Your favorite fall music

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Staff member
Just made a facebook status update saying how much the Death Cab album "Plans" reminds me of autumn. Probably because it came out fall-ish soph year during my undergrad. I was playing will they/won't they with this girl at the time, and was still testing out the teaching waters at the time, doing observations in classrooms as the leaves changed.

Blah, blah. Anyway-- "Plans" always hits rotation around the first real cool days of the year; tonight, she's playing away.

What music reminds YOU of Fall? I know one of you fuckers are going to say Halloween music to be a jackass, so let's get that out of the way.


Big D and the kids table - strictly rude

i got it before i started college a long while back and listened the fuck out of it for a couple months. It always remind me of the early fall.

also similar to yours but death cab - narrow stairs

mainly for the song grapevine fire, just always makes me think of camping which is always a fall thing

Kitty Sinatra

The obvious one for me would be Kalendar by The Pursuit of Happiness

"everything was so beautiful especially watching the leaves start to fall"

And yes, I'm smurfing literal about "fall" here. I guess because songs don't remind me of seasons.
Incubus - Morning View has always been on heavy rotation in the fall for me. Otherwise it's eclectic as usual, though I suppose I play a lot more Oingo Boingo as I close in on the Halloween season (not that there's little on my stereo otherwise).


Ah Fall. A fresh new school semester is upon us.

Time to call Dr. Feelgood.

i hate this time of the year. I hate music that reminds of that time of the year and i fucking hate you all too.

Alexisonfire - Watch Out!

It was the first album I listened to on my first day of college. Brings back hella memories.


We don't really (as in not at all ) get fall here. Our water maples turn red and in some areas, there are a good number of them so there's lots of dark magenta/burgundy/scarlet in the marshes where they grow. We have some hickory trees that turn gold, and our poison ivy turn gorgeous gold and scarlet lol. That's about it though :(

If I want fall, I have to look at other people's pictures or travel.
so I don't really have "fall music" either
I have been listening to Pearl Jam's Vitalogy album quite a bit recently. I don't know what that has to do with Autumn though.

I guess I should be listening to Autumn to Ashes :)puke:) or California Dreamin' by Mamas and the Papas :)hump::puke:).
There are two albums that just feel like fall to me:

Nine Inch Nails: The Fragile
Days of the New II (Green Album)
First: Halloween music (I'm on a massive Horrorpops streak on Pandora right now). :tongue:

Second: Garbage - Beautiful. For some reason the whole album is a Fall album for me, particularly A Cup Of Coffee.
We don't really (as in not at all ) get fall here. Our water maples turn red and in some areas, there are a good number of them so there's lots of dark magenta/burgundy/scarlet in the marshes where they grow. We have some hickory trees that turn gold, and our poison ivy turn gorgeous gold and scarlet lol. That's about it though :(
I live in L.A. What you describe is a full-blown Norman Rockwell autumn compared to what we get. Which is 100-degree temperatures thanks to the Santa Anas. If we're very very lucky it might rain next month.
it's rather literal, but this one springs to mind:

(I also find it entertaining that M. Cabrel looks a bit like Inigo Montoya in this video.)


Rilo Kiley - Takeoffs and Landings
White Stripes - Elephant
Modest Mouse - Good News for People Who Love Bad News

Fall is my favorite season, and while I would never put Rilo Kiley on a "favorite music" list (I may have The White Stripes and/or Modest Mouse there depending on my mood) I've found myself listening to these three a lot during the last few autumns. I can't relate any specific memories to them, just a general familiar feeling to the season.
Any glee-club type singing of college fight songs and alma maters really reminds me of fall, mainly from my many, many years of going to college football games. Sadly, I can't find any YouTube vids illustrating what I'm talking about.


Staff member
I've been thinking about it. I really don't think that the music I listen to changes very much at all during the seasons. This is about the time that I start getting impatient with my friends who wet themselves over Christmas and HAVE to start singing jingle bells in goddamn October.
The only seasonal music I really listen to is Sublime right before and during summer.

But any drum cadence/fight song will get me pumped up for fall!

And I am already secretly listening to music as to not drive those I care about insane.
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