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Okay... so... Furt...

Kurt: I could accept one wedding speech dedicated to Kurt he is Burt's son after all, I could understand one wedding speech dedicated to Kurt it was because of him that the whole thing happened after all... but good lord, three speechs??? That was weird to watch, and I couldn't shake the feeling that they really left Finn out of the loop like a unfavorite child.

Finn: while you deserved a mention at your mother's wedding... what happened to you this week? Or this season for that matter? You like Burt, you like to see your mother happy, why is so hard to be happy about it??? And let's not even getting started with the whole Karofsky situation.

Rachel: FINALLY you done something that showed a remote ability of compassion! You WIN a COOKIE!

Sue: You are weird, weird woman, but you are truly awesome, and honestly is hard to see a better spouse for you.
Good episode, I think. So far, the theme of this season seems to be Kurt maturing and becoming a better person than he was in Season 1.

And Sectionals next week!!!
I agree, there is definitely a lot of filler this season. I still love Glee, but I wish there was more of a story. LOVED hearing Gweneth sing (loved her in Duets!) and really enjoyed the Glee wedding. :D
I have to say that I've been extremely underwhelmed by this season for many of the reasons listed above. It seems like the storylines are just vehicles for the songs, which isn't what made me love the show in the first place.

I also have to say that having Kurt go to the other school was a punk out move by the writers. What a great message to send to gay youths who are having problems in school. "Just run away" Feh....


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Oh my God this episode sucked.

Kurt's solo would have been GREAT...if that dumb overhyped bitch would have shut her mouth. But of course there must be something in her contract that means she has to have a solo in every episode.

Sectionals was a joke and the plot...ugh.

I wish my wife would stop watching this. So I could.


Staff member
Oh my God this episode sucked.
Agreed, I mean it wasn't the worst but... dunno it felt like it was patched at the last second

Kurt's solo would have been GREAT...if that dumb overhyped bitch would have shut her mouth. But of course there must be something in her contract that means she has to have a solo in every episode.
Honestly... I din't liked that song at all, but it is more because of the song than about the performance. I wouldn't call Lea Michele a bitch, but goddam that Rachel.

Sectionals was a joke and the plot...ugh.
I fell bad for not seeing that a mile away, but really it was probable "the best" situation where we can keep Kurt in the show, but not by much... =\

I wish my wife would stop watching this. So I could.
Is that hard to do something else? or Watching it earns wife points to be invested in sex?
I liked the episode okay. The Artie/Brittany stuff was really cute. I am glad that The Warblers are going on to Regionals. The songs were just okay this week, but I liked most of the plot stuff. I'm glad others are calling out Rachel's awfulness. I want Sunshine to come back though :(
I thought it wasn't that bad. Way better than the last few smash you over the head with our message episodes. My only real complaint is that I can't stand the Aryan couple and their voices. Zero power, breathy and underwhelming. Plus covering one of the cheesiest 80's pop songs didn't help. The story wasn't bad though, and I liked Kurt dealing with his new surroundings.


Staff member
I told a friend that I din't remembered his birthday because he was a terrible person (I just forgot actually)

I told him this because he likes Rachel and thinks that she is a great person O_O
I think the Warblers are fantastic. They sing songs that I tend not to like very much but end up loving when they sing it. <3
Loved Artie & Brittany, the magic comb, and the definition of "adultery".
Sectionals were kind of cheesey... I did enjoy the music, but it was the same 'ol thing. Let's not do what we usually do by doing what we usually do. ... I did like the fact that Quinn got to sing, though! She doesn't have the "best" voice, but her voice is sweet and clean and I love it.
I have to say I was surprised by Brittany asking "Santa" to let Artie walk.... Then the very end when they all show up in the room and there's Artie standing there.. Wow... That was surprising, though they did have the "Artie walking" arc some last season when Artie was dating Tina.
That episode was one big load of meh.

I think I have finally pinned down what is missing with this show. Last season we had some crazy storylines and bits. We had Finn flashing-back to hitting the mailman while his mother was teaching him to drive leading to his PME, Shu's wife faking a pregnancy, the awesome description of what let to the school counselor's OCD, most of the Moments with Sue, etc. It reminded me of the movie Election and it's what drew me to the show.

It's like this season they fired the good writers and the ones that are left are run by marketing. I can just see the marketing exec in a writing brainstorm, "Glee, is big with teen girls so we need more romance on the show and less subversive storylines." I can't see the rest of the season getting any better after the mehhy Christmas episode.
I disagree completely, I loved the christmas episode. Then again, christmas specials with sappy christmas miracles are a weakness of mine.

And sue's assistant dressed as the grinch's dog was adorable.


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^ Becky is made of concentrated cuteness.

I honestly enjoyed this episode, I like when kids are nice, and all in all, it was just a filler christimas special, but it was sweet.

I wish that I had a nostalgic conection with the songs in the way that you americans do, I never even watched grinch xP

That said, what THE FUCK is wrong with that school and they hatred for the glee club? Seriously is starting to get narmy.
You know I wish Fringe got half the support from Fox Glee does.

Hell, even a third of the support.
Well, unless the show improves significantly soon, I'm ready to remove it from my Hulu queue. I find myself doing other stuff while watching it because I'm finding it so boring this season. Incidentally, the same thing is happening with me and the show Community this season. I've found that show to be a big pile of Meh lately as well.


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I didn't watch it because of the people in my house. My DVR didn't record it because the Superbowl messed everything up timewise.
Absolutely loved the last two episodes! Finally they're not just dilly dallying around doing a whole lot of nothing and singing for no reason at all.


Staff member
So they threw us a few good episodes - now come the trashy "issues" episodes - teen drinking and sex ed. - complete with plenty of shock-for-the-sake-of-shock imagery. Get ready for a return to plot-free messes. Sorry, that preview this week is practically broadcasting that the "Comeback" is over.
My wife still enjoys it for some perverse reason. I watch it with her but honestly it just makes me cringe most of the time. The Justin Beiber ep was horrible. It's hard to like or even enjoy most of the characters at this point.

Except Sue. Sue's still cool.
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