hal-forum? half-forum? ha-vorum?

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I happened to see Philosopher B's thread "Hey Girls and Boys of Half-O-Rum" and it got me thinking...just what IS the correct way to pronounce the name of our forum? I use to call it half-forum..but what with the red HAL eye and all, I thought perhaps it might be hal-forums. I also have no idea why I care or am wondering about this, but its bugging me for some reason.
I called it Half Forum at first, but Hal Forum now.

I think we should just re-name it "The Abyss" as it more accurately describes us and gets rid of the confusion.

Of course we'd get like 10 threads of people who hate it and are leaving over it.


We should just have it "Have the Rum."

You know....for the rum's sake. ;)

Cuyval Dar


And yes, we have had this thread a million times, and this topic has derailed countless others.
I call it "the forum" because it's the only one I visit and (sometimes) post in daily. If I have to pronounce it then it's Hal Forums only because I don't want to have to deal with the jokes about my rum consumption and the forum name being Half o Rum.

Philosopher B.

I actually pronounce it differently at different times. Used to pronounce if Half-Forum, now mostly Hal-Forum, though I like Half-O-Rum on account of it's funniest.

Wasabi Poptart


I figure the L is silent as it would be in the word "half".


I always say half-forum, even though Hal-forum makes sense. Why? Hal-forum sounds weird. :p


Puppies? I didnt see no puppies. Now look deep into the Hasselhofs and say "I will pronounce it Hal-forum"
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