Crimes you don't remember committing

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According to google, I'm a cardiologist. Also, in addition to playing the tinwhistle, I'm also one of the best rock guitarists in cincinatti.

I've known about that guitarist guy for a while now. I've often wondered if he ever googles himself and says "who the hell is this irish musician guy that keeps coming up?"


Staff member
Having a non-common name I show online as playing D&D, fantasy football and hanging out in some forum that shall remain unnamed...


Huh, Canada thinks I'm a corrupt politician and they want me recalled?

Those ingrates!


Apparently I broke into a home in Hilldale, WI last August, stealing, amongst other things, a shotgun. And I'm still on the run.

Kitty Sinatra

Well, I'm a former catcher for the Oakland Athletics, a virtuoso saxophonist who has performed with Paul Anka and Bob Hope, and the author of a series of children's books about my life as a criminal.

Damn. my real life rather sucks
wow, I just found some one with my name, and that uses a tweeter account that has the same name as my normal email accounts.

Several years ago there was a place kicker in the NCAA with my name. There is a sh!t ton of myspace and facebook pages with my name. I find it odd, because it is such a rare last name. I also found my linkedin account.
I'm a catholic priest..... :(

But from my linkdin:
Coordinator of Business & Employment Servcies at Middle Rio Grande Development Council
San Antonio, Texas Area

So when I'm not touching kids I'm being boring?

That's my full name though, which I don't usually go by. When I do just "Phil rigney" I actually get me for 3 of the hits. I need to check out some of these other guys.

Wasabi Poptart

My twin sister and I were in Three Men and a Baby. I didn't even know I had a twin! It'll be a surprise to my mom, too, I'm sure. LOL

I'm also a thoracic surgeon.


Apparently I have four different Twitter accounts, am a CEO of an electronics company, and for three years played in the NFL as an offensive tackle for the Miami Dolphins. When I weighed 305lbs.

Kitty Sinatra

Looking up my full name, I discovered I assaulted a nurse and a police officer. Wow, I pick my battles poorly.
If I look for my complete, rarely used name, you come up with a facebook page searching my surname, my old fotolog and two sites in... Nordic. I don't know what language it is, but it sounds cold and pantsless.

If I look for the name I use normally, I find out I'm every person with my surname on facebook and also an important expert on strategic marketing.

The obituary of my grandmother (from 1997) also comes up :confused:.

If I search my usual name and just one surname (remeber, in spain we have two of them), I'm an expert on marketing, a journalist in a catalan newspaper, a journalism student, an italian publisher of children's books, a juggler in renaissance fairs, an italian actor from the 50's (that appeared just in one film, "the bigamous") an actor from the 20's that acted in a film called "a flower in mud", and a catalan politician.
Let's see:

I'm the founder of CatholicSingles.Com;

I'm two lawyers out of Canutillo and El Paso, Texas;

I was in the 1983 TV movie "Hard Knox";

I'm an inmate out of Corcoran, California looking for a female penpal.

Wow, I'm all over the damn place! No wonder I'm broke and tired all the time!
Letterman hires a company to jump an RV over a Wal-Mart and the Red Hot Chili Peppers agree to play while strapped to its roof.

Meanwhile, Google returns zero results and suggests a different spelling of my first name.
apparently I play (or played) football for a college in Wisconsin, leading the big ten with seven interceptions in my first season, but have been suspended for reasons that have not been revealed.

Not only do I not remember what I did, no one will tell me.
According to this here Google thing, I'm a doctor of optometry in Northampton, graduated from Holyoke Community College in '72, got my BS from UMass in '74 and my Doctor of Optometry from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in '78. I'm also the account director for government and public affairs for Hill & Knowlton (whomever they are) of China, while living in Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada and a competitive runner in the U.S. (The D.O. is a competitive runner). Also, I appear to have been quite fundamental in the Master's Thesis research done by a student at Akron University regarding "The Role of Thermal Niche Selection in the Maintenance of a Colour Polymorphism in Plethedon cinereus."

Damn I'm smart.
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