Damn it! Birthdays!

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Staff member
I missed it yesterday, but Happy Birthday, Fade!

and today:

Happy Birthday, Mav!

:hungry: Where's my damned cake?


Staff member
Thanks. I had fun. And cake. My wife let my son pick out my favorite food, according to him. Apparently it's chili cheese dogs. I got an amp for my guitar as a gift. My mother-in-law always sends me a HUGE box of Little Debbie or Drakes or Hostess cakes on my birthday. They last forever, since I like to watch my food intake and exercise and all that good stuff. But they're all mine, and I don't care how nasty anyone claims they think they are.
The irony is the amount of Star Wars references for a guy with a Star Trek avatar....

There you go!

Bah, have some cake and cut back on eating babies, that'll do the trick.
Well now you're just being ridiculous. Free-Range baby is not as high in fat as you'd think.
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