UPDATE! - Podcast Monday October 5 7 PM CST

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Staff member
It'll probably be a little later than 12:00 CST because I have a DJ meeting, but after my meeting we will be discussing Halforums as a whole. Popular threads, direction we're going, the Great Kanye Debacle and other topics that interest YOU! And yes, I'll be talking about my days of LARPing, Mav!

So it's going to me me & Ross and we're looking for 1 more to join us. We will take some calls if people call in or you can chat. But we will be only having 3 hosts.

You want to help us host and like the topic? Let us know and you, too, can be famous. Well, sort of famous.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

I have a feeling that this one's gonna be a big hoot-n-holler!
Podcast this Sunday

I have a microphone somewhere.... maybe I can test it out to see if it works.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

Just to let everyone know, we only plan on having a total of 3, maybe 4, people actually talking during the podcast. 4 has proven to be a bit cumbersome as far as interruptions and getting one's say in is concerned, so it's likely to be just 3 people. Ultimately, it'll be up to Dave, but this is what he and I have been discussing.
Podcast this Sunday

Me! Me! Oh, take me!


Errr... yeah. Time to go to bed for me, 't was a long night.
Podcast this Sunday

Dammit, I'm going to miss it! Playing huge 40,000 game that will take all weekend. I look forward to listening to it Monday though.
Podcast this Sunday

Probably won't call in this week. Still recovering from Bronchitis. But I should still be around for the chat.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

We could also try rotating through callers to get more people in the podcasts... maybe bring someone on for 10-15 minutes and let them have their say before moving on to someone else.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

Guys, I am feeling very, very poorly. I may put this one off. I could also give Ross my passwords and let him run the show, but I don't think I'm up to it today.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

I'll plan it for 4pm EDT / 3pm Central, and see who shows up, and also give you time to come in if you want. If I can't get two other speakers, we'll hold it off until another day.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

4 minutes until supposed broadcast time, and no Dave (and no password/id from Dave), so it looks like we're gonna try this again at a later date.


Staff member
Podcast this Sunday

Sorry, guys. I came home and collapsed. I didn't even watch the first half of the Cowboy's game. I got to see the AWESOME second half. Yay.

I'm planning this for tomorrow night. 7 CST. I should be better by then and will do this instead of Monday Night Football.


Podcast this Sunday

I'll be loafing in the text chat, but mostly I'll be rooting for the Packers to destroy Brett Farce.
This'll be interesting to try out a new timeslot. Still need to test my mic to see if it'll work. Is there a way to test it with talkshoe before hand? Even if not for now, just for future reference?


Staff member
If I am back from Five Figner Death punch, Ill try to hop on. but I will most likely be hammered, and deaf. Still would be a hoot though.


Staff member
The lying, the bleeding, the screaming!!!
Have fun, dude!
heh. Otep and Darkness Falls are opening for them (seen all three before....not looking forward to Otep at all, but DF will also be great), and its a small club show, so I assume my hearing will be shot and my body bruised and battered from the pit and alcohol consumption.


If the cast is still going on when I get home from the show, I will defiintely try to get on.


Staff member
The lying, the bleeding, the screaming!!!
Have fun, dude!
heh. Otep and Darkness Falls are opening for them (seen all three before....not looking forward to Otep at all, but DF will also be great), and its a small club show, so I assume my hearing will be shot and my body bruised and battered from the pit and alcohol consumption.


If the cast is still going on when I get home from the show, I will defiintely try to get on.[/QUOTE]

As the topic is Halforums itself this should be epic if you get on drunk!


Staff member
I give you a piece of my mind, old man! Ill be drunk, onery and all hyped up!


But seriously, if it is still going, Ill try to get on, though I doubt it, since the show starts at 7pm est
IIIIIIIIIIIIIII'M so excited for the podcast!

I just have to not fall asleep between now and then...and then also for a few hours after because I have to study! SHOULD BE EASZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Staff member
Dave, where is the link to podcasting instructions, or, jsut say fuck it, and use my cell to call in....FROM THE SHOW!!
Just call one of us, and we'll be the go between guy.

It'll be all "Dave just said he likes the October contest. Uh huh...ok I'll tell them. Shannow says he's drunk and that you should envy him."

but for an hour.


Staff member
Just call one of us, and we'll be the go between guy.

It'll be all "Dave just said he likes the October contest. Uh huh...ok I'll tell them. Shannow says he's drunk and that you should envy him."

but for an hour.

That.....sounds about right.


Staff member
Calling in from the show would be AWESOME until I had to mute you.

(724) 444-7444 is the number. #56336 is the show PIN.


Staff member
k. if i remmebr to, I will try..though, no promises. Thankfully its late enoguh to go to night minutes and is in national
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