Dear Laurelai: The EMS Version

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Any questions for a somewhat shy irregular forum poster?

Why emergency medicine?

Who do you most resemble, your father or mother?

Who would you rather resemble: mother Theresa or Father Damien, and why?

If there was a medical emergency in a movie theater and someone shouted for a medic/doctor, would you respond? Added, wuld you dare take charge of the situation?

Computer games or board games?

CHocolate or ice cream?

To love or be loved?

Few friends or lots of acquaintances?

Family or friends?

Drugs y/n?

Hugs or kisses?


Q-Why emergency medicine?
A- Apparently it fits my brain really well. I have a pretty good case of A.D.D. that I didn't even know about until 5 years ago. It's the perfect job for my muddled brain- short tasks, each different, you never know what you're getting next and some are quite adrenaline charged.

Q- Who do you most resemble, your father or mother?
A- My dad who passed away July 29th of this year. I look just like him. 'cept I have long hair and b00bs ... well, and no beard... you get the picture.

Q- Who would you rather resemble: mother Theresa or Father Damien, and why?
A- Mother Theresa I 'spose... Leprosy skeeves me out.

Q- f there was a medical emergency in a movie theater and someone shouted for a medic/doctor, would you respond? Added, wuld you dare take charge of the situation?
A- I've done it on a commercial airliner, I've done it in a restaurant, so the only difference in a movie theater would be the dark. I'm what's refered to as a "solo" medic by our medical director which means that I have shown proficiency to run calls without another medic supervising and I can direct the calls. I am quite comfortable running the show.

Q- Computer games or board games?
A- Both! I love backgammon, checkers, cribbage,- I love the social aspect of board games. I adore computer games though too- since I've had the baby though, my gaming time has been zorched. I finished Fallout 3 not too long ago, and that was fun.

Q- CHocolate or ice cream?
A- Chooooccccolaaaate /drool
..... chocolate ice cream??

Q-To love or be loved?
A- One to the exclusion of the other? Oy- neither is very good without the other, but were I to choose, To Love then- I would rather be loving than loveless.

Q- Few friends or lots of acquaintances?
A- Few friends. I lub my close group.

Q- Family or friends?
A- Family :) Of course, my crew at work, who are very close friends, arelike a second family- so I have a bonus!

Q- Drugs y/n?
A- Back in the day I was quite the pot-head. But I grew up.

Q- Hugs or kisses?
A- There is nothing as divine as a good kiss

---------- Post added at 07:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:15 PM ----------

Would you be willing to try some fiber for that irregularity?
/bonk Jake

In *that* regard, I am quite fine thank you very much.
btw- did they ever say you won the PS contest??

Wasabi Poptart

Have you ever gone to an emergency scene that was so awful it made you want to quit? You don't have to go into any detail with your answer unless you're comfortable with it.

My grandfather was a volunteer firefighter in my hometown when my mom was a young girl. Some little kids had died inside their bedroom at this one house fire. It tore him up so bad that he quit the fire company.
Ever seen anyone do something completely against their own self preservation instinct out of sheer dumbfuckery?
(for example, I've known a motor cyclist who had an accident, who was just walking around after the crash, seemingly OK, take off his helmet only to take his brain with it. True story. Not fun to see. Urk.)

Are you happy with your life the way it is?

Who are the 5 hottest women of our times?

Who are the 5 hottest men of all times.

Personal favourite musical number?

Favourite dessert?

Favourite desert? :-P

Favourite 10 posters?

Least favourite poster?

10 things you want to do in your life?

Greatest regret?

Greatest pleasure?


Have you ever gone to an emergency scene that was so awful it made you want to quit? You don't have to go into any detail with your answer unless you're comfortable with it.

My grandfather was a volunteer firefighter in my hometown when my mom was a young girl. Some little kids had died inside their bedroom at this one house fire. It tore him up so bad that he quit the fire company.
Newp- I have a very good ability when it comes to compartmentalizing. I have no idea where the nastiness goes- I mean I remember it all very vividly but it rarely bothers me. The only call that ever got under my skin involved a 5 year old girl who was ejected from her family's SUV onto the interstate. I had nightmares that night that my (at the time) 5 year old and I were on a dock on a pond and she fell into the black water and I almost lost her. Otherwise, dead is dead.


Q- Ever seen anyone do something completely against their own self preservation instinct out of sheer dumbfuckery?
(for example, I've known a motor cyclist who had an accident, who was just walking around after the crash, seemingly OK, take off his helmet only to take his brain with it. True story. Not fun to see. Urk.)
A- Allllll the time. I frequently lament that my job goes against evolution and they should cease EMS for a good year or so and let the stoopid ones weed themselves out for the good of the species. Not a very spectacular example, but the most common- why the hell would you ride a motorcycle on the open road with cars and asphalt and not wear a helmet?? But yeah- people sticking things in places they should not be stuck, going places they ought not go, eating things they ought not eat etc etc....

Q- Are you happy with your life the way it is?
A- Mostly

Q- Who are the 5 hottest women of our times?
A- Halle Berry, Niki Taylor (always loved her), Scarlett Johansson, Salma Hayek annnnnd (ugh- never had to answer this before) and to throw in a redhead, Lindsay Lohan BEFORE she got all too-too-skinny and bleached her hair. I thought she was gorgeous as a curvy redhead with freckles.

Q-Who are the 5 hottest men of all times.
A- (Don't laugh- I love him to DEATH) William H. Macy, Anthony Sabato, George Clooney, Keanu Reeves (in Constantine... its the clean cut white business shirt and tats- rawr!) and Djimon Hounsou

Q- Personal favourite musical number?
A- Currently the song "Furious Angels" by Rob Dougan eats my brain- if you look it up, get the full version, not the music video version.

Q- Favourite dessert?
A- Anything ridiculously richly chocolate and a good cup of coffee

Q- Favourite desert? :-P
A- Uhhhh sadly, I have never traveled to a desert yet. I need to fix that especially considering my love of cacti.

Q- Favourite 10 posters?
A- That's alot yeek! Silver Jelly has to be one of my faves, North Ranger, Zen, Frankie because I consider him a brother in vocation, Adammon, (egads this is like naming the 7 dwarfs but worse) Charlie (even though he eschews surfing) Dave, Wildsoul, and anyone who makes me laugh or think.

Q- Least favourite poster?
A- Anyone who is mean spirited, who whines, or posts huge walls o' text. My ADD monkey just grabs his spoon and starts eating my brain if I try to read those.

Q- 10 things you want to do in your life?
A- Hike in the Rockies, visit Venice, visit Spain, visit Tokyo, hike in Alaska, scuba off Baja, watch both my girls get married, be a granma, get the weight off, be a better person to my fellow person.

Q- Greatest regret?
A- Not going to college

Q- Greatest pleasure?
A- Watching the progess my children make as they grow. My 9 year old is getting to be quite good a soccer and I love going to her games. My 8 month old is crawling!!!

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

You did.

You still haven't sent me information to send you your game of choice.
*I* WON??!?!?!

/races off to read the thread
lol I didn't know! I assumed it was someone else!!!!
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