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That was lackluster. I fully expect it to pick up again to previous awesomeness, but that episode didn't do a whole lot for me.
Holy shit... as soon as I heard the "hello" theme I thought "Man, Hello, Goodbye would be awesome for that, but a Beatles song is expensive as FUCK to get the rights to, I doubt they'll do it." and I was happy enough with their pretty cool version of "Hello, I Love You".

And then they ended with "Hello, Goodbye"... and it SUCKED. Seriously, they totally screwed what could have been a great version. Awful. Just awful.

The episode was ok, though... I cracked UP at "did you know that dolphins are gay sharks?"... oh man was that awesome.

AWFUL Beatles cover though. Bad, Glee, BAD!
Great songs, but I agree with Calleja, Hello, Goodbye just

Sue remains a fantastically evil villain, and Finn does a great Doors cover.
Oh, yeah, Highway to Hell wasn't AS good either... I blame mainly the lead vocals, that although sounded good at first, quickly became forced. Way better than Hello, Goodbye, though.
The highschoolers are... but it's not that big of a stretch, if an adult played you with your teen fears and wants most of us would have been very manipulable at that age.
The highschoolers are... but it's not that big of a stretch, if an adult played you with your teen fears and wants most of us would have been very manipulable at that age.
Felt like just about everyone was stupid in this first episode. Ending wrapped it up a bit, but honestly I didn't enjoy the episode all that much. I mean, after all the hell of the first part of the season, you'd think they'd be a little more cautious with Sue, Shue's wife, and the competition, but nooooope.

This isn't to say I'm done with the show, of course. It's probably just needing a couple episodes to ramp up again.
The biggest sin was having Idina Menzel in the show and not having her sing a single song. I know, she'll be at least partially recurring, so it will eventually happen, but I kept waiting for it to happen in this episode only to be disappointed.
Oh and for those of us who have struggled with the whole "liking Will" thing... how bout that cheating on his brand new "I've pined for you forever" girlfriend in about 5 seconds. Classy guy there.
Oh and for those of us who have struggled with the whole "liking Will" thing... how bout that cheating on his brand new "I've pined for you forever" girlfriend in about 5 seconds. Classy guy there.
Seriously, I think it was the first time I've ever facepalmed in real life over tv.
So my wife was watching this show the other day. Total chick show.
Well yes, it's a primetime soap opera set in a high school.

What, it's not obvious at first glance?

"Actually, the real father is...Puck!"


"I'm not actually pregnant at all! I was planning on taking your student's baby and pretending it was yours and mine! Even though it would totally look like a little puck, letter jacket and all! Pleeeeeeeeease dooooooon't leeeeeeeeave meeeeeeeeeeeee!"


"I'm sorry Sue, but there's no way I'm letting you back in school." /roofie in drink

Hey, if soap operas are that damned effing funny AND awesome, I'll start watching Days of Our Lives right now. Do they cover Beatles better in the DOOL musical segments?
I thought the Madonna episode was hilarious, and in some ways fairly poignant (I don't think it was quite as poignant as they were trying to be, but still not bad)
I found the Madonna episode to be just as underwhelming as the Hell-o episode. I'm really hoping it starts getting better. I'm totally loving the dumb blond cheerleader, though. She's hilarious.
Liked everything about the episode except it being all about Madonna. I really hope dedicating the entire show (not just the music) does not become a regular thing.
Liked everything about the episode except it being all about Madonna. I really hope dedicating the entire show (not just the music) does not become a regular thing.
I wonder if they're going to give "theme" music to each major character in the show. It could work if they toned it down a bit, after all the major draw to the show is the music.

I could have done with less of the preaching, "Being a virgin is a bad thing!"
I could have done with less of the preaching, "Being a virgin is a bad thing!"
huh? That's what you got out of it? The preachiness was about how you should wait until you're ready, but honestly that's not a particularly bad thing to be preaching (in particular to their primary demographic) and I think they did a decent job addressing it fairly with the three different viewpoints. Rachel didn't go through with it but still feels pressured to pretend like she had. Finn went through with it but thinks it was a mistake. Emma didn't go through with it but it was because of her OCD rather than social pressure.

On top of that, the girl Finn had sex with (can't remember her name) wasn't even really portrayed negatively for having sex all the time (although she's portrayed negatively for being a manipulative bitch). The point wasn't that there's a universal perfect first time to lose your virginity, just that everyone should wait until they're ready for their own personal reasons.

Again, it wasn't as poignant as I think they were trying to be, and did come across preachy, but the show has never really been known for subtlety.

I was a little turned off by the Madonna theme at first, but by the middle of the episode I was seeing it not as a ludicrous thing that was ruining the episode by taking it over. I just saw it as something that was so ludicrous it was hilarious. And by the end of the episode I think they did some fairly interesting things with it ("Like a Virgin" being the prime example).

Philosopher B.

Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Just caught up completely with the 16th episode. Poor Kurt, he's gotta stop hurting himself. Kinda depressed now, though, 'cause I won't be watching a couple of eps at a time anymore. :(

So far I liked episodes 10 and 11 best (Ballad and Hairography). I think my favorite characters are Emma, Kurt and Puck (even though he's an asshole). I like Schuester but he is an emotional terrorist. Oh yeah, and anything with Kristin Chenoweth is absolute effing gold.

My fav frame from the show:

---------- Post added at 12:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

Oh yeah, and I loved the 'all-white production of The Wiz' line.
Quite frankly, I think this season has been a trainwreck I still have hope that it will get back on track.

BTW, they in no way "paroled" Ice, Ice Baby.

Remember way back when I said that I died a little inside every time Mr Sheuster raps? Yeah, him doing Vanilla Ice made me die completely.
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