The world's ended. Now what?

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hypothetical question ahead:

Let's us our pretend-o-vision glasses and imagine that the the civilized world has just collapsed from lack of resources to maintain the infrastructures of communication and government. No bombs were dropped, no super diseases came about, Rome just fell.

You've managed to survive the first weeks of the aftermath, and have 100 people of all walks of life whose lives you've saved. No one is a super soldier or super models, but you have plumbers, officeworkers, a Dr. and an equal number of men to women.

As things stand, resources are running low and your followers are getting restless.

What are you going to do. Mayor?

So lets throw a bit of risk into the mix. a month after you get to your plans, a squad of soldiers intent on replaying the pillaging and raping of the Vikings shows up. Not heavily armed as in tanks and what not, but definitely with guns.

Now what?
Enjoy the sacking of whatever the Rome equivalent was... it's the least i can do after felling it... Neo-Vandals on a rampage (or should we go with Visigoths?)...
Depends greatly on the season and weather. Assuming it happened right now, I'd work on moving everyone out to shelter in farmland areas, and rescue/appropriate livestock, grain, and shelter as found and as needed.

This would take us off the beaten path so as to be less likely prey to other remnants of society, and also to avoid becoming too large - people will naturally move to the big cities where they expect others to go to.

Make sure there's enough food and shelter to winter over, and plant winter wheat (will come up and provide food in the spring). Search for gardens to collect seeds for the following year. Search for weapons and ammunition. Collect fuel reserves (most large farms will have oil and diesel tanks) and generators for necessary electricity (Ham radio communications, an FM/AM broadcast to relay information, power medical equipment, cooking/food safety/refrigeration). Collect solar and wind generators.

Keep the people busy so they don't get bored.



Staff member
The biggest problem I see is that there will be a truckload of bad people trying to take anything that I scrounge together.

First thing I'm going to do is find a maximum security prison and use that as my base of operations. In most cases the walls would be very defensible against most things people could throw at us. Especially after most people have exhausted their range of firepower.

So the wonderful prison has enough space to grow some food and probably has a smallish store of rations. I'd then go to the library (which I assume would not be looted) and check out books such as "How Stuff Works" and things like that. Books on horticulture, farming and basic engineering. Office people wouldn't be that much help but they'd be great to help figure stuff out.

One of the first things we'd do is figure out how to set up solar panels so that we could have electricity, heat, etc. As I live in the Midwest this is a must for the winter months. With enough electricity we can power the fences to help defense.

Now, this would only get us so far as we'd be in limited space, but we'd have facilities, a fairly well stocked armory, kitchen and medical facility.

I'd also institute an immediate schooling with apprentices and mentoring. Everyone would have to work, even the kids. We'd also have to start training in some form of combat.

It wouldn't be perfect, but I think we'd survive if left alone long enough.
Build a thunderdome and then loot everywhere else while people are distracted by office workers fight to the death.
Depends greatly on the season and weather. Assuming it happened right now, I'd work on moving everyone out to shelter in farmland areas, and rescue/appropriate livestock, grain, and shelter as found and as needed.

This would take us off the beaten path so as to be less likely prey to other remnants of society, and also to avoid becoming too large - people will naturally move to the big cities where they expect others to go to.

Make sure there's enough food and shelter to winter over, and plant winter wheat (will come up and provide food in the spring). Search for gardens to collect seeds for the following year. Search for weapons and ammunition. Collect fuel reserves (most large farms will have oil and diesel tanks) and generators for necessary electricity (Ham radio communications, an FM/AM broadcast to relay information, power medical equipment, cooking/food safety/refrigeration). Collect solar and wind generators.

Keep the people busy so they don't get bored.


I'm joining up with Adam here and letting the ruling be done by him, he seems to be good about it.
In the mean time, I'll help keep the women pregnant to replenish our stock of canon fodder...I mean, "keemp the people busy". Yeah. :-P


Resources would not run that low. I'd have moved us out into rural farming area and delegated tasks based on the abilities of each person, up to and including foragers to supplement our supplies. Should those foragers eventually find little in our lifetime, we could simply move on carrying our crops and tools with us. A semi nomadic/farming community.
Like others have said, find a secure location would be step one. From their figure out the basics, food, water, electricity, security.
Honestly, if a group of a 100 people could get that far in such harsh conditions I'd be pretty dang happy.
Everything is about survival right now. We need protection from animals, other men, and the elements. We will try to find high ground with existing buildings that can be repaired, preferably with enough structures nearby to scavenge from. We are likely racing time, so short of finding the optimal defensive position (the Walking Dead route, Dave?) we have to put everyone to work. We'll probably have to live in very confined spaces at first, two or three buildings, and then repair, expand and fortify steadily. If we are under constant barrage, we may have to flee or dig in (as a last resort.)

Assuming we've got some time on our side, we can gather as much food as we can find and begin growing (indoors, if necessary) what we'll need. Ideally we'll have gathered livestock, canned goods, plastic tarps and containers, axes and tools, a generator (if we are so lucky), lots of cloth, flammables, weapons, and building supplies (nails & screws, blowtorch & propane, lumber, pipes, adhesives, etc.) If we're really lucky we'll manage to get books, cigarettes, alcohol, medicine, glassware, gold and jewelry, musical instruments, and other luxuries that we can use or trade. The first year is all about day to day for everyone and the second year is about establishing our territory. After that it is about regular expansion through trade, absorption of new refugees, and, when necessary, war.
*The world has ended*

I'm to busy settling my horde of people in a community and getting things set up for survival to post on the board. But rest assured, you all have your jobs and work to do and we'll be ok so long as we stick together.

Shego and other of our more morbid are in charge of security
Tin, CJ, ZM, and others are in charge of food
I'd list more jobs but I have to go handle a small emergency over with the shelter people



Make sure they do not create hypothetical threads.
why do you keep reading/posting in threads that you deem a waste of time? Are you compelled? Do you actually need me to know that you don't think my threads are useful to you? Because it that's that case, consider it done; and fuck off already.

Kitty Sinatra

I'd high tail it Prince Edward Island and re-enact Anne of Green Gables every day


So lets throw a bit of risk into the mix. a month after you get to your plans, a squad of soldiers intent on replaying the pillaging and raping of the Vikings shows up. Not heavily armed as in tanks and what not, but definitely with guns.

Now what?


Have I had time to create some sort of Iron-Man-esque power suit?
Probably, if you could create the power source required to run it? But let's use say for sake of argument the only thing you have is warning by three days before they arrive.
So lets throw a bit of risk into the mix. a month after you get to your plans, a squad of soldiers intent on replaying the pillaging and raping of the Vikings shows up. Not heavily armed as in tanks and what not, but definitely with guns.

Now what?
What's the us vs. them ratio? Or is that too hard to discern?


100 citizens versus

In the United States Army, a squad is composed of two fireteams of four or five soldiers each, as well as a squad leader who is a Staff Sergeant.

Kitty Sinatra

Have I had time to create some sort of Iron-Man-esque power suit?
Probably, if you could create the power source required to run it? But let's use say for sake of argument the only thing you have is warning by three days before they arrive.[/QUOTE]

I whisk us all out to the woods so when the Vikings find the whole place dark they'll think god's left the island for good.
So lets throw a bit of risk into the mix. a month after you get to your plans, a squad of soldiers intent on replaying the pillaging and raping of the Vikings shows up. Not heavily armed as in tanks and what not, but definitely with guns.

Now what?
Given that I'm also going to have watchmen, I'll have a little notice, and set up an ambush.

Likely I would make it look as though we were simple farming/religious people with few to no armaments, and would seemingly welcome them into 'our fold', giving them whatever they ask for and generally making it as easy for them to 'take over' as they like.

Meanwhile we're identifying their leaders, line of authority, and at some point we'll kill most of them (via ambush, or at a meal, or whenever it's convenient) starting with their leaders if we can't get them all at once (or if it's determined that it's not worth the waste of our ammunition) and giving the others a chance to leave or be killed.

I suppose it's possible we might be convinced to allow a few to join us, but it's unlikely that I'd be terribly trusting.



Have I had time to create some sort of Iron-Man-esque power suit?
Probably, if you could create the power source required to run it? But let's use say for sake of argument the only thing you have is warning by three days before they arrive.[/QUOTE]

I whisk us all out to the woods so when the Vikings find the whole place dark they'll think god's left the island for good.[/QUOTE]

so what do you do about leaving the fortifications behind and a huge trail of tracks?
Well, if things have gotten to the point where I'm in charge and I need to make sure these people survive, I think we're going to be a little past week 1 after the government's collapse.

I might head over to a nearby army base and see what the situation there is. I'd imagine that most of the regular people there would have either deserted to tend to their families, or still be following orders by what remains of the government and be charged with keeping the law in major cities. Whoever is left might be looking for help from the people I have in my group (plumbers, doctors like you said) so we might just be welcomed by whoever is the CO still there.

If the place is totally abandoned and maybe even ransacked, the structures would still probably be there and in usable condition. We can make that our base and go from there. Maybe if we even find uniforms and whatever supply of guns are left we can make it look like it's still functioning to whoever comes next looking to raid the place.

Kitty Sinatra

I whisk us all out to the woods so when the Vikings find the whole place dark they'll think god's left the island for good.
so what do you do about leaving the fortifications behind and a huge trail of tracks?[/QUOTE]
Well seeing as I had founded an Anne of Green Gables re-enactment, I don't think there'd be any fortifications in the first place. As for the huge trail of tracks . . . Hey Bubble, is there any room left in Adam's group?

Or in seriousness (seeing as my above plan was a Tragically Hip paraphrase), I'd have built the farms with open, barren fields surrounding it and most of us would be trained sharpshooters with night vision googles. I have no idea how well that would work.


Staff member
Listen to Steinman. His people have done this like twice now, between Nauvoo and SLC.


hypothetical question ahead:

Let's us our pretend-o-vision glasses and imagine that the the civilized world has just collapsed from lack of resources to maintain the infrastructures of communication and government. No bombs were dropped, no super diseases came about, Rome just fell.

You've managed to survive the first weeks of the aftermath, and have 100 people of all walks of life whose lives you've saved. No one is a super soldier or super models, but you have plumbers, officeworkers, a Dr. and an equal number of men to women.

As things stand, resources are running low and your followers are getting restless.

What are you going to do. Mayor?

So lets throw a bit of risk into the mix. a month after you get to your plans, a squad of soldiers intent on replaying the pillaging and raping of the Vikings shows up. Not heavily armed as in tanks and what not, but definitely with guns.

Now what?
Someone's been watching 'The Colony'.


Someone's been watching 'The Colony'.
I totally haven't, but given the premise I'm not surprised there is a TV/movie.

I just get these ideas in my head and think "what would Chaz do in this situation?"
100 citizens versus

In the United States Army, a squad is composed of two fireteams of four or five soldiers each, as well as a squad leader who is a Staff Sergeant.
Even 100 versus 10, we're probably in trouble. I don't think we need to pick up and leave before they arrive, but we fortify and perform some rapid self-defense training (I can give the basics even if no one else can). Ideally, we absorb them into our collective or trade for services. But we'll have to show we don't need them so they can't demand everything from us. If they aren't interested in bargaining, we have to make sure they know we're not worth the trouble. We'll have to whittle them down if they decide on an assault, through traps, snipers, or fighting dirty (surrender then strike or worse for the women who may have to fight while being assaulted.) I doubt they will waste too many explosives or too much ammo on us but if they deem us a valuable target they'll expend a lot to get to our goods. There's a reasonable chance we're done for if they just want it all. If we're clearly overpowered, it might be a scenario where we are self destructing and trying to take them with us. :-\


Someone's been watching 'The Colony'.
I totally haven't, but given the premise I'm not surprised there is a TV/movie.

I just get these ideas in my head and think "what would Chaz do in this situation?"[/QUOTE]

I've seen enough Road Warrior and Resident Evil 3 type movies to know what to do. :)


Start a religious movement, converting the 100's into a fanatical army of zealots. After their faith is absolute, we cement the community by taking over an abandoned super-max, start farms and the like and gather up weapons. Any who attack us are met with unrelenting and righteous destruction, or given the option to convert and be spared. Once my army of faithful is strong enough, missionaries will be sent out with armed escorts in order to contact any other power-players in the immediate vicinity and seek either alliance (You'd have an army of determined, iron-willed holy warriors on your side), conversion or destruction and pillaging.

Eventually, if the technology for implanting a living brain into a machine is availible, I will do so and become functionally immortal, leading my followers as a divine king-priest.

We shall call our holy nation New Canaan


Staff member
Make sure they do not create hypothetical threads.
why do you keep reading/posting in threads that you deem a waste of time? Are you compelled? Do you actually need me to know that you don't think my threads are useful to you? Because it that's that case, consider it done; and fuck off already.[/QUOTE]

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