Photoshop Favor: Flood Mars

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Just looking for a quick favor from anyone with photoshop. I've got a topographical map of Mars that I found on some NASA website. I've been trying to do something with for a while. I was going to bring it to a print shop, have them print it off, and have a go with a sharpie, but I figured photoshop might be a bit quicker, easier, and a little more precise.

Basically what I want done, is someone to color-replace a few things on the images I have posted here. Warm colors are higher altitudes, cool colors are lower altitudes. If someone could, could you replace everything from yellow (not orange) down with a deep blue. If you wanted extra points, you could try working from different altitudes. I.e. Color replace everything from orange down on one, everything from yellow down on another, pale yellow on the next.

Several of my short stories (and hopefully an eventual novella or two) are set in a future history I have established on mars. I like to be as exact as I can with it. I have timekeeping figured out, a callendar that I like (based heavily on the Darian calendar), and an epoch selected. The next few steps are sorting out the geography for the nations involved in my story, as well as writing a program that will convert a date/time from the Gregorian calendar to my Darian-derived Martian calendar.

To avoid breaking the page, I'll link the image, rather than embed it.

Here it is!

Thanks in advance!
Is this really all the surface of Mars? Your land masses for the story will be one giant contintent! And all the seas seem like they'll be really cold...

I hope I could help you with the photoshopping, but I'm not good enough to do it and have it look good.


why dont you use this?

Careful its a huge image. This is the supposed transition of mars to an earth like planet.


Staff member
If you can find a DEM of Mars and a copy of Surfer, pretty sure you can do it in there, too.
Silver Jelly: Yeah, I've considered the landmass issue, but it's something I'm prepared to deal with. I had considered adding a man-made landmass in the northern hemisphere, but I'll hold off the final decision on that based on what I get back from this. I don't want to touch it if I don't have to.

Odie: Thanks for the image. I remember seeing it before, but I couldn't for the life of me find it the other night. The only issue is that it's difficult to use while drawing political borders. But thanks for the thought!

Fade: I wouldn't know the first thing about doing that. I had to look up both "DEM" and "Surfer" just to understand what you're saying! That said, I do have a geographer friend, so maybe I should give him an email ...


Working on it :)

You may or may not like it when it's done, but I'm giving it a shot!
Laurelai: Thanks so much! That loos so much better than I even expected. I don't mean to be a nag, but if that didn't take TOO Much effort, could I ask another favor? If you could start the flooding one more level up, so that the yellow is water, and the orange is the first layer out. If you can't it's cool. This is already a lot to work with.

Gruebeard: Better than either! It's digital! (Although if you're seriously inquiring about the story, it would be salt. Way beyond salt, in fact. As a holdover from the whole "This planet is entirely inhospitable to life, but fuck it, we're terraforming" one of the major driving forces behind the setting the planet's mutability. The largest two issues would be working on stabilizing and/or dealing with an eccentric climate, and dealing with erosion, which means the oceans are going to be in a funk for the first few generations of Martian settlers.)


Bah! You made me nuke the place I decided to live when you finish terraforming ;)

Terraformation is a theme near and dear to my heart. Here's the wetter version.

---------- Post added at 07:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 PM ----------

ooooh, its kind of fun to have both links loaded up and then click back and forth between the two.

High water, *click* low water *click* high water *click* low water *click* high water.....

I'm such a nerd.
Laurelai: Thanks so much! That loos so much better than I even expected. I don't mean to be a nag, but if that didn't take TOO Much effort, could I ask another favor? If you could start the flooding one more level up, so that the yellow is water, and the orange is the first layer out. If you can't it's cool. This is already a lot to work with.

I see what you did there ;)
Laurelai: Is it okay if I propose now? Seriously, thanks so much.

Silver Jelly: What did I do there? It was probably a mistake, whatever it was.
Laurelai: Is it okay if I propose now? Seriously, thanks so much.

Silver Jelly: What did I do there? It was probably a mistake, whatever it was.
This neew flooding level makes the big land masses easier to separate, creating virtually two continents or more (depending on where and how you decide to put elements that isolate one part from another).


Wewt! I have been proposed to over my chicken and dumplings, just because I am me, and now due to my (nascent) photoshop skills!

...... I have to give credit where credit is due. I have a friend who has a degree in geography and makes maps for a living. When I was stuck, I buzzed him on Yahoo and he talked me through a new PS trick!

---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------

I have to say though, I *do* prefer the first over the second- purely from an artistic perspective. It has more "fiddly bits" (Quoth Slarty Bartfast)
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