Ask Me Anything: Some guy you don't know's edition!

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Hello hello,

I've been a halforum lurker since back when the site was pvp-related or whatever. I've probably posted twice ever.

Anyway, I want to become a more active participant, so I figured this would be a good place to start.

So, you know... Go.

Kitty Sinatra

Hey. I never said his name was bad. It just, y'know, begs that question.

So more questions: A/S/L?


Hey. I never said his name was bad. It just, y'know, begs that question.

So more questions: A/S/L?
I thought I clicked the "show age" thing in User CP, but I guess not. I'm 25.

As for the "S"? The answer is yes.

L = illinois. go bears.

What keeps you coming back here and what would you change if you could?
I don't know, I just find a lot of the shit you guys talk about interesting. I don't think I have any changes in mind.

Kitty Sinatra

Tell me about your favorite date. Who was she, where'd you go, what'd you do, what'd you say, what makes it your fave?

---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------

Oh, and before what's his name gets here, I'll ask first: Who do you resemble more, your mother or father?


Tell me about your favorite date. Who was she, where'd you go, what'd you do, what'd you say, what makes it your fave?

Oh, and before what's his name gets here, I'll ask first: Who do you resemble more, your mother or father?

Best date ever was the first time I went out with my fiancee. We went miniature golfing, saw Hancock, and then went back to my place to hang out. After a few minutes of sitting in silence in front of my tv, we started going at it like high school kids in a hallway between classes. After a satisfying trip around second base (it was our first date, after all) we were laid out on the bed, exhausted. I romantically said, "So what, you wanna be my girlfriend or whatever?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Awesome." And then we high-fived. Best night ever.

Also, I look more like my father.


Staff member
You come in here, you act all perfect yet use self-depreciating humor. Then you recall Rocco's Modern Life?!? I only have one question for you, sir:

What took you so fucking long?!?


You come in here, you act all perfect yet use self-depreciating humor. Then you recall Rocco's Modern Life?!? I only have one question for you, sir:

What took you so fucking long?!?
I don't know, but I can promise it'll never happen again. Because that would require some kind of re-lurking and I'm just not as young as I used to be.


Favorite vacation spot, or a place you long to see for the first time?

Favorite hobby?
I work full time and go to school, so I don't get to vacation much. Of the few places I've been, I would have to say Vegas was the most fun. (Mostly because I had just gotten a $1300 tax refund and I blew the whole thing in three days.)

As for my favorite hobby, I would have to say writing or video games. I enjoy both immensely.

what kind of super powers do you have? what kind would you like to have?
I can juggle any three objects. I would like to be able to walk through walls/fall through floors.

Honey Badgers: your thoughts?
I have none.
I came here wanting to ask 'who are you?' but the thread is too old for that so, instead, I'll comment that whenever I see A/S/L I think American Sign Language before 2 or 3 other meanings.

---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

And to be kinda on topic, hello former fellow lurker. Do you like pinha coladas?


Favorite adult beverage?

Tea, Chai, or coffee?

Favorite soda?

Coffee, but I only drink it in meetings to keep myself from falling asleep

I don't really drink soda anymore, unless I'm at a bar/party and there is booze in it.
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