison traps here and there takes care of the problem though.

Occasional Poster

Ha! I opened this thread as i was sitting down for dinner but had the prudence to not read it until after I had finished my meal. Not that I'm very squeamish, but still.

I have never actually seen a roach, I guess they are not really common here. Friends and family have had other infestations (ants and silver fish mostly) but I've managed to avoid it (knock on wood). I guess it pays off to be quite neat.

I second Fun Size's recommendation of wariness. I don't have any personal experience with roach infestations, but it doesn't seem likely that it would have been alone.


get roach bait or call exterminator (they cost more) but I highly suggest it. They are not loners.
There were never roaches around when I grew up. They are everywhere in Bermuda, you can't stop them, nor contain them. The apartment I moved into had been unoccupied for several months before my arrival, so there were roaches, ants, and spiders everywhere. It took several more months to see a decrease in their numbers, presumably as they seemed to learn that the room is no longer empty. I seal all food into rubbermaid containers and keep them in the refrigerator. They will find any speck of food and then keep coming back to search for more. I keep a spray bottle of half rubbing alcohol/half tap water to spray the countertops after every meal.
We get roaches here now and then. The big thing is just never leave food open, always take out the trash, and if you can, keep a compost pile nearby. We have a compost pile a good 100 feet from our house behind an old shed, and the roaches love that thing so much that they rarely come into the house. I know that is not possible for most, but works well for us (free fertilizer later on too).

I might see one or two come in during the rainy season, but I just catch them in a cup and take them back to the pile, never see them again.

Truth be told they are the lucky ones, with three murderous cats and a indoor dog, nothing outside of flying insects make it longer then an hour in my house.

The biggest lesson this should tell you is always reseal your food, make it a habit.
Cockroaches do not exist here. Apparently there have been a few incidents of Indian families importing them, but they infest maybe a house or two, and never manage to make the jump from house to house very well. When I spent some time in Haiti and had them crawling all over the place I was staying, I didn't really know how to cope.

Similar with snakes. I have no experience with snakes, so I get really uneasy around them. Not a phobia. Just a fear that I wouldn't know a deadly one from a cute cuddly one, or how to deal with it if it started to misbehave.
I have two cockroach stories from when I lived in New York. One had to do with a surprise under my toilet paper. Another had to do with a water bottle. I can't tell the latter story right now as I'm already nauseated (not due to this thread), but suffice to say in 15 years I have never owned another water bottle that wasn't see-through.


I wish they were rare in South East Texas. I spend a fortune on exterminators.

Ick, I know. There's a large tree I have to walk under to exit my backyard & I'm always afraid that one of those large tree roaches are going to fall on me. And once it's dark I always have to watch where I step when going outside.
I have two cockroach stories from when I lived in New York. One had to do with a surprise under my toilet paper. Another had to do with a water bottle. I can't tell the latter story right now as I'm already nauseated (not due to this thread), but suffice to say in 15 years I have never owned another water bottle that wasn't see-through.
for years I had the recurring nightmare of drinking and drinking and drinking form a glass of water with a live cockroach moving inside. I could see it all the tome, but I couldn't stop drinking and the water never ended. Possibly, one of my worst nightmares, wich tells you both about my dream's contents and how disgusting I find roaches to be.
I live in a pretty rural area, and roaches tend to be a more urban pest so the only experience I've really had with them was during my trip to Manhattan.

It's quite a shock to go from never seeing one to seeing one that could go 3 rounds with Mike Tyson.


I have two cockroach stories from when I lived in New York. One had to do with a surprise under my toilet paper. Another had to do with a water bottle. I can't tell the latter story right now as I'm already nauseated (not due to this thread), but suffice to say in 15 years I have never owned another water bottle that wasn't see-through.
:Leyla: :puke:

I hate this thread uggggggghhhhhhhh...
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