What movie/tv/comic character is most like you?

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Staff member
In the spirit of the "add personal information about yourself to Shegokigo's hitlist" threads, which character (be it comic, movie, or tv) acts the most like you? Combos are okay, too. I want personality traits, not matching careers, goals, etc. I'm just trying to figure out what you guys act like in real life.


i got all excited that shego had a hit list thread and went to hunt for it...:(


How Wolf acts in real life; A comedy in three acts

Act 1: Wherein I wake up to discover a raccoon has stolen my bacon.

Act 2: Wherein upon attending Crim Law, I realize I still reek of whiskey from the night before and have a hickie from the GF, which my professor points out.

Act 3: Wherein the aforementioned Raccoon, his hunger still ravaging him, attacks me for a pittance of butter and a scone.


Staff member
This Shawn Spencer character that James Roday plays on Psych is very similar to me in real life. Same sense of humor. My wife thinks it's kind of uncanny, actually. He's more extroverted than me, though. Maybe throw in a little weird mumbling intellectual like [insert one of Jeff Goldblum's characters here] for flavor.


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So that's her name. Never watched that show, but my sister's on a mission to sit me down in front of it. I'd really like to. Alec Baldwin is hilarious.
Tim from Spaced. He's a bit more tightly wound than I and does drugs, but otherwise he's just a somewhat older me. I already get told I look like Simon Pegg a lot, that show just feeds the comparison.


Staff member
Well, there's Marshall from Undeclared:

And there's also...


And then there's the wardrobe and pure sex of Brett:
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