The world's ended. Now what?

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Le Quack

Lead everyone to walmart, raid and take all their plants.

Go to the hills, plant said plants. Be Hilly Billies.


Staff member
Considering that I'd be in a highly fortified enclosure with some small arms fire of my own, I would not be worried about said 10 people. Especially if I'd already had the time to electrify the parameter fencing. One thing I would do is to assert myself as the leader and let the soldiers know that if they were to behave we'd be more than happy to share with them. The main issue with this would be a leadership pissing-match. Basically, surrender your weapons and we'll let you in. If you play nice and work hard you'll be able to use them again to help defend.

We have food, power and women. Join us, die trying to take us over or leave. But if we want society to come back we need to work together. If we wait too long then people will forget what it is we are trying to rebuild and recapture.

If they decide that they don't want to join us and they look like they are going to attack I'll have the best shooter in the place take out their leader during negotiations.


Considering that I'd be in a highly fortified enclosure with some small arms fire of my own, I would not be worried about said 10 people. Especially if I'd already had the time to electrify the parameter fencing. One thing I would do is to assert myself as the leader and let the soldiers know that if they were to behave we'd be more than happy to share with them. The main issue with this would be a leadership pissing-match. Basically, surrender your weapons and we'll let you in. If you play nice and work hard you'll be able to use them again to help defend.

We have food, power and women. Join us, die trying to take us over or leave. But if we want society to come back we need to work together. If we wait too long then people will forget what it is we are trying to rebuild and recapture.

If they decide that they don't want to join us and they look like they are going to attack I'll have the best shooter in the place take out their leader during negotiations.

Dave, dave,'s that kind of thinking that will bring the wrath of my holy warriors down upon your heathen head! Ally with us and see the Light! Together we shall burn the world clean of the unbeliever and usher in a new golden age!

kill it with countermeasure flares? thats not exactly the best zombie plan i've ever heard...

hey, can we use this thread for our own brand of crazy survivalist daydreams? i have a plan that involves a sailing ship...


Staff member
Move into this joint:

From there, we shall rule the urban wasteland and the surrounding countryside with an iron fist.
I confess I just grabbed that pic because it looked cool.

Besides, how do you know the vampires don't have heat-seeking missiles?
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