So, I took my first drink.. (funny story inside)

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Next time try Clove Oil rather than strong liquor. Soak a wad of cotton wool in the oil and jam it on the sore bit of your mouth it acts to aneasatise the area.

Whisky when young contains a lot of fuel oils. Leaving whisky to maturate helps to turn these into more sophisticated compounds (as I understand it). Scotch has to be mature 3 years to be considered a Scotch (also it has to come for Scotland - obviously, and not Scotland in China neither #shakes fist#) but in all honesty I would not consider drinking something so young. About 10 years ago Bells Whisky changed from a 5 to 8 year maturation and the difference in flavour and , in particular, smoothness was dramatic. Most Malts are 10 years in the barrel. When you leave something in a warehouse that long there are incurred costs not mentioning the Angel's Share so this will have an effect on the price you as a consumer pay. There is a pretty good proportional link to the cost of whisky and the quality. I will drink American Whiskey but prefer the aged ones like Wild Turkey.
Some people can't take the taste of alcohol. It appears you are one - just like me.

Nope, everyone i asked when my age group started drinking said that most drinks taste bad, but you get used to it...

Like smokes i was allowed to test it at a young age so i never felt the need to get used to it... plus over here we have a rather sweet drink that has a high alcohol content for when i want to get drunk in non social settings... and seems wiki has an article on it, sweet:

Also, once i drank a full glass of bourbon in too moves who's taste didn't agree with me, and then tried to wash it down with whiskey, vodka and wine... i was sick for 3 days after throwing up, and then for 2 years even the slightest taste of whiskey etc. made me throw up... made getting drunk way harder...
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