Forget it

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You can do it! I dropped out for the same reason, fully intending to go back eventually. So I'm in the same boat (or at least, one with similar make and model).

You seem like a cool enough guy to me, and I enjoyed your writing. Just try to convince yourself that writing an assignment is similar. I know it isn't, but it helps me to think sometimes "If I can write 3000 words in one day for pleasure, I should be able to do 1000 words for a degree."
The only thing keeping you from getting that BA is the feeling you can't do it.

I know it's easier said than done, but you need to find a solution for these fears. Maybe find someone you can hold on to. But you know you can do it and if you don't, you should.

Come on, man. You've had things published! Don't let some assignments bring you down. I'm 95% sure you can do them much better than you think :)


Staff member
My home # is 402-934-6952. You want to talk about papers you got someone you can talk to. I have gone through my BS, MA & MBA. I have written several hundred papers and can always help you to focus your energies.

Getting a school degree is nothing more than an exercise in persistence. They are designed to be tedious and almost overwhelming at times because they want only those who WANT to earn them to earn them.

Be strong, young man! You can do this! You just need to believe enough in yourself to wade through the crap.


So I'm only piecing together what was posted but as an educator I can't encourage you enough not to drop out. I've read some of your stuff and while I'm no critic I really did enjoy it.
Having not read it in the first place, I will absolutely not forget it. Gleaning what I can from those who responded, though, go with what they said. Dropping out is a long term pain, as opposed to the short term pain you're going through.


Hmm piecing it all together... I still have no clue what's going on in here :)
Give up? Well there's giving up and there's finding a new path because beating a dead horse is no fun.

Either way is stressful and full of risk. I didn't finish my degree due to medical, personal, and financial issues. I suffered through them while attempting to 'finish' my education and ended up having a severe breakdown. After I recovered somewhat I realized putting myself through this was not worth it. That I need a 'break' from it. that break ended up being the end of my education up to now.
I'm working in a field I like with no formal training from any institution.
My Husband has a major degree, as well as other certificates from training programs and has been out of work for a year.
Just sayin.

Am I upset? Not anymore. Will I go back? No. Do I have a lot to learn? Yes, that's life. Push until you can't push anymore then take another step... Where that step is, is up to you.
Having not read it in the first place, I will absolutely not forget it. Gleaning what I can from those who responded, though, go with what they said. Dropping out is a long term pain, as opposed to the short term pain you're going through.

A person very very close to me went through something very similar. Fortunately I could help him confront it and keep studying, and after some months he started to realized he can do it. He still struggles, specially in the finals period, but it keeps getting better and better.

My point is: if you don't drop out you'll find that you CAN do it. I know I'm repeating myself here but I just wanted to tell you my words come from experience.


Staff member
I think I know what this is about, even though the OP is lost.

Nick... You can do it. It is worse when you keep postponing it (like I've done with my MA. I was supposed to be ready a month ago, but I couldn't kick myself to speed). Do it, man! Do it for all of us!


Having not read it in the first place, I will absolutely not forget it. Gleaning what I can from those who responded, though, go with what they said. Dropping out is a long term pain, as opposed to the short term pain you're going through.

A person very very close to me went through something very similar. Fortunately I could help him confront it and keep studying, and after some months he started to realized he can do it. He still struggles, specially in the finals period, but it keeps getting better and better.

My point is: if you don't drop out you'll find that you CAN do it. I know I'm repeating myself here but I just wanted to tell you my words come from experience.[/QUOTE]

Thi....what's that? Tegid already "this"ed?

Well then...

That /\

From what's been pieced together...let me also add:
Education isn't JUST about completing and walking away with a degree, but so many of the intangibles that go along with it. Networking, research capabilities (an increased ability to identify tools at your disposal in life to solve your own problems), exposure to ideas...

Stick with it. It's worth the effort.

And really, from whatever percentage of you as a whole has been seen on posts here, you clearly have a head on your shoulders capable of doing what it takes.


Thanks guys. I still don't know what I'm going to do and I'm still sure as hell not back from this bout with depression. Seeing Zombieland helped a little, but...well, I had my issues with it (see review in the Media Madness subforum).

I e-mail the prof earlier. He sounds empathetic about this. The problem is that, as decent a writer I might be, I don't know any of the grammatical devices like gerunds or dangling participles, etc. I know (generally) how to make a sentence sound "good", but I couldn't tell you why. The textbook the professor assigned goes through all that, but it's something I feel I need to be TAUGHT, not just handed off as reading material, if that makes any sense.

The assignment that I'm having so much troubles with is this: read a short literary non-fiction essay. Then take a paragraph from it and break it down as much as possible, finding all the various grammatical aspects of it. Then write a short (250 words; one page), mimmicking that writer's style. I can't even start part one of this assignment, though. :(

Kitty Sinatra

Can you afford to hire a tutor for a couple hours?

(you really may not be able to afford not to one hire one)


The school has a writing centre, which I visited today (signed up officially just after school started). But it was too last minute, since the thing is due tomorrow.

I'm just going to talk to the prof tomorrow and hope that I can get an extension. Which means my next thing to get stressed and depressed about will be a presentation for my James Joyce class in two weeks.

Kitty Sinatra

Start your presentation by introducing everyone to the Silver Cloud, a sweet ass luxury car, making a joke along the lines of "But that's a Rolls Royce, not James Joyce."

Yeah, I'm of no help. I know.


I snickered. As a fan of lame jokes, I'll give you a 7/10 for the effort.

Though it reminds me of last week when we got our tests back in my Poe class. Totally open book test, so it was a cakewalk (A+), just long and arduous. So, we get them back, prof says the class average was a B+. I said, with a totally straight face, "Yeah, I gotta be honest. I kind of looked in my books for some of the answers."

Someone behind me said "Um, didn't you know it was an open book test?" The prof, who's got a good sense of humour (and appreciates my bad puns) knew what I was doing, and pointed out that I had a knack for keeping a straight face when doing a joke like that. At least two or three other people in the class admitted they thought I was serious, too :p

Kitty Sinatra

That's the kind of joke I'd make, too; totally straightfaced if I can manage it.
Intro to Grammar 1 was by far one of the most useful courses I took in University. Most of it has escaped me, but I found it important enough to write down a review in my journal, so if I feel like I need to remember it more completely, I can just look it over.


Staff member
Nick's thinking of buying an emu farm, and he wants us to invest.

No, but actually, it sounds like he's having trouble with school, particularly a paper.


Mimicking someone else's writing style has GOT to be one of the toughest writing assignments I can think of. Especially for someone who clearly has made an effort to be their OWN writer.

And yes, stuck with the tutor/mentor. YOU do what YOU need for YOU to make this work.....
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