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I'm loving this show. I was referring to it as a 'guilty pleasure' up until about episode four. I'm realizing more and more that there's nothing to feel guilty about.

I feel like I know where things are going to go, plot-wise. I mean, a lot of stuff is very obvious. But this show is about the ride.


Staff member
I actually hate this how. It jsut comes off wrong to me, and ends up not being funny. I really cannot put my finger on it.

Steven Soderburgin

I actually hate this how. It jsut comes off wrong to me, and ends up not being funny. I really cannot put my finger on it.
Well there could be several reasons:
Have you had your heart replaced with a robot heart?
Did you, at any point in your life, sell your soul for any reason?
Do you not have human blood pumping through your veins?

No but seriously, it has a very specific and different feel that's not going to appeal to everyone. I'm shocked that it is as popular as it is. When CDS and I first watched the pilot when they aired it back in May, we both loved it, and we both agreed that the show wouldn't last four episodes. I'm glad we were wrong!


Staff member
I've heard it's hilarious. I love that blond actress, too. I'd like to watch it, but I'd rather not get into a new TV show right now.

I'll probably do what I always do and catch up in about 2-5 years. :D


Staff member
I actually hate this how. It jsut comes off wrong to me, and ends up not being funny. I really cannot put my finger on it.
Well there could be several reasons:
Have you had your heart replaced with a robot heart?
Did you, at any point in your life, sell your soul for any reason?
Do you not have human blood pumping through your veins?

No but seriously, it has a very specific and different feel that's not going to appeal to everyone. I'm shocked that it is as popular as it is. When CDS and I first watched the pilot when they aired it back in May, we both loved it, and we both agreed that the show wouldn't last four episodes. I'm glad we were wrong![/QUOTE]

Thing is, I would usually liek this kind of shit. but this time..just no. i think it was the football/dancing episode that really did it though.
Thing is, I would usually liek this kind of shit. but this time..just no. i think it was the football/dancing episode that really did it though.
I thought that was one of the funniest scenes. I think you're probably watching the show from the wrong angle. I was thinking last night that if somebody was watching the show without the right mindset, they would be thinking "what the holy fuckballs is this shit?".

It's a fairly dark and ridiculous comedy. It ain't Friends.
I don't like the musical segments at all and I'm not saying this as someone who hates musicals, I quite enjoy a musical every now and then, I just don't like them in Glee.
Well, this week's episode was great. The slushie-cam used over and over through the episode was great, and yet more awkwardness from Schuester and (oh God I forgot the guidance counselor's name). Also this episode reminded me how much I want them to move past Schuester's wife and her crazy onto the more interesting school-related relationships.

Alex B.

It's funny, I enjoy the music scenes, but I find much of the rest of the show boring. Jane Lynch saves it for me.
I love the music, dialogue, timing, everything. Something about it just hits me right. I'm busting a gut every other line.


Staff member
Love this show - too bad if the ratings dip even a little, it'll get canceled because it probably costs quite a pretty penny to use all those songs. But, the iTunes files are selling like crazy, so maybe they've found a way to make it work. Hopefully.
Good news everyone!

After reading this thread, I was inspired to start watching the show last night. I'm two episodes in and I am already really enjoying it. Jane Lynch is fantastic and the gay kid (Kurt?) always makes me crack up.


I would like to thank Charles for pointing me to this awsome show

thank you Bra
Episodes of glee sometimes take upwards of 10 days to shoot. Apparently, every episode thus far has costed at least $3 million.

Fox has invested in this show, but I'm not sure if that makes it more or less likely that it'll be canned at the first hint of trouble.

And as great as I find it, I can't help but watch every episode, wondering what other fantastic ideas Fox nixed in order to fund this one. Every new episode could have been several episodes of Firefly.
Sure, Firefly got a raw deal but I don't think anybody who is enjoying Glee can really complain that it's gotten a better reception.

I'm up through episode 5 now, and still loving it.
I was really glad to see April Rhodes leave and Rachael come back to the glee club, even though I could guess it was going to happen halfway through the episode. I also really enjoyed the moment between Kurt and his dad at the end of episode for when he comes out. I definitely didn't think his dad was going to be so cool about him being gay.
Every new episode could have been several episodes of Firefly.
except Glee's worst episode probably got 5x the ratings of Firefly[/quote]

Well, to be fair, Glee wasn't shuffled around time slots, played out of order and with very little advertising like Firefly (and pretty much every show during that time period) was.[/QUOTE]

I don't think he's trying to imply that Glee is better than Firefly, just stating a fact.
Well, Glee is better than Firefly, but that's besides the point.

I'm just saying that Fox has more invested in Glee promotion-wise, and it's also got broader appeal and is making them more money.

Steven Soderburgin

I was really glad to see April Rhodes leave and Rachael come back to the glee club, even though I could guess it was going to happen halfway through the episode
Kristin Chenoweth is so great. I think she's going to return, as well, which would own.
I also really enjoyed the moment between Kurt and his dad at the end of episode for when he comes out. I definitely didn't think his dad was going to be so cool about him being gay.
He was just impressed because his son showed a lot of guts.


Staff member
This is so good, and is sooo gonna be canceled
Fox is ridiculously behind this show, and it's doing pretty good in the ratings so uh. I think it's okay!

I'm also pretty sure it got a full-season pickup already.[/QUOTE]

You obviously don't understand.


It is the main sign of doom.

well, I actually only saw the second episode, there is always a chance that I will drop out and the show is saved. :(


Last nights Glee was the best episode yet.

The scene with
Susan and her big sister
was the biggest tear jerking moment of all television that I can remember watching.
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