If I look for my complete, rarely used name, you come up with a facebook page searching my surname, my old fotolog and two sites in... Nordic. I don't know what language it is, but it sounds cold and pantsless.
If I look for the name I use normally, I find out I'm every person with my surname on facebook and also an important expert on strategic marketing.
The obituary of my grandmother (from 1997) also comes up
If I search my usual name and just one surname (remeber, in spain we have two of them), I'm an expert on marketing, a journalist in a catalan newspaper, a journalism student, an italian publisher of children's books, a juggler in renaissance fairs, an italian actor from the 50's (that appeared just in one film, "the bigamous") an actor from the 20's that acted in a film called "a flower in mud", and a catalan politician.