So, I took my first drink.. (funny story inside)

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..but not for the reason(s) you'd think.

So, I'm a fairly straight arrow kinda fella. I smoke cigs, and drink plenty of caffiene. Never done any kind of illegal drugs nor have I ever used legal drugs for recreational purposes. Never drank a day in my life, all 28 years of it.

Well, I've had a monster tooth ache the last couple days. It's been years since I've been to a dentist, a long long time since I last had dental insurance so needless to say I could use some dental work. I dunno what set it off, something too cold or bit down on something an awkward way, but my upper left jaw is killing me. I've got an extremely low tolerance for pain, extremely low. I cannot stand to be in pain, and since my job involves talking most of each day,well,lets just say I've been in a miserable pain the last two days.

Guy at work said sometimes holding strong whiskey in your mouth will help numb it. It'd burn a little but feel better. Well obviously my first choice would be go to a dentist, I've got insurance now, but in the mean time I thought, "ok, cant hurt"

Oh I was wrong. So so wrong.

Now I'm aware alcoholic beverages come in god knows how many forms, beers, mixed drinks, liquor, wine, etc etc and some are bound to taste good (i.e. mai tai or daquiri). I knew whiskey wouldnt taste like ice cream but needless to say, I was not braced for impact and shields were indeed down.

I will give the guy credit, it helps, some. It does numb it down some, for a while.

But dear god who the fuck drinks whiskey as a method of feeling good? It tastes like some kind of sterile floor cleaner mixed with really old stale soda with a slight metallic taste and oh shitbiscuits does it burn, I thought my mouth was on fire. There was a reason i was doing this infront of the bathroom sink, I was struggling to keep my mouth shut, fighting the urge to spit it out, trying not to gag on this foul concoction. I wanted to curl up into a fetal position and weep like a baby this hurt, combined with my jaw pain and this new LIQUID FIRE I thought was a good idea to hold in my mouth, I felt like fainting.

yea yea yea, i cant hold my liquor so to speak, but man.. if I were a drinker, it'd have to taste way better than that for me to drink it.

sadly it doesnt seem to last long, pain relief that is, i am soooo making an appointment with a dentist ASAP


Sorry to hear about the ache. I had a crippling pain in my teeth/jaw not too long again, to the point where I got cold-like symptoms just from this pain. And all of it was caused by one of those sliver things from a bag of popcorn getting stuck between teeth. Definitely have your dentist check you out.

But dear god who the fuck drinks whiskey as a method of feeling good?
Not so much to feel good, as the fact it tastes good. Yeah you heard me, TASTES good. The stuff is delicious. Now, you just started drinking. You have to get used to the different tastes of alcoholic beverages before you can really know what you like or not; it's sort of like food in that regard. When I first entered the world of drinking, my first drink was Jack Daniels straight. And after that, a beer. Needless to say I didn't think I'd ever be touching those again and stuck to fruity schnapps-like stuff. Now? I can't stand drinks that sweet tasting or smelling and I loooooooooove beer. Love it. I'm on the cusp of being a beer snob, much like wine snobs; discussing ingredients, methods of brewing, beer type, etc.

Being as fairly straight as you are, I don't know if you'll end up drinking enough to work up a palate and discern what you truly like but that's basically how you're going to find what works for you.

Kitty Sinatra

Whiskey is delicious.

It's also, like all alcohol, an acquired taste.

Wasabi Poptart

800 mg ibuprofen (4 tablets Motrin/Advil) 3 times a day works better than alcohol.
And you can double medicate with ibuprofen and aspirin (extra strength tylenol or similar).

Although if you do be sure to let the dentist know before she starts drilling - aspirin thins the blood.

Good luck, man. Tooth pain after a long time with no professional dental care does not bode well.

To be fair, that isn't how you'd normally go about trying your first taste of whiskey. I would assume the guy giving you the suggestion is at least familiar with whiskey and probably enjoys it as well. Telling someone who's never had a drink in his life to hold in a mouthful of whiskey actually sounds kind of cruel to me. (I'm assuming he didn't know that though.)

I'd recommend one of those over-the-counter remedies, and yeah, figure out how to see a dentist. Good luck. I'd upload half a Vicodin for you if I could.
Try swishing cold water around in your mouth. When I had my infected tooth that helped ease the pain for about 5 minutes at a time. Dentist was closed and I couldn't sleep at all so I would put a little water in my mouth, and the pain would subside enough I could fall asleep for 5 minutes. Of course it would all run out of my mouth, but at that point I really didn't care.
In the last three months I've had a glass of rum and a sip of brandy. I feel like such a dork, because every time I do, I make some note of it in my journal. Observations and thoughts and everything. I've done the same thing for cigars in the last few months, too.

Sucks about the tooth, though. I'm definitely needing some work done on myself, but between cost and business, I haven't gotten to it yet.


..but not for the reason(s) you'd think.

So, I'm a fairly straight arrow kinda fella. I smoke cigs, and drink plenty of caffiene. Never done any kind of illegal drugs nor have I ever used legal drugs for recreational purposes. Never drank a day in my life, all 28 years of it.

Well, I've had a monster tooth ache the last couple days. It's been years since I've been to a dentist, a long long time since I last had dental insurance so needless to say I could use some dental work. I dunno what set it off, something too cold or bit down on something an awkward way, but my upper left jaw is killing me. I've got an extremely low tolerance for pain, extremely low. I cannot stand to be in pain, and since my job involves talking most of each day,well,lets just say I've been in a miserable pain the last two days.

Guy at work said sometimes holding strong whiskey in your mouth will help numb it. It'd burn a little but feel better. Well obviously my first choice would be go to a dentist, I've got insurance now, but in the mean time I thought, "ok, cant hurt"

Oh I was wrong. So so wrong.

Now I'm aware alcoholic beverages come in god knows how many forms, beers, mixed drinks, liquor, wine, etc etc and some are bound to taste good (i.e. mai tai or daquiri). I knew whiskey wouldnt taste like ice cream but needless to say, I was not braced for impact and shields were indeed down.

I will give the guy credit, it helps, some. It does numb it down some, for a while.

But dear god who the fuck drinks whiskey as a method of feeling good? It tastes like some kind of sterile floor cleaner mixed with really old stale soda with a slight metallic taste and oh shitbiscuits does it burn, I thought my mouth was on fire. There was a reason i was doing this infront of the bathroom sink, I was struggling to keep my mouth shut, fighting the urge to spit it out, trying not to gag on this foul concoction. I wanted to curl up into a fetal position and weep like a baby this hurt, combined with my jaw pain and this new LIQUID FIRE I thought was a good idea to hold in my mouth, I felt like fainting.

yea yea yea, i cant hold my liquor so to speak, but man.. if I were a drinker, it'd have to taste way better than that for me to drink it.

sadly it doesnt seem to last long, pain relief that is, i am soooo making an appointment with a dentist ASAP

Did you buy 5 dollar Qwik-e-Mart Whiskey? Because that's pretty much turpentine with a pinch of liquid smoke. Also, the term, "holding one's liquor" refers to the ability to drink much without getting too drunk.

So did you just turn 21 recently? I suggest going to the local liquor store and getting a nice 30-50 dollar bottle first before you pass complete judgment. Ask one of the store clerks, they'll help you pick something good. With liquor and beer it's all about quality not quantity.

*whoops* You're 28, my bad.
The whiskey isn't going to really work like an anesthetic too much. The primary logic behind drinking alcohol is for you to get drunk and have it act as a depressant on your nervous system. It might add some antiseptic qualities and kill some of the bacteria around the cavity (if their is one) that are the primary cause of infection.

So, I guess your real option is to either suck it up till you see the dentist, or get piss drunk and wake up with a lampshade on your head in the morning.


Yea I've been trying some OTC remedies, Orajel (in both gel and liquid form), it helps numb it but that doesn't last long. I know its something in one of my teeth cause I can feel the pain go up the side of my jaw, up my nasal cavity and straight to my head.


Did you buy 5 dollar Qwik-e-Mart Whiskey? Because that's pretty much turpentine with a pinch of liquid smoke. Also, the term, "holding one's liquor" refers to the ability to drink much without getting too drunk.

So did you just turn 21 recently? I suggest going to the local liquor store and getting a nice 30-50 dollar bottle first before you pass complete judgment. Ask one of the store clerks, they'll help you pick something good. With liquor and beer it's all about quality not quantity.

*whoops* You're 28, my bad.
The whiskey isn't going to really work like an anesthetic too much. The primary logic behind drinking alcohol is for you to get drunk and have it act as a depressant on your nervous system. It might add some antiseptic qualities and kill some of the bacteria around the cavity (if their is one) that are the primary cause of infection.

So, I guess your real option is to either suck it up till you see the dentist, or get piss drunk and wake up with a lampshade on your head in the morning.
Nah its some $10 bottle I got from a liquor store, Smokey Mountain Bourbon Whiskey is the brand name (I think, paying attention to the label wasnt high on my list), it smells like paint remover and tastes even worse. Though it does help, some. Definitely plan on seeing a dentist soon as I can make an appointment for one.

Kitty Sinatra

If Zen manages to upload that Vicodin, you'd better damn well upload that bourbon.

How about it Amorous Babe? Can you add .drugs and .booze to the file types allowed?
Different people also react differently to different kinds of alcohol.. and yeah, all alcohol is an excellent painkiller in sufficient quantities.

If you don't like whisky (never tried it) there's also brandy (not fond of it, but I can handle it).

Myself, I can't drink beers.. they give me a headache. And no, not afterwards.. like, the moment the beer hits my tongue, my head just feels like i'm getting pounded by a hammer. I have some kind of reaction to it and i've tried a bunch of brands.

If you want to start drinking, even if its to deal with pain, go for vodka mixes like Smirnoff.

Wasabi Poptart

If you have pain in your sinus and head from your tooth, you just might want to get checked out at an ER. The infection of an abscessed tooth can spread to your jawbone and sinuses (in an upper tooth). Do you have any facial swelling?
Similarly to vodka IMO, with whiskey the cheap shit really is shit.

I second whoever put out the call for brandy (I'm lazy late at night).
I find middle-shelf whiskey (I tend to by a brand called Canadian Club Classic, aged 12 years) mixed with coca-cola to be a very tasty drink. And as someone who is actually allergic to alcohol, this is important to me, since I can really only have one drink.
I used to drink whisky (not whiskey, as it was Canadian and not Irish) straight from the bottle. Loved it.

Then I started drinking beer.

I cannot stand hard liquor anymore. I had whisky a couple of months ago and man, it was disgusting.

Occasional Poster

It grows on you. After much experimentation I am just starting to figure out which whiskeys I like and what tastes awful. I wouldn't recommend it for someone who is new to alcohol, when there is much milder stuff available to get to know first.

Sorry about your tooth, that sucks.
It tastes like some kind of sterile floor cleaner mixed with really old stale soda with a slight metallic taste and oh shitbiscuits does it burn, I thought my mouth was on fire. There was a reason i was doing this infront of the bathroom sink, I was struggling to keep my mouth shut, fighting the urge to spit it out, trying not to gag on this foul concoction. I wanted to curl up into a fetal position and weep like a baby this hurt, combined with my jaw pain and this new LIQUID FIRE I thought was a good idea to hold in my mouth, I felt like fainting.
I used to have an ex-girlfriend who didn't swallow neither and whined like this. It didn't last long.

In all seriousness, you just drank Whiskey? Nothing with the mix... and you never drank before? Of course you'll up in arms about this like a little girl. Start with the lady drinks or mild drinks before hitting the hard stuff.


Staff member
If I'm in good company, I usually take a single shot of Jameson on the rocks, followed by a glass of ginger ale... or lacking that, Coca-Cola. Besides that, I don't drink. But I enjoy the slight sense of warmth one gets from a glass of good whiskey.

My first experience with the substance, however, was at the Kilbeggan brewery, where we were given five varieties of whiskey to taste so we could guess which glass had which. It was very small amounts, probably no more in total than half a shot, but good God did I sweat afterwards! I was... yes, I was 18 at the time.

Beers I don't like, save for Smithwick's which is nice and sweet compared to other brands. There my quaffing of it is limited by the fact that only two bars in my hometown sell it, so I have no fears of turning into a lush.
I am sipping at a glass of brandy right now. It seems like as good a night as any to get rid of what I have left (bought a small bottle for a flambe).

Again, being very new to alcohol, it is very slow going.
Nah its some $10 bottle I got from a liquor store, Smokey Mountain Bourbon Whiskey is the brand name (I think, paying attention to the label wasnt high on my list), it smells like paint remover and tastes even worse. Though it does help, some. Definitely plan on seeing a dentist soon as I can make an appointment for one.
$10 bottles of ANY kind of liquor are going to taste like absolute shit. Whiskey included. Especially if it's your first taste of alcohol.

Yea, going to a dentist is a really good idea. If you really want to start drinking alcohol, start with mixed drinks, you've gotta work your way up to straight whiskey. It's totally worth it though, whiskey on the rocks = crazy delicious.


If you have pain in your sinus and head from your tooth, you just might want to get checked out at an ER. The infection of an abscessed tooth can spread to your jawbone and sinuses (in an upper tooth). Do you have any facial swelling?
Update: Yea I think that is what it is, I woke up this afternoon, after not sleeping too much over the course of the night, the side my jaw hurts is slightly swollen and puffy feeling.

I started taking some antibiotics so hopefully that will help. Soon as this all goes away and clears up, fucking dentist time. I cant stand being in pain, I'm almost in tears this fucking hurts like a motherfucker.
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