What simple natural events terrify you?

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So I am sitting here, unable to sleep. I can hear the thunder outside and a few flashes of light through my curtains. I am totally uneasy, and it's just making it even harder for me to think about sleeping. Then I got the idea to post this just to get it off my chest.

Just for the record I was born and raised in California. As such, I can sleep through earthquakes. They don't even effect me. An earthquake could happen right now and I would just let it rock me to sleep. That is how used to them I became and I just wanted to mention that to make what I am about to type seem even more ridiculous.

When a storm would come through my regions of California it would either be some light rain, maybe some sprinkles. In the rare chance it involved lightening and thunder, it was always so tame, almost pitiful on the coastline. I got used to storms being something nice, calm, and easy. Something almost purifying.

Then I moved to Texas with my then girlfriend. I realized during one of the first "storms" that I was not going to enjoy the rain out here. I was sitting in my desk one night with the rear window open listening to the rain when a flash of light occurred followed by the biggest thundercrack I had heard in my life. In startled me so much I almost jumped across the room. Every storm now that involves anything other then light rain freaks the hell out of me. Every flash of light outside terrifies me. Just a second ago a massive flash happened followed by another huge crack of thunder, and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest.

I never thought I would be so terrified of something that is pretty simple and common, but here I am unable to help myself. I have lived here for a few years now and yet I have still not gotten used to the intensity that can come from some Texas storms. I love the days it's just rain.

Does anyone else have a natural event that to most is probably "meh", yet terrifies you?
There's a storm in Austin? Is it moving south? OOOOOO I hope we get a good rainin' down here.
I could hear the rain pretty heavy outside. No idea if it's moving south. I just try not to think about it.

Thankfully, it sounds like it stopped. :)
Storms are just about to roll in here in East Texas, hoping that the early halloween decorations don't get damaged. I love the rain, and thunder that come with Texas storms. I've actually been in some lightning storms that more lightning strikes hit the ground than raindrops.

I guess the only thing that really gets to me are storms that are capable of producing tornadoes, the low wall clouds and almost eerie stillness that come with them.
I hate lightning, to the point where if there's a thunderstorm outside I'll stay away from the windows. Thunder is no problem for me. Earthquakes, hurricanes, no problem. Never been through a tsunami or a tornado or a mudslide, so not sure how I'd do with those. But damn I hate lightning.
Storms are just about to roll in here in East Texas, hoping that the early halloween decorations don't get damaged. I love the rain, and thunder that come with Texas storms. I've actually been in some lightning storms that more lightning strikes hit the ground than raindrops.

I guess the only thing that really gets to me are storms that are capable of producing tornadoes, the low wall clouds and almost eerie stillness that come with them.
I used to hate the storms in East Texas when I lived there if I had to drive in them. Roads get washed out, the backroads are impossible to get around in. I was on the loop in Tyler taking my driving test and it rained so hard the instructor made us pull over and stop it was so bad.
Storms are just about to roll in here in East Texas, hoping that the early halloween decorations don't get damaged. I love the rain, and thunder that come with Texas storms. I've actually been in some lightning storms that more lightning strikes hit the ground than raindrops.

I guess the only thing that really gets to me are storms that are capable of producing tornadoes, the low wall clouds and almost eerie stillness that come with them.
I used to hate the storms in East Texas when I lived there if I had to drive in them. Roads get washed out, the backroads are impossible to get around in. I was on the loop in Tyler taking my driving test and it rained so hard the instructor made us pull over and stop it was so bad.[/QUOTE]

Tyler, ugh, feel sorry for you. That town just isn't well planned (like there are any that are well planned) for dealing with their rain. Glad I only have to go there once, maybe twice a year. Daughter is in high school band and we travel to her games to see her march, granted, the football isn't bad either, but we're there for the band.


Staff member
This one of the most potent storm systems we've had in recent weeks.

I don't get scared of of simple natural events. Instead, I'm one of the people running outside to greet it, take pictures of it, and study it!

The recent fires here in Northern and Southern California remind me how scary it is. I'll take my chances with earthquakes but when we move I really don't want to live anywhere near a fire danger zone.

I should probably be more afraid of quakes just for safety's sake, but I just get kind of adrenalized. I've never been through a really bad one, though, like Loma Prieta (which compared with the one in Indonesia puts "bad" into persepctive).

I LOVE storms of all kinds, especially since moving to L.A. I've been through a couple of tornadoes when I went to camp and high school in Michigan and got a healthy respect for them up close, but it wasn't scary to me.


Once lightning struck close enough that it shattered a window I was by. I don't do well with lightning/thunder when it's close.
One time lightning struck my neighbour's house. Left a foot-wide hole in the wall, a 4 foot wide "exit wound" and fried all the electronics in the house.

That is fucking terrifying.

Wasabi Poptart

Earthquakes, fires, hurricanes... been there, done that. Don't like them, but I can handle them no problem. I've never been through a tornado, however, they frighten me.
I've had to sit through tornado's in a tent, a ditch, and the back of a truck, so they don't bug me much anymore.

Never been ina earthquack though. that would freak me out.
Been through tornadoes a number of times. They don't really phase me now, but I do respect their power.

But I love a rainy night. Such a beautiful sight. I love to hear the thunder...
I slept through the major mid-90's earthquake in CA, but I had to sleep with the lights on when thunderstorms passed through when I lived in MO. I was terrified of the prospect of tornadoes.


Staff member
Weather doesn't usually frighten me. But what DOES frighten me are bad headaches. It's completely silly and irrational, but my first thought is always, "oh, shit, tumor."
I sometimes get that too. Like if I feel something in my head, be it a headache or a sudden groggy feeling I something think "Here it is, that busted blood vessel that's going to kill me"

Sometimes I'm afraid that a meteorite is going to burn through the atmosphere and basically be a bullet through my brain.
Death and dying. I know it is completely natural, and that I will die one day, but it completely terrifies me.

Kitty Sinatra

I really can't think of anything like this that I'm afraid of.

I live in an area that gets more lightning than pretty much any other part of the continent, so it's a good thing I ain't afraid of it.


Weather and earthquakes don't really bother me, what gets me is something going past my ear with a buzzing noise like a bee, wasp, horsefly, etc. Freaks me out and makes me scream like a school girl in an anime.
Got stung like 15 times once while mowing the yard by some yellowjackets. Freakout city since.
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