Ask me and I'll answer everything with an image

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Staff member
Fuck it, I'll make one of these, replies or not. That damn bored.

(this image not relevant... just watching football right now)

Kitty Sinatra

That's why I asked.

There's still time for a long shot comeback, though. I also have no idea what the spread is for the game.


Staff member
Has Nietzsche's philosophy gotten a bad rep for nothing because of this later adoption and distortion by a certain son of an Austrian customs officer, or does he deserve his reputation as a racist, chauvinist douchebag with an awful bush of a 'stache?

Steven Soderburgin

I see that you live in Raleigh, NC. What is your favorite thing about living there?

Kitty Sinatra

Do you think the Buffalo Bills' next game is gonna be just as lousy to watch as their previous two?


Staff member
If you could change one aspect of your personality and one physical feature on yourself, what would they be?
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